Joint Statement from Dr. James N. Baldwin, President; Dr. David Schejbal, President-elect; and the Excelsior College Board of Trustees:
News Release
Excelsior College Announces New President
Excelsior College Thanks Police Officers
Excelsior College Changes to Virtual Commencement Event on July 10
Excelsior College Partners with Tarrant County College (TCC) to Expand College Access in Texas
Excelsior College Thanks Health Care Workers
Excelsior College Named Graduating and Transfer University for
Excelsior College and Partner to Improve College Access for Busy Working Adults
New Initiative at Excelsior College Will Help Stopout Students Complete Their Degree
Excelsior College Welcomes New Members to Board of Trustees
Excelsior College Partners with Kentucky Community and Technical College System & More Than 70 Campuses
Excelsior College Partners with Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center to Provide Nursing Education & CPNE Site