10 Reasons Why an Information Technology Degree Is Worth It

Over the past few decades, information technology (IT) has pervaded just about every industry imaginable. Today, you’d be hard-pressed to find a field that didn’t rely on the principles of IT to at least some degree.

If you have an interest in computers, data, and information, then a career in IT may be right for you. Since IT plays a role just about everywhere, you can find a niche that best serves your interests. But before you can start working in IT, you’ll want some formal education in the form of an information technology degree.

What Is an Information Technology Degree?

Most employers hiring for IT-related positions want applicants with at least a bachelor’s degree in information technology. While it is possible to pursue some basic IT certifications and learn about IT without a formal education, the reality is that completing a formal degree program will help prepare you for work in the field.

There are different types of IT degrees, but the most common is a four-year Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. This kind of program typically consists of around 120 credit hours, with courses covering such topics as:

  • programming
  • database management
  • operating systems and computer systems
  • data communications
  • networking
  • system administration
  • web design and development
  • project management

With a degree in IT, you can pursue a number of career options. Some of the most common jobs among graduates with IT degrees include security coordinator, network architect, network administrator, and IT support technician.

What You Will Learn in an IT Degree Program

What you’ll take away from an IT degree program depends on the specific program in which you enroll as well as on the classes you take and any concentrations you decide upon. In general, however, a bachelor’s degree in IT prepares you to apply practical skills and practices in an information technology position. You’ll learn how to use common computer programming languages (such as Python and Java), design digital products with user experience (UX) in mind, maintain secure data systems, manage networks of computer systems, and much more.

The Importance of IT in Today’s World

There’s no overstating the importance of the IT field in today’s ever-changing sphere of computing, cybersecurity, and data management. With more data being shared and more connected devices across the globe, companies of all sizes rely on information technology professionals to keep data safe, keep systems running, and ensure reliable communication.

Why Information Technology Is a Good Career

As you can see, there’s a lot you can take away from an IT program—and even more you can do with an IT degree. So, what makes information technology such a solid career choice in today’s economy and job market? Let’s explore the key advantages of working in the IT field.

High Demand for IT Professionals

For starters, there’s a growing demand for experienced and knowledgeable IT professionals in just about every industry. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the computer and information technology field is expected to increase much faster than the average growth for all occupations between 2022 and 2032. If you’re looking for a career with a high level of demand and job security, this is a great option.

Competitive Salaries

Those working in IT tend to get paid competitive salaries. Although the exact pay varies depending on your location, job title, and other factors, according to the BLS, the median annual wage for computer and information technology occupations in 2022 was $100,530. That’s more than double the annual median wage for all occupations, which hovered around $46,300 in 2022. Some positions in this field, such as computer and information research scientists, can make even more at a median salary of greater than $136,000.

Diverse Career Opportunities

One of the biggest draws of a career in IT is the range of different job opportunities available. Whether you’re more interested in the cybersecurity side of things or prefer working as a system administrator, there are dozens of areas of expertise within this field. Meanwhile, because all industries rely on IT to some extent, you can choose what type of business you’d like to work for, or even work as a freelance IT professional.

Constant Tech Advancements

The IT field is not one that remains stagnant for long, which is ideal if you enjoy constantly learning new things and picking up new skills. To be successful in IT, you’ll need to stay on top of the latest and greatest innovations and advancements; there’s never a dull day in this dynamic line of work.

Job Security and Stability

Because there is such a high demand for skilled IT professionals (with demand only expected to grow over the next decade or so), those working in the field enjoy a high level of job security and stability. This may be welcome news to many, especially considering that today’s economy and job market aren’t always stable.

Opportunities for Innovation

If you aspire to be an innovator in your field, then working in IT is an excellent option because there are ample opportunities for invention and innovation in this exciting industry. From coming up with new ways to address emerging cybersecurity threats to designing new databases and more, the IT field is continually growing and improving.

Global Career Prospects

There is a high demand for knowledgeable IT experts in the U.S., but it doesn’t end there. Across the globe, companies are looking to hire IT professionals in large numbers. If you desire a career with the potential opportunity to live and work outside the United States, IT could be a wise choice.

Can Earn Your Degree Online

Unlike other degree programs that need to be pursued on campus, there are many ways to earn an information technology degree online. This is ideal for those who may have busy schedules or otherwise be unable to physically commit to attending on-campus classes. With an online degree program, you can complete your formal education without putting the rest of your life on hold.

