Nagelsmith to Make Women and Leadership Presentation

The 60th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place March 14 – 24 at the UN Headquarters and surrounding venues in New York City. This year, Laurie Nagelsmith, PhD, associate dean for the School of Health Sciences, will present at a parallel event with two of her colleagues on the board of directors of Sigma Theta Tau International (*STTI) Honor Society of Nursing and Excelsior College will be recognized as a supporter of the event. The title of the presentation is “Empowering Women through Leadership Development” and will focus on economic, political and social barriers existing in varying degrees worldwide that impact the ability of women and girls to reach their full potential and to achieve gender equity. Leadership development through collaboration, education, networking and mentoring are strategies that have potential to break cycles of inequity and internalized oppression by enhancing opportunities for quality education, decent work, and achieving acceptable levels of well-being. This presentation will discuss these strategies for leadership development, and provide examples and results that impact good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality and decent work and economic growth for women.
*STTI is a non-governmental organization with the Department of Public Health Information with Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council in the areas of nursing and global health