Q&A with Jennifer Sedelmeyer

About Jennifer Sedelmeyer

Jennifer Sedelmeyer is an adjunct instructor with Excelsior University and SUNY Broome Community College where she teaches computer science courses. Her love of computers and technology stems from her childhood, and she remembers tinkering with a model train set. Sedelmeyer earned an Associate in Applied Science from SUNY Broome Community College and a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science from Binghamton University.

At Excelsior, Sedelmeyer teaches IT 210 Object Oriented Programming and IT 240 Introduction to Programming. These are both important and beneficial courses for IT professionals just starting out or wanting to refresh their Java knowledge.

We asked Sedelmeyer about her courses, serving on the Information Technology Faculty Advisory Committee, and what she brings to the online classroom. Check out her answers below.

Q&A with Jennifer Sedelmeyer

Q: Can you describe the courses that you teach at Excelsior?
A: I teach IT 210, which is the Java class and IT 240, which is C++ programming. They’re both intro classes, so you can come in with no knowledge of programming and we get you started.

Q: What do you hope your students gain from your courses?
A: I want them to gather a lot of knowledge. I have students that range from age 12 to 91. So, they’re all different age brackets, and I want them to enjoy programming. I love it [programming], and I would like them to, but if they don’t love it, at least have an appreciation for it.

Q: What’s your favorite part about teaching your courses?
A: I like it when that light bulb goes off and the students then understand it and go, “Oh yeah, I see it.” I see that all the time, and after almost 35 years, I still see it and I’m still happy with it.

Q: What is your role on the Information Technology Faculty Advisory Committee?
A: The committee helps to decide changes in the curriculum and/or changes in the content of a course. We meet three times a year…we decide what courses we should add depending on current industry trends. Also, [we decide] any requirements for transfer credits and/or prerequisites. We get input from all over to see if our classes have the material that’s needed, and we make any changes.

Q: With your knowledge and experience, what do you bring to the Information Technology Faculty Advisory Committee?
A: I have been teaching at SUNY Broome Community College for 34 years. I can bring in that perspective—what knowledge the community college or two-year school students have coming into Excelsior. I also have a programming background, so I can help with that topic.

Q: What new ideas do you have for curriculum development, as far as IT and programming courses?
A: We always try to stay current with whatever technology trends. For example, we have changed the programming language for the introduction to programming course.