We need role models

Consider these facts…women make up over 50% of the current workforce, and outnumber males in attaining college degrees. However, only about 26% of STEM positions are held by women, and even worse, only about 11-13% of the workforce in cybersecurity are women. There are numerous documented reasons for the paucity of females in STEM/IT/Cyber, and there are many suggestions as to how this imbalance can be dealt with.
One of the suggestions is to highlight women that have been successful and use them as role models for those making their way through our learning institutions to emulate. What follows is a list of female corporate executives that have made it to the top of the ladder, many in the tech industries. Granted, the list isn’t as long as it should be, but it does demonstrate to the up and coming that with perseverance, anything is possible.
Learn more about Women and Minorities in Cybersecurity at the National Cybersecurity Institute.
List retrieved from the Internet at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_women_CEOs_of_Fortune_500_companies