Online Graduate Research Symposium 2022
Thursday, September 15, 2022
1:00 to 5:00 pm ET
Call For Proposals
The call for proposals for Excelsior University’s third annual Graduate Research Symposium opens on June 1, 2022. All graduate students and recent alumni are welcome to submit a proposal based on research papers, projects, or other major course assignments that have involved extensive research into your discipline’s literature and evidence base.
Symposium Mission
To offer a transformative, empowering student experience which is intellectually stimulating and professionally enriching.
Excelsior University’s Graduate Research Symposium is an opportunity for graduate students to present their research to a diverse audience across several disciplines, including health sciences, business, cybersecurity, nursing, criminal justice, and public service. The conference will include presentations based on research completed in courses or completed independently from courses. The conference will also feature a distinguished keynote speaker.
The symposium theme for 2022 is:
From Research to the Real World
Proposal Guidelines
Please be sure that your submission follows the guidelines based on the symposium format described below and that you review a sample abstract.
- Individuals will have 15 minutes each for their presentation with 5 minutes for questions and answers.
- Content that integrates the critical issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice will always be considered a plus in the submission evaluation process.
Submit Your Proposal Online
Review of Proposals
Each proposal will be reviewed by at least two faculty program directors from the School of Graduate Studies and School of Nursing. Proposals will be reviewed anonymously. The proposals will be rated as: accept, accept with minor revisions, or reject. Where minor revisions are required, applicants will have the opportunity to revise and resubmit their proposal. The reviewers’ decision will be final. Where appropriate, proposals should be in accordance with campus/organizational policies for research involving human participants.
Proposals must be received no later than July 31, 2022 to be considered for review. Applicants will be notified of their submission’s status by August 1, 2022.
Awards and Recognition
The Ever Upward prize will be awarded to the best presentation at the symposium. All accepted presentations will automatically be considered for this award.
Presentations will be judged on the following criteria:
- Clarity of main research question outlining the student’s approach to the topic
- Importance of research to student’s profession
- The extent to which the paper exhibits consideration of the relevant theoretical and empirical literature
- The extent to which the paper makes a conceptual or empirical contribution to the student’s profession
Availability of Mentors
Faculty in the School of Graduate Studies and School of Nursing are available to serve as mentors to students who have had their proposals accepted for presentation. See below for an overview of mentors’ role.
1. Having a discussion with students about developing presentations,
2. Identifying key points to make in the presentation, following requirements in the call for proposals,
3. Facilitating at least two rehearsals of the presentation with the student, providing constructive feedback.