Flexible Work Environment

IT professionals also enjoy a great deal of flexibility in their work. Some are freelancers who essentially create their own schedules and work on their own terms. Even those who are hired at a company may benefit from the ability to work from home or keep hours that cooperate with their unique schedules.

Personal Fulfillment

IT jobs can be hard work yet extremely rewarding. If you enjoy the satisfaction of working through a challenge and knowing you’re making a difference at the end of the day, this could be a fulfilling career path for you.

Is an IT Degree Worth It?

So, is an information technology degree worth it? Ultimately, this depends on your interests, career goals, and other factors. But if you’re interested in a career in information technology (or a related field), taking the time to earn a formal degree is almost always worth it. It will set you apart from many others in the field who are self-taught or may only have a basic certificate.

Most employers prefer a minimum of a bachelor’s degree for entry-level to mid-level IT positions. For certain higher-level positions, a master’s degree may even be required. Regardless, a formal degree will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge that not only set you apart on paper but also prepare you for the realities of working in this specialized field.

Earn Your IT Degree from Excelsior University

There is no shortage of undergraduate IT degree programs out there. However, if you’re looking for a quality Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program that’s offered exclusively online, Excelsior University has you covered. Our fully online degree program includes courses on important IT topics such as system administration, computer security, database management, and more. In addition, our program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, and Excelsior is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

If you’re interested in learning more about Excelsior University’s online Bachelor of Science in IT program (or any other program offered), get in touch to request information today. Ready to get started on the path to your degree? Begin your online application!

Why an MBA Is Worth the Investment

For some professionals, business school has always been part of the plan. They knew that they wanted to pursue a Master of Business Administration after they gained a bit of experience in their chosen industry.

For others, their career path took an unexpected turn, and they realized that an MBA was the step they needed to take to pursue new or advanced positions.

Anyone considering an MBA knows that it requires a commitment of both time and resources, so it’s important to understand the benefits of earning an MBA.

How Long Does It Take to Earn an MBA?

One of the most common questions that prospective students ask is, “How long is an MBA degree program?” Ultimately, the amount of time it takes to earn an MBA varies based on the type of MBA you choose as well as the format that you prefer. For example, a traditional full-time MBA program takes about two years to complete. However, there are accelerated MBA programs available that can be completed in as little as one year. Students who opt to pursue a part-time MBA program can personalize their course load and may take anywhere from three to five years to graduate.

When Should You Get an MBA?

There is no right or wrong time to begin pursuing an MBA. Some students begin graduate-level business school immediately after earning a bachelor’s degree, but most MBA alumni started their program several years into their careers. Some programs even require prospective MBA students to have a few years of professional experience. No matter where you are in your career trajectory, if you are looking to elevate your career and customize your career path, then now is the right time to earn your MBA.

Types of MBA Programs

As you begin to consider your career goals and decide if an MBA is worthwhile, you will want to understand the various types of MBA programs available:


The most common type of MBA program is the traditional full-time option. Students who are enrolled in a full-time MBA program may take the full two years to complete. While it’s a time-intensive commitment, many students enroll in a traditional MBA program while also working full-time.


A part-time MBA program is a popular option among students balancing current work responsibilities and personal obligations. A part-time program can be completed in as little as three years, or as many as five years. With a part-time program, you can select the number of courses you take at a given time.


An online MBA program offers students the same high-quality education they would earn in a traditional, in-person program, yet they are able to complete their coursework online. This type of virtual learning experience has become increasingly common and is now the preferred choice of many modern learners. An online MBA program can be completed within one to five years, depending on your course load. It is the most flexible and versatile MBA program option.

Specialized MBA

A specialized MBA typically combines the core coursework of a traditional MBA program with a specialized curriculum that allows you to gain expertise in a niche sector of business. Some of the most common MBA specializations include finance, healthcare management, and marketing.

Executive MBA

An executive MBA program is a unique option for professionals who have been working in their chosen field for 10 years or more. It is designed to take managers and senior-level professionals to the executive level, with coursework that primarily focuses on leadership development and advanced business topics. When you are enrolled full-time, the program takes about two years to complete.

Why Get an MBA?

