Vice Provost, Academic Operations and Quality

Vice Provost, Academic Operations and Quality, Stephanie Poczos | Excelsior University

Stephanie Poczos


  • EdD, Postsecondary Teaching and Learning, National Louis University
  • EdS, Educational Leadership, National Louis University
  • MAT, Secondary English, National Louis University
  • BA, Communications, University of Iowa

About Stephanie Poczos

Stephanie Poczos is the vice provost of academic operations and quality at Excelsior University. She has worked for more than 25 years to help higher education institutions serve students and solve problems around assessment, implementation, educational technology, teaching, and learning. During her tenure at Excelsior, she has led many key initiatives. Poczos and her team reorganized the entire academic affairs unit and launched many new initiatives, including increased persistence and retention, building academic governance, revising and streamlining academic policies, building program pathways, creating an internal library, and building an internal instructional design unit. Poczos also serves as a member of the transformational partnership team, working in mergers and acquisitions.

Prior to Excelsior, Poczos served as associate dean of general education and pathways at National Louis University (NLU) and was the principal designer of the signature undergraduate college. The award-winning undergraduate college is an affordable and adaptive model that provides comprehensive, personalized support and career-embedded curriculum for nontraditional students through a signature instructional model with student success coaching. She worked at NLU for more than10 years in many areas of the University, notably designing and implementing new programs, teaching, and enhancing the student experience. Prior to NLU, Poczos was the director of online learning at District 204, a 33,000-student school district, and taught high school English, often serving populations of high-need and minority students.

Poczos has contributed to the advancement of the education profession through consulting, presenting at conferences, writing journal articles, speaking at various engagements, helping with regional and programmatic accreditation, serving as a coach for the National Institute of Learning Outcomes, and working as a grant advisor.