Jeff Ketcham, Bachelor of Science in Health Science, 2023

Jeff Ketcham of Augusta, Georgia, earned a Bachelor of Science in Health Science in 2023. He shares, “I was excited to take this journey, knowing that my degree completion would make me a little more valuable than some of my peers in the Army. Everyone works and goes to school at some point, some work more than one job, or come home to a family hyped up on caffeine after a 13-hour day. My family motivated me to be better, to push harder, to make myself stand out when we all dress and act the same in the Army. I started my journey in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. I took a couple classes, worked a full-time job and dealt with part-time military training each month. Eventually I got more excited knowing this degree was half completed. I had long days ahead, 12– to 16-hour workdays then do some schoolwork online or on my phone as we spent hours driving around after our workload was done for the day. I completed my degree, was recognized as an alumnus, and it made my wife decide to start her path towards her associate degree. We have been together for 22 years, our oldest daughter finished her BS in December 2023, so why not push ourselves and each other for bigger and better challenges… after all, we didn’t die trying harder. Thank you, Excelsior.”