When you are committing a significant amount of time and financial resources to business school, it’s only natural to wonder if the return on investment will be worth it. Most MBA alumni would agree that their degree allowed them to pursue new opportunities and ultimately increased their earning potential, but these are a few additional reasons why you should consider an MBA:

Career Advancement Opportunities

Earning an MBA can open the door to a range of new professional opportunities. Whether you are hoping to secure that coveted promotion at your existing company or are looking to advance to a senior-level position at another organization, you will find that your MBA improves your career prospects. According to Indeed, MBA graduates frequently find work as executives and senior managers within their chosen field.

Leadership Skill Development

While the bulk of the MBA curriculum centers around advanced business topics, much of the coursework also works to naturally hone students’ leadership skills. An MBA program is designed to generate leaders within the business world, and according to the Harvard Business Review, students have an opportunity to improve their cultural awareness, become more empathetic, and better manage a team.

Increased Salary Potential

Completing an MBA program can significantly boost your earning potential. MBA graduates are more qualified for senior-level positions that offer a higher salary, and organizations tend to value an MBA more highly than a bachelor’s degree or associate degree. According to Coursera, the median starting salary of MBA graduates is about $115,000, compared to a starting salary of about $65,000 for those with a bachelor’s degree.

Better Understanding of Business Practices

Whether you work in the finance sector or are pursuing a career in marketing, an MBA program can give you advanced knowledge and expert insight into the most dynamic business practices. Throughout your program, you may explore topics such as:

  • Executive communication
  • Economics
  • Effective management
  • Data-based strategy development
  • Entrepreneurship

Regardless of your industry or position, this foundation of business knowledge may allow you to grow and thrive personally and professionally as you advance your career.

Personal Satisfaction

No matter which type of MBA program you pursue, business school can be a challenging and invigorating experience. By the time you earn your degree, you can have enjoyed a tremendous sense of personal satisfaction—this is a major milestone in your life, and you deserve to feel proud of your accomplishment. This personal satisfaction often fuels students through the rigorous days of studying and collaborating with their peers to earn their degree.

Expand Your Professional Network

An often-overlooked advantage of an MBA program is its ability to help you to organically expand your professional network. Throughout your program, you have the option of meeting professors who have significant experience in the business world as well as peers who are working in various fields. All these contacts can play a valuable role in your network and could possibly connect you to your next big opportunity.

Gain Entrepreneurial Skills

Throughout your MBA coursework, you might not only be acquiring newfound knowledge about the most important business practices and trends today, but also developing entrepreneurial skills. Skills such as strategy development, sales strategy, and social media marketing can help you enhance your career.

Acquire a Global Business Perspective

It doesn’t matter if you are currently working at a local start-up or a major corporation, the business world is becoming more globalized by the minute. An MBA program offers an opportunity to develop an increased sense of cultural awareness and global business perspective that prepares you to better connect, collaborate, and create with professionals from around the world. Many MBA programs today are prioritizing diversity, inclusivity, and cultural awareness, helping to shape the empathetic and responsible business leaders of tomorrow.

Is an MBA Worth It?

Deciding to move forward with an MBA program is a personal decision, but most MBA graduates find that the effort is well worth it. Consider the  online Master of Business Administration  program at Excelsior University. Our flexible curriculum, combined with our extensive network of support for our students, could uniquely position you for professional success.

Request more information about our online MBA program today.

Darlene Reijers, Associate in Applied Science in Nursing, 2022

Darlene Reijers, of Bridgewater, New Jersey, earned an Associate in Applied Science in Nursing from Excelsior University (then Excelsior College) in 2022. Reijers shares, “I am so blessed to have finally finished my nursing RN degree. I would have never been able to complete a full-time traditional nursing program. The online classes at Excelsior and the support I received from the staff made it possible for me to achieve my RN. As a single mom with five children, it was not easy. I would study late at night after the children went to sleep and schedule my exams at a pace and time that was convenient for me. It was not an overwhelming experience, and classes were affordable (while working a full-time job and managing the household). I am forever grateful for this college and this experience, and blessed with a better job to provide care for my family!”

Mark Hoover, AS in Liberal Arts, 2007; BS in Criminal Justice, 2008

Mark Hoover, of Virginia, earned an Associate of Science in Liberal Arts and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Excelsior University (then Excelsior College) in 2007 and 2008, respectively. Graduating from Excelsior enabled him to become a U.S. diplomat and special agent, as well as work in the California Legislature and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, and travel the world. Hoover and his family have lived in the Middle East, South America, and Africa. He has advised U.S. ambassadors and protected members of Congress, the secretary of state, the Queen of Jordan, vice chairman of the Republic of China, and other high-level dignitaries.

