The Registrar’s Office

Students looking for information on registration and records should contact the office of the registrar. This Office creates, maintains, and retrieves paper and electronic student records including:

  • Excelsior University transcripts
  • Enrollment
  • Course registration
  • Graduation processing
  • Letters of certification and official documents on behalf of Excelsior

The Office also verifies the authenticity of official documents submitted for evaluation.

Most work is completed within 24 hours after receiving a request. All paper documents submitted to the Office of the Registrar are electronically imaged; after six months, the original paper documents are securely destroyed.

In accordance with The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), we respect the privacy rights of student education records.

Courses FAQ

If you wish to appeal a grade of AW (administrative withdrawal) you must submit a request to the School by Tuesday, 11:59 pm Eastern Time, after notification of AW status on that Monday. The School will investigate, make a decision and send the decision no later than noon on the Friday of that week.

Where to Send Your AW Appeal:

All School of Nursing Courses:
Undergraduate Studies Courses:
Graduate Studies Courses:

Also refer to the Excelsior University Student Policy Handbook.

Students can withdraw from a course online (login required).

A signed request which includes the student’s full name, student ID number, course title, and term can also be sent to the Office of the Registrar at

Undergraduate Students

At the undergraduate level, a student may withdraw from the same course a maximum of three times. After the third withdrawal from the same course, the student is not allowed to register for the course without permission from an academic advisor. An undergraduate student may receive a maximum of six W grades in Excelsior courses (not including AW or MW). After six W grades, the student will not have the option of withdrawing from a course. The student will receive the grade that is earned for work completed and the level of achievement for that work.

The grade of “AW” is assigned when a student has been administratively withdrawn from an Excelsior course because of excessive absenteeism.

After six AW grades, the undergraduate student will be Academically Dismissed from Excelsior.

Graduate Students
At the graduate level, students are allowed to accumulate a maximum of four W grades (not including AW and MW) in Excelsior courses. After four W grades, the student will not be allowed the option to withdraw from a course. The student will receive the grade that is earned for work completed and the level of achievement for that work.

Graduate students are allowed to accumulate a maximum of four AW grades (not including W or MW). After four AW grades, the graduate student will be Academically Dismissed from Excelsior University.

Please read about refunds in our Withdrawal from a Course policy.

Final grades will be posted to your academic record on the sixth day after the term ends. If the sixth day falls on the weekend, your grades will be posted on Monday.

Enrollment FAQ

Undergraduate students are allowed to transfer within a school and between schools.

It is recommended that you discuss program/degree changes with an academic advisor prior to requesting a change.

Undergraduate degree transfer requests can be submitted online. (login required)

Requests in writing must include your signature and be sent to:

The Office of the Registrar
Excelsior University
7 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203-5159

Or you may fax your signed request to the Office of the Registrar at 518-464-8646.

Note: Students cannot transfer into a nursing degree using the online form. Health Science students may not use the online form to change their program.

With few exceptions, students wishing to transfer into or within graduate programs must apply for entrance to the program and are subject to all related fees.

Official transcripts and documents are those that a college, testing agency, or education office send directly to Excelsior’s Office of the Registrar at your request. Detailed instructions are available here.

Name Change

For information on how to change your name in our records, contact us: 888-647-2388.

Address change

Report changes in address, telephone number or email to the Office of the Registrar as soon as you know a change will take place. This notification must be in writing and should include:

  • Prior information
  • New information
  • Date the change will be effective
  • Your signature

You may also change your address, telephone number or email address online. Login is required.

It is strongly recommended that you discuss your intentions with an academic advisor prior to withdrawing from the program. Currently enrolled students who are NOT receiving Financial Aid may use the online withdrawal form. (login required)

All other withdrawal requests must be received in writing and include your signature. Send your signed request to:

The Office of the Registrar
Excelsior University
7 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203-5159

Or fax your signed request to the Office of the Registrar at 518-464-8646.

Letter of Enrollment (LOE)

A Letter of Enrollment is for students who are enrolled in an Excelsior University degree program and need verification of their enrollment. To request a Letter of Enrollment (LOE), you must submit a request via the Request for Letter form in MyExcelsior.

Graduation and Diploma FAQ

Alumni may submit a request for a replacement diploma using the Credential Request form. Further information on diploma reprints, cost and the link to the ordering form can be found here. Read more about Excelsior’s Diploma Reissuance Policy here.

Diplomas are mailed to graduates after the student’s conferral date and verification that all financial obligations have been met. Approximately two weeks after the conferral date, graduating students will receive an email notifying them their diploma has be mailed. Diplomas should arrive within two weeks from the receipt of the email for U.S. delivery. Please allow up to eight weeks for international shipments.

Alumni graduating August 2022 or later, will receive a complimentary certified electronic diploma or certificate upon degree conferral. It is an exact digital version of your physical Excelsior University diploma or certificate, using real-time, time and date stamped, fraud-proof validation. You may share as often as you wish, like sending to employers, as well as posting to social media sites like LinkedIn. Approximately two weeks after conferral, graduates will receive an email including a link to their CeDiploma or CeCertificate. Visit the digital diploma page for further information.

Excelsior University offers certified electronic credentials, known as a CeDiploma or CeCertificate. It is an exact digital version of your printed Excelsior University diploma or certificate, using real-time, time and date stamped, fraud-proof validation. You may share as often as you wish, like sending to employers, as well as posting to social media sites like LinkedIn. Visit the digital diploma page for further information and to request your credentials.

Letter of Good Standing

Excelsior University will provide of Letter of Good Standing stating if you are in good academic and disciplinary standing. You must submit a request via the Request for Letter form in MyExcelsior.

GPA Letter

You can request a GPA Letter to confirm your overall GPA.
You must submit a request via the Request for Letter form in MyExcelsior.

Mode of Study Letter

You can confirm your mode of study, such as Fulltime or Partime and/or in classroom or online by requesting a Mode of Study Letter. You must submit a request via the Request for Letter form in MyExcelsior.

Prior to requesting a Letter of Qualification or a Letter of Completion to be sent to a State Board for nursing licensure, please visit our State Authorization & Disclosure web site for more information.

Excelsior will cancel a request being sent to a State Board for nursing licensure.

Letters of Qualification (LOQ)

After you have completed degree requirements and your records have been approved, but your degree has not yet been conferred, you may request a Letter of Qualification (LOQ). You must submit a request via the Request for Letter form in MyExcelsior.

Diplomas are sent First Class mail via the United States Post Office on degree conferral provided all fees have been paid.

Letter of Completion (LOC)

After your degree has been conferred, a Letter of Completion can be sent to graduate schools or employers to verify graduation status. Although an official transcript is the more accepted means of providing this information to others, you may submit a request via the Request for Letter form in MyExcelsior provided all fees owed to Excelsior are paid in full.

Transcripts FAQ

Submit your request online (login required).

There is a $20.00 fee for each transcript requested. Transcripts are normally sent within five business days. During peak periods, it may take additional time to process your transcript request.

Additional information about registration and records:
