When will I see my grades and receive an updated MAP?

If you have just completed your first, next, or last(!) course through Excelsior, you may be anxious to know when your MAP will be updated. You know your grades….but when will your record reflect them? Below are some guidelines you can keep in mind prior to contacting your advising team!
- Instructors have approximately one week from the time courses end to submit their final grades. Your advising team will not have access to your grades until they have been imported into Excelsior’s student information system. (As an example, our current Spring I term (8 weeks) ends on February 28, so your grades should be in our computer system around March 7.)
- Advisors generally have two weeks to update your MAP from the time your grades are received.
- Please remember that the exact turnaround time may vary, especially during peak times of the year!
- You will see your updated MAP under the “Official Evaluation” link located at the top right of the My Details tab in your MyExcelsior account.
- Your official updated evaluation will include your grades, how your credits are applied, your Excelsior grade point average, and your overall grade point average.
As always, if you have questions after receiving your updated MAP, please be sure to contact your advisor for clarification!