Since graduating from Excelsior, Hoover has earned an MBA, Master of Science in war planning, and a post-graduate degree in educational leadership. He is on track to graduate with a doctorate in education.

He is an assistant professor in the Master of Public Safety program at the University of Virginia and the director of the National Criminal Justice Command College, a collaborative partnership between UVA and the Virginia State Police.

He shares, “I credit Excelsior’s flexible program for adult learners with helping me get to where I am today.”

Excelsior University faculty member Danielle Beasley featured at Nursing World Conference

BOSTON — Danielle Beasley, Ph.D., R.N., RNC-OB, CNE, newly appointed department chair for the School of Nursing at Excelsior University, addressed a global audience of health care professionals as a featured speaker at the 2023 Nursing World Conference. Held as a hybrid event based in Boston on Oct. 16, 17, and 18, the seventh annual Nursing World Conference brought together more than 180 presenters and thousands of participants from around the world.

Beasley’s presentation shared insights to improve completion rates in online graduate nursing programs by fostering engagement among students. Throughout her extensive career and in her current role at nonprofit distance learning institution Excelsior University, Beasley has developed an approach that addresses the unique challenges of online education through a series of effective strategies designed to decrease attrition, including clear communication, interactive and collaborative learning opportunities, and personalized support services. The discussion provided Nursing World Conference attendees with direct guidance and examples intended to be put into practice immediately following the presentation.    

“It’s an honor representing Excelsior University at the Nursing World Conference and sharing my experience with such a broad cross-section of peers,” said Beasley. “The tens of thousands of Excelsior nursing graduates serving their communities prove the power of nontraditional learning, and I’m proud to present some of the innovative strategies that can help other higher education institutions strengthen their online programming.”

Beasley has received numerous awards as an academic leader bestowed by students and faculty during her 19 years of nursing. Beasley graduated with her R.N. degree from Pasco-Hernando State College in 2004, then earned a Master of Science in Nursing Education from Walden University in 2014, and a doctorate in Nursing Sciences from The University of Florida in 2019. Her extensive nursing career has focused on maternal-child nursing, specifically obstetrics. Beasley’s research includes antepartum and postpartum depression, preeclampsia, and postpartum hemorrhage. She has presented her research nationally and internationally. Beasley is certified in Inpatient Obstetric Nursing by the National Certification Corporation and credentialed as a Certified Nurse Educator by the National League for Nursing. Beasley is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, and Southern Nursing Research Society.  

For more information about Excelsior University’s nursing program, click here.

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Media Contact Excelsior University:
Jason Bonafide, jbonafide@excelsior.edu, 518-608-8446

Excelsior University is an accredited, not-for-profit online institution focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. Excelsior contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity.  

8 In-Demand Cyber Careers

The headlines have been ringing the alarm for years. Widening technical skill gaps have created a forecasted cybersecurity industry shortage of, quite literally, millions of unfilled jobs. Meanwhile, cyberattacks show no sign of slowing down and organizations are scrambling to secure the trained professionals they need to keep valuable information secure.

Clearly, there’s no better time to think about making cybersecurity your next career move, especially if you have a background in IT and are an adaptable, curious problem solver who thrives on a challenge.

Cybersecurity Careers

One look at the list of cybersecurity job postings reveals just how broad the field is. There is a need for a robust cybersecurity workforce in nearly every industry, and cyber professionals can pursue a variety of career paths. Finding the right one for you depends on your strengths, experience, and education.

Here are eight of some of the most in-demand jobs in cybersecurity today to help you decide which career could be your perfect fit.

Penetration Tester

Penetration testing is the process of simulating cyberattacks to identify weak spots in an organization’s technology infrastructure and then proposing solutions to strengthen them. Penetration testing helps organizations fine-tune their procedures and is an important way for companies that handle sensitive or financial data to stay compliant with regulations.

Technology advances quickly, and so do a hacker’s sophisticated tricks. Penetration testers need to be nimble and creative thinkers with excellent organizational ability to stay one step ahead.

Learn more about becoming a penetration tester.

