Jeri Hallberg Harmon, Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts, 2000

Jeri Hallberg Harmon of El Paso, Texas, earned a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts in 2000. She shares, “I was eligible for graduate school, received increased pay, and completed my master’s program. This allowed me to enter the University Teacher Alternative Certification program. I taught Medical Assisting students and was in charge of all nonclinical basic college classes, enabling medical assisting students to obtain their Allied Health degrees. From 2013 to 2016, I served on the Texas State Advisory Board for the Training and Certification of Community Health Workers, representing Health Regions 9 and 10 in far west Texas. I created after-school programs focused on STEM, Aerospace, and Aviation for children at Krupp and Sandoval public housing units. As the community liaison for at-risk youth in El Paso, Texas, I implemented the Sebring Aviation and Life Skills program, which ensured students’ reading and math levels increased by one to three grade levels within eight weeks. An additional one-year mentorship and guidance program for school success followed the initial eight weeks. Comparative baseline and program finish Texas Assessment of Basic Education (TABE) results proved skill levels increased as predicted. Additionally, I implemented and completed the MCEC and Texas Education Agency Purple STAR school designation for Harmony School of Innovation. Thanks, Excelsior! God bless all our military.”