Sasha Frate, MA in Liberal Arts, 2015

Air Force veteran Sasha Frate, of Portland, OR, is the owner and editor in chief of “Face the Current Magazine,” a multi award-winning aspirational lifestyle publication covering international content in travel, culture and arts, music, sports and fitness, and health. Read in more than 56 countries and with 750,000 monthly reach, the magazine is available online via the website and on ISSUU, as well as on Amazon’s U.S. and U.K. newsstands. Frate’s purpose-driven company aims to create a ripple effect of positive change in the world by illuminating stories of extraordinary examples of people, brands, and experiences to provide fuel to inspire people to live with purpose.
Frate’s company was recently honored with several industry awards including: #1 Best Print Magazine in a 7-state region of the Western US, #1 in Magazine Inserts, , the National Premier Print Award of Recognition by Printing Industries of America, and October’s Publisher of the Month on ISSUU.