Master of Science in Nursing Leadership and Administration of Health Care Systems

Nurse mentoring a younger colleague

Master of Science in Nursing Leadership and Administration of Health Care Systems

Master of Science in Nursing Leadership and Administration of Health Care Systems

Nurse mentoring a younger colleague

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Create a Lasting Impact in Health Care with an MS in Nursing Leadership and Administration of Health Care Systems

100% Online Learning

Excelsior University’s fully online Master of Science in Nursing Leadership and Administration of Health Care Systems program empowers you to play a vital role in medical systems, take a seat at the executive table, and have an influential voice when essential decisions are made about health care.

Online courses and an individualized practice experience give you the opportunity to assume a leadership role under the guidance of an experienced mentor and prepare you to make an impact in acute care facilities, community health centers, academic institutions, information technology organizations, and the pharmaceutical industry.

The dynamic and challenging program provides a flexible way for working, bachelor’s-prepared registered nurses to earn their master’s degree and meet the needs of an evolving health care system. Become a nurse leader who can manage clinical experiences, fiscal challenges, organizational systems, and human resources, incorporating them into a strategic plan that ensures the health of your community.

Interested in earning your master’s but don’t have your BS in Nursing yet? Learn more about our dual-degree RN to MS in Nursing Leadership and Administration of Health Care Systems program.

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Start May 5

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Online MS In Nursing Leadership and Administration of Health Care Systems

  • Major Core38 Credits

Master of Science in Nursing Leadership and Administration of Health Care Systems

  • Year 1 - Term 1
    • This course focuses on the theoretical foundations of nursing practice through the exploration of nursing theories, organizational change models, and learning theories. The application of theories relevant to nursing practice will be emphasized. The examination of multiple theories and their implications on nursing knowledge development and practice will serve as a foundation for future graduate courses. In addition to the classroom discussions and written assignments, students will engage in a 1-hour practice experience that will support new understanding of professional practice. This is an 8-week 3-credit hour course requiring a minimum of 18 hours of course engagement each week (refer to the Credit Hour Calculation Policy found in the Student Handbook.) Course engagement includes student activities such as discussions, reading, study time, practice experience, and assignments.
      Active and unencumbered RN license.
      Credit Hours
      Major Requirement
  • Year 1 - Term 2
    • This course explores historical knowledge development through the examination of nursing as an art and a science. The science of nursing will be examined through the fundamental patterns of knowing and the science of knowing. The masters-prepared nurse will develop the ability to apply ethical and moral reasoning, evidence-based competencies, and leadership strategies to promote innovation and to transform nursing practice. Students will use the spirit of inquiry, combined with personal creativity, and the translation of evidence to enhance interprofessional collaboration.
      Active and unencumbered RN license. NUR502 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice.
      Credit Hours
      Major Requirement
  • Year 1 - Term 3
    • This course focuses on the development of the nurse as a role model and mentor for the translation and generation of health care evidence in clinical practice. The goals of research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement will be highlighted, and the principles of each will be applied to the clinical setting. Students will examine personal practice in relation to policy and current evidence, and explore grant writing. The integration of theory, evidence, cultural considerations, leadership, ethics, and clinical judgement when implementing change will be emphasized. The student will develop a knowledge base that will prepare them to collaborate with inter-professional teams and embrace leadership roles that initiate, implement, and evaluate innovative practice changes.
      Active and unencumbered RN license.
      Credit Hours
      Major Requirement
  • Year 1 - Term 4
    • This course examines public policy, political ideology and ethics as they shape health policy across populations. Political ideology, social and health policy are considered within the lens of population-based health and reducing health disparities. The role of the master s prepared nurse to lead and advocate within the public policy arena is explored and discussed. Contemporary issues in health policy viewed from the perspective of ethics and the social and material determinants of health are considered. A primary focus of the course is consideration and development of the knowledge and skills that the master s prepared nurse needs to be a change agent in health policy. This is an 8 week 4 credit hour course requiring a minimum of 18 hours of course engagement each week (refer to the Credit Hour Calculation Policy found in the Student Handbook.) Course engagement includes student activities such as discussions, readings, study time, and assignments.
      Active and unencumbered RN license.
      Credit Hours
      Major Requirement
  • Year 1 - Term 5
    • This course provides an overview of clinical decision support focusing on the identification, acquisition, analysis, interpretation and application of data, databases, and decision making strategies which influence health care decisions for improved health care. The course delves into knowledge management and artificial intelligence and its impact on clinical decision making and patient safety. Using a consultant s lens, the student will engage in organizational analysis to determine the best decision support system for implementation based on the needs of the clinicians within their chosen organization. Further, the student determines an implementation approach and plan, and identifies goals while evaluating the effectiveness of the selected system.
      Active and unencumbered RN license, all Nursing Phase I courses.
      Credit Hours
      Major Requirement
  • Year 1 - Term 6
    • Epidemiology has long been an integral part of disease prevention and treatment interventions. Recent pandemics have spurred interest in understanding how disease spreads and how to stop the spread. Epidemiology provides valuable insights into what makes people healthy, chronic disease prevention, and an evidence base to create and test interventions.  In this course, you will develop an understanding of disease etiology and surveillance strategies. You will learn how to use data to identify trends in morbidity and mortality, as well as how this data can inform public health policy and best practices.  
      Credit Hours
      Zero Textbook Cost
      Major Requirement
  • Year 2 - Term 1
    • In Clinical Systems Management, students explore the theoretical basis and empirical evidence supporting leadership, communication, interprofessional collaboration, and systems thinking. A focus of this course is on acquiring the knowledge, skills, and disposition for advancing practice and supporting quality and safety as leaders in healthcare systems.
      Active and unencumbered RN license, all Nursing Phase I courses.
      Credit Hours
      Major Requirement
  • Year 2 - Term 2
    • This is a course offering graduate nursing students the opportunity to focus on concepts involved in the design of a database. Specifically, we ll examine the usage, management, and evaluation of data through the application of basic concepts of database design as well as knowledge of data representation, data sets, and data integrity. Through the use of databases, critical discernment and reasoning are applied in composing queries and reports to assess healthcare problem prominence and identify solutions. Through course readings, incorporation of the ANA Nursing Informatics: Scope and Standards of Practice, discussion boards, and an individual project, students will build upon basic knowledge of data information, the data knowledge continuum, security of databases, and develop an understanding of large scale information system environments in order to understand risk, improve care delivery, and provide guidance in the integration of technology in nursing practice.
      Active and unencumbered RN license, all Nursing Phase I courses.
      Credit Hours
      Alternative Courses Available
      Major Elective
  • Year 2 - Term 3
    • The focus of Management of Fiscal and Operational Systems is to provide a foundation in the financial aspect and business strategies of health care in order to maximize organizational performance. Learners acquire knowledge and skills in developing and analyzing budgets, assessing/accessing variances, judging benchmarking, regulatory requirements, interprofessional collaboration, and forecasting future assets and revenues. This course encompasses the analysis of the environment that challenges health care organizations to maintain safe, quality patient care while shifting to meet regulatory and external requirements. The role of the masters prepared nurse, Nurse Manager, and Chief Nursing Officer in interprofessional financial planning for quality, safety, and financial stability will be addressed.
      Active and unencumbered RN license, all Nursing Phase I courses.
      Credit Hours
      Major Requirement
  • Year 2 - Term 4
    • Leadership in Organizational Systems focuses on critical examination of leadership styles, strategies, and competencies of the nurse executive in order to successfully manage the health care enterprise. It emphasizes leadership skills for strategic planning, enhancing team performance and interdisciplinary collaboration, and creating a culture of quality performance.
      Active and unencumbered RN license, all Nursing Phase I courses.
      Credit Hours
      Major Requirement
  • Year 2 - Term 5
    • The graduate nursing capstone is a culminating experience designed to provide learners with an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program of study focusing on the competencies of the graduate level nurse. This 6-credit course consists of several integrated components: discussion, reflective journal, scholarly paper, 135 practice experience hours, and project presentation. Assessment of the learner fs attainment of program competencies is built into these components. No additional hours will be awarded beyond the 135 hours. 6.00 Credits, 3 credits allotted to didactic and 3 credits to practice experience. Practice Experience: 135 hours practice experience of an independent project reviewed and approved by instructional faculty. Students will work with their approved mentor to design a leadership project, plan its implementation in detail, implement the project, and prepare a comprehensive evaluation plan for the project. Students use a qualified individual who volunteers to serve as their mentor* for their project. Participation of the mentor is subject to approval by the capstone faculty. Individual with master s degree or higher who has expertise within the designated specialization and agrees to voluntarily serve as a resource for the student. Prerequisite(s) Completion of all Phase I and Phase II courses. Active and unencumbered RN license.
      Active and unencumbered RN license. Capstone is the last course taken, and all major core courses must be completed prior to beginning the capstone. Students can only take an elective or concentration course with the capstone.
      Credit Hours
      Major Requirement