Cybercrime Investigator

A cybercrime investigator is a highly skilled and specially trained investigator who works with cybersecurity and police teams once a cyberattack has been committed to collect evidence to help solve the crime. These special investigators analyze computer systems and networks, recover data that was destroyed or damaged, gather evidence and computer network information, prepare reports, and train law enforcement on cyber-related issues.

Learn more about what a cybercrime investigator does.

Incident Response Analyst

An incident response analyst’s main goal is to protect their organization’s network and computer systems. They work with the cybersecurity and information technology teams to repair damage when a crisis occurs. Incident response analysts are also responsible for finding new and better ways to protect the organization’s systems and are constantly researching new ideas and ways to prevent cyberattacks from occurring.

Depending on the organization, incident response analysts are likely to monitor systems in multiple locations all over the United States or even the world.

Find out how to become an incident response analyst.

Cybersecurity Operations Engineer

Cybersecurity operations engineers make sure data, personal information, and software are protected against all cyber threats. While many members of IT teams help fix a cyberattack after it has occurred, security operations engineers work to prevent threats before they become incidents.

Cybersecurity operations engineers are highly technical specialists whose responsibilities include maintaining security policies at the points of access to a clients’ networks, working with different vendors to ensure network access and security requirements are met, as well as researching, developing, and testing software.

Read more about the role of cyber security engineers.

SOC Analyst

Large organizations have security operation centers that are charged with monitoring and protecting an organization’s assets. Within these centers are security operations center (SOC) analysts. They investigate potential cyberattacks, while examining traffic and user logs. SOC analysts work as a team, using a network of sensors and security tools, and monitoring equipment to stop potential cyberattacks.

Among the entire team, SOC analysts provide 24-hour, 7-days-a-week, 365-days-a-year protection and immediate response capabilities. Each analyst might have a specific role or have many responsibilities, depending on the organization where they are employed.

Learn more about how to become an SOC analyst.

Information Systems Auditor

Information systems auditors, or certified information systems auditors (CISA), are professionals who ensure IT systems are appropriately managed and are functioning properly. IT auditors perform audits on the general IT structure of an organization, its application controls, and its system security, as well as perform risk assessments.

To advance in this position you must pass certification as designated by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA).

Read more about the role of an information systems auditor.

Cyber Compliance Analyst

A compliance analyst helps ensure an organization complies with all laws, regulations, and standards related to information security. The role is part of an organization’s risk management strategy and involves meeting various measures and controls, usually set in place by a regulatory authority, to protect a company’s data.

Depending on what industry a compliance analyst enters, some of their job duties may look different. For example, those in health care looks at medial compliance issues, such as those associated with HIPPA. In the financial sector, analysts might look at auditing expenses and accounting practices.

Find out more about what a cyber compliance analyst does.

Chief Information Security Officer

A chief information security officer, or CISO, is responsible for maintaining the security of information technology and computer systems for any company. CISOs are a part of the leadership team that collaborates with other officers, business managers, and IT managers to effectively monitor and maintain the security of their organization’s computers, websites, applications, networks, and databases.

Across all industries, CISO positions are a necessity; whether you work in higher education, health care, fashion, ad management, or other industries, this position is essential to the success of a company.

Find out about how to become a CISO.

7 Entry-Level IT Careers

Technology is a growing industry. Having an information technology degree means you can be part of this growing field and can be sure you will have a financially stable career. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for those employed in the computer and information technology fields was $85,000 as of 2019.

To enter the information technology field, you must make sure you have the necessary knowledge and education. This includes knowledge in operating systems, coding, UI/UX, cloud computing, and other computer technologies. You should also earn a degree in computer science or a related field. While it’s true that you may only need an associate degree to enter the world of IT, most employers prefer employees have a bachelor’s degree.

Excelsior University’s ABET-accredited Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program helps you develop expertise in subjects including software and development, computer systems, database management, network communication, cybersecurity, system administration, human-computer interaction, and project management.

Once you have a higher degree, you are well-prepared to apply for one of the many entry-level IT jobs.

Information Technology Careers

IT Support Technician

An IT support technician is responsible for using their knowledge to help customers with technical computer problems. They work in a variety of industries, including telecommunications, finance, data processing, computer design, higher education, health care, and more. They often help install, troubleshoot, test, and maintain hardware and software such as security systems, internet networks, and computer systems. They also help customers understand their computer problems so they can recognize and address them in the future.
Read more about how to become an IT support technician.

