Course Feature: Tech 230: Technology and Society
The synergistic relationship of technology and society spans from the age of early man with the invention of simple tools, to the 15th century with the invention of the printing press, to modern times with the computer. TECH 230: Technology and Society covers technological change from historical, artistic, and philosophical perspectives and its effect on human needs and concerns. Students will particularly study the causes and consequences of technological change and evaluate the implications of technology.
Bei Liu, a Business & Technology faculty member, explains TECH 230 is one of the core components in the arts and sciences, and covers a wide range of topics related to the social sciences, technology, information technology, history, and communications. Students in the Bachelor of Professional Studies in Technology Management and the Associate in Applied Science in Technical Studies programs would particularly benefit from the course, but Liu says, “I think many students should be interested in this course because of the fun topics this course covers.”
Students who take this course are able to: differentiate the major technological innovations that have shaped modern society; illustrate the role technology has played in the evolution of social advancements; identify key figures in the development of technology; and examine causal relationships that spring from any technological change. Students are also able to explain the link between technology and the natural world; categorize major historical and technological influences on society; interpret technology’s impact in key areas of life such as medicine, warfare, and education; analyze the impact of inventions and inventors and their effects on society; and distinguish between technological advancement and societal progress. Through this course, students also improve their research and writing skills.
Liu says students are especially interested in this course because it includes cutting-edge information. It seems students agree; comments range from “I did learn some cool things about technology and society” to “the class is very informative and promotes group participation.”
Consider signing up for Tech 230: Technology and Society next semester to learn about the fascinating evolution of technology and its effects on human society.