Explore Common Careers

Jessica McLavey
I truly believe the MS in Nursing Leadership and Administration at Excelsior provided me with the foundational leadership skills and knowledge I needed to be successful in my leadership career. The courses relevant to business and people management as it relates to nursing and health care taught me how to strategically think, organize, and lead. This program helped me to grow into the transformation leader that I am today.

Jessica McLavey
MS in Nursing Leadership and Administration of Healthcare Systems, 2023

Middle States Commission on Higher Education logo

Institutional Accreditation

Excelsior University is an accredited institution and a member of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE or the Commission) Excelsior University’s accreditation status is accreditation reaffirmed. The Commission’s most recent action on the institution’s accreditation status on June 23, 2022 was to reaffirm accreditation. MSCHE is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education to conduct accreditation and pre-accreditation (candidate status) activities for institutions of higher education including distance, correspondence education, and direct assessment programs offered at those institutions. The Commission’s geographic area of accrediting activities is throughout the United States.

All of Excelsior University’s academic programs are registered (i.e., approved) by the New York State Education Department.

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing logo

ACEN Accreditation

The bachelor’s and master’s nursing programs at Excelsior University are accredited by the:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326

These programs include Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing Leadership and Administration of Health Care Systems, Master of Science in Nursing Education, Master of Science in Nursing Informatics, RN to Master of Science in Nursing Leadership and Administration of Health Care Systems, RN to Master of Science in Nursing Education, and RN to Master of Science in Nursing Informatics.

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the bachelor’s nursing program in March 2019 is Continuing Accreditation.

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the master’s nursing programs in March 2019 is Continuing Accreditation.

View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding these programs at