Network Technician

Network technicians analyze, test, and evaluate existing network systems. They implement, maintain, and repair computer networks for the organization for which they work. While the job description can vary depending on where they work, most network technicians are responsible for things like guiding customers through the recommended problem-solving steps needed when issues arise with their computers or networks. Network technicians tend to spend their time behind the scenes; however, they must be able work with people from all different departments and places to ensure the network stays safe and protected.
Read more about how to become a network technician.

Network Architect

Network architects design and implement computer networks, often installing routers, modems, and other hardware and software that are essential for communication networks to work correctly. They produce plans for the detailed layout of cables and other requirements of a network, and work to resolve any issues that may arise. Though it might seem like one size fits all, there are several types of network architects, each specializing in a particular field. These positions include wireless network architects, data center network architects, cloud network architects, network security architects, and enterprise network architects.
Read more about how to become a network architect.

Computer Systems Analyst

A computer systems analyst is responsible for suggesting how a company use technology to improve its operations as well as diagnosing technical problems and suggesting new programs to increase efficiency. They work with a variety of organizations and have similar roles and functions. Some of them include testing software performance, coordinating software or hardware installation, troubleshooting issues with computer applications or systems, modifying software programs, and more.
Read more about how to become a computer systems analyst.

Database Administrator

A database administrator (DBA) is responsible for managing a company’s databases and ensuring they are backed up so they can be recovered quickly if there are outages. Generally, DBAs perform all administrative and data-related database work. In larger workplaces, however, DBA responsibilities are broken into separate database jobs. Since there are so many different types of DBAs, the roles and responsibilities in this field vary. In general, they share common duties including managing software databases like client records, providing secure access to databases, and monitoring database performance.
Read more about how to become a database administrator.

Software Engineer

Software engineers are the professionals who test, develop, and maintain software and network applications. On a daily basis they design software systems, evaluate and test new programs, optimize software for speed and scalability, write and test code, and more. To be a successful software engineer, it is important to have knowledge in coding languages like Python, Java, C++, and others, and know operating systems, cloud computing, and design testing and debugging.

Read more about how to become a software engineer.

Wireless Engineer

Wireless network engineers specialize in creating, installing, configuring, supporting, and maintaining wireless technologies like cell phones and satellite systems that support wireless communication networks. Their duties and responsibilities include designing and building custom applications, installing necessary hardware or software, establishing and optimizing wireless networks, troubleshoot tasks, and more. If you’re interested in becoming a wireless network engineer, it’s important to have strong technical, analytical, and problem-solving skills.

Read more about how to become a wireless engineer.

Excelsior University announces new director of its National Cybersecurity Institute

ALBANY, N.Y. – Excelsior University is commemorating the 20th annual Cybersecurity Awareness Month this October with a series of articles written by the new director of its National Cybersecurity Institute (NCI), faculty member Carl Eyler. The National Cybersecurity Institute at Excelsior University is an academic and workforce development center dedicated to assisting government, industry, military, and academic sectors to meet the employment challenges within the cybersecurity workforce, while providing innovative educational opportunities to students and the community.  

The NCI is designed to keep Excelsior at the center of the cybersecurity conversation. Collaborating with both public and private industry, the NCI is leading a coordinated effort to build a diverse, equitable, and inclusive cybersecurity workforce, as well as to influence an informed leadership base that implements cutting-edge cybersecurity education and policy. The NCI targets the development of effective cybersecurity practices in several sectors, including health care, finance, critical infrastructure, and national defense.  

Assuming the role as director of the NCI at Excelsior this past July, Eyler has more than 25 years of global industry experience in cybersecurity and information security governance. Eyler’s specialty is identifying technology risks and coordinating mitigation via cyber-related governance, risk, and compliance programs. 

“There is an overwhelming need for cybersecurity professionals in today’s world,” said Eyler. “The National Cybersecurity Institute moves Excelsior University to the forefront of this important field by training the experts of the future, building on the University’s innovative degree programs with state-of-the-art resources, and providing experiential learning opportunities.”

As a subject matter expert, Eyler has held positions with global financial firms, including Schroders, Deutsche Bank, Credit Agricole, and Santander. He served 13 years in the U.S. Army, concluding as an information system and security analyst with the Department of Defense – Computer Emergency Response Team. Eyler holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems from Excelsior University and a Master of Science in Cybersecurity from the University of Maryland, University College. 

