Excelsior College Employees Say Thanks by Giving

Thanksgiving is a perfect time of year to reflect on being grateful. At Excelsior College, the opportunity for employees to volunteer time, donate money, and collect items for those in need is something employees appreciate.
During 2019, employees contributed to many causes. Highlights include:
- For the annual Excelsior Cares Week in April, 120 Excelsior College employees completed 17 community projects in the Capital Region and beyond.
- In September, employees and the College contributed more than $4,000 to Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and many employees volunteered at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks in Albany and Glens Falls.
- Through the College’s Volunteer Time Off benefit, employees contributed more than 430 volunteer hours during the workday, helping 52 civic organizations. (see chart)
For the upcoming holiday season, we look forward to once again participating in preparations for the Annual Equinox Thanksgiving Day Community Dinner and collection drives for the Albany County Adopt a Family program, Toys for Tots, and Things of My Very Own.