Graduate Certificate in Cybersecurity Operations

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9 Credits
3 Courses
6 Months
Program Duration
Start May 5
Courses start every 8 weeks
Laurel is a senior technology executive with over 25 years of experience. She has extensive experience managing network security and has successfully audited and remediated for regulatory and legal compliance, including HIPPA, Sarbanes Oxley, and PCI.
My cybersecurity focus is on strategy, governance and overall program development and operation. My passion is helping others achieve their career goals and with cybersecurity being top of mind for company leaders these days, we need all the skilled practitioners we can develop.
I teach and design cybersecurity curriculum that focuses on current, real-world and in-demand certifications and courses that will help students obtain employment quickly.
Dustin Van Dame participated in the National Cyber League, the cybersecurity competition that uses defensive and offensive puzzle-based and capture-the-flag style challenges. Van Dame’s team, Excelsior_FTW, achieved 84.11% accuracy, and Van Dame says the competition helped him decide that he was making the right decision for his career.
Career Outlooks
Information Security Analyst
Plan and implement security measures to protect an organization’s information systems.
Average Yearly Salary:$102,600
Career Outlooks
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
Manage teams to monitor and maintain the security of an organization's IT infrastructure.
Average Yearly Salary:$250,000
Your Career
Can't Wait
Career Outlooks
Information Systems Auditor
Evaluate information system standards, procedures, security, backup, and more.
Average Yearly Salary:$76,000
Career Outlooks
Build secure networks and infrastructure to protect from cyber-attacks. Read more.
Average Yearly Salary:$101,000
Career Outlooks
Cybersecurity Operations Engineer
Work to prevent cyber threats from becoming incidents.
Average Yearly Salary:$$100,000
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