What does your email username say about you?
Remember when it was fun and necessary to be creative with a user name? It may have even been a competition. Let us remind you of some creations that we may have seen in the last two decades: AnGelgurl4Life, Aquagirl007, cutemomma0f3, or how about 2fast4u81?
While these are fun, catchy, and may even speak to us, they can come across as unprofessional to others. Think about how hiring managers would react to your email address when your resume pops into their in boxes. What do you think their first reaction would be? Here are some good thoughts for creating a professional user name that will help you to create a good first impression:
- Create an email that includes your first and last name with a number. You can also use a combination of these, for example an initial and number would also work.
- Another benefit to using your name is that the receiver will automatically know who you are and would not have to search the message for your information.
- Think of Jane Doe. What would be a good email for her? JaneDoe12@….com, DoeJ@….com, or DoeJane1@….com would all suffice. We’re sure you could come up with many other combinations as well.
So we challenge you to take a look at your email. What would make it more professional? Does it include your name? Does it have the potential to make someone think differently of you? Don’t miss out on an opportunity due to an email user name that is just plain silly.
Your Student Success Coaches,
Savannah & Hannah