Under Eyler’s leadership, new and forthcoming NCI initiatives include conducting workshops with key business leaders across multiple industries to identify cyber workforce requirements and updating Excelsior’s curriculum to meet those needs; developing degree concentrations that align with specific cyber work roles; and partnering with leading security technology providers to place those technologies within the University’s curriculum so students have the practical hands-on experience they need to succeed. 

The NCI supplements Excelsior’s award-winning cybersecurity academic program. The National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security designated Excelsior as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education for its Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity. Find more information about Excelsior’s cybersecurity degrees here 

Since 2004, the President of the United States and Congress have declared the month of October to be Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a dedicated month for the public and private sectors to work together to increase understanding about the importance of cybersecurity.  

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Media Contact Excelsior University: 

Jason Bonafide, jbonafide@excelsior.edu, 518.608.8446 

Excelsior University is an accredited, not-for-profit online institution focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. Excelsior contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity.  

New slate of officers elected to Excelsior University Alumni Leadership Council 

ALBANY, N.Y.  — Excelsior University today announced the election of a new slate of officers to its Alumni Leadership Council (ALC). The group is comprised of Excelsior graduates Tony Spearman-Leach, president; Walter Were, first vice president; Steven Marciano, second vice president; and Ruth Lown Turman, secretary. In their leadership roles with the 12-member ALC, officers will help guide initiatives in alumni engagement and outreach, strengthen the network of Excelsior graduates, and act as official representatives of the University over the course of their 3-year terms. 

“It’s a privilege to work alongside this distinguished group of community leaders in the Excelsior University Alumni Leadership Council,” said Spearman-Leach. “Excelsior’s comprehensive and innovative educational opportunities and emphasis on service have helped shape my personal and professional journey. I’m thrilled to give back to the University and its alumni with the ALC.”

Spearman-Leach, of Gaithersburg, Maryland, is the director of business development and philanthropy at the U.S. Congressionally chartered National Academy of Public Administration. He also conducts workshops and trainings for international nonprofit and nongovernmental organization leaders selected for the U.S. Department of State’s premier professional exchange, the International Visitor Leadership Program. He earned a Bachelor of Science from Excelsior University (then University of the State of New York, Regents College) in 1992. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts from Johns Hopkins University. Since 1991, Spearman-Leach has mentored several fellow alumni toward attaining their degrees at Excelsior University. His extensive volunteerism and community involvement includes Board of Directors positions with the Mid-Atlantic Federal Credit Union, the Montgomery College Pinkney Innovation Complex for Science and Technology, the U.S. Selective Service System Local Board, Leadership Montgomery (Maryland), the Josiah Henson Park and Museum, the Friends of the Library Montgomery County, and Story Tapestries Inc.

Were, of Pittsburgh, is an author, speaker, and organizational leader with more than 15 years of senior executive experience in health and human services. Were is currently the vice president of Greater Hearts Human Services, and he played prior executive leadership roles as assistant executive director of Passavant Memorial Homes, and director of business development at Passavant Development Corporation. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts at Excelsior University in 2005 and a Master of Arts in Adult and Community Education at Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 2007. His works as an author include the books “Guide To Earning College Credits Through Testing” and “Hacking College.” In addition to the ALC, he volunteers his time as a Board Member at Greater Pittsburgh YMCA, and as Vice Chair of the advisory board at Sampson Family YMCA. 

Marciano, of Palm Harbor, Florida, is the manager of business operations for St. Anthony’s Hospital within the BayCare Health System. Marciano has a vast background in business and hospital operations, clinical standards, health care policy, and project management. Marciano’s current memberships include the American College of Healthcare Executives, American Public Health Association, and the American Grant Writers’ Association. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Public Health in 2018 and a Master of Health Administration in 2021 from Excelsior University, and as of 2023 is an adjunct faculty member for Excelsior’s School of Nursing and Health Sciences. Marciano was the 2019 recipient of Excelsior’s Michael J. Cooley Memorial Award for high academic achievement in health sciences and the 2021 recipient of the UPCEA Outstanding Professional Continuing and/or Online Education Student Award for the Mid-Atlantic Region representing Excelsior University. 

Ruth Lown Turman, of Columbia, South Carolina, is a senior sales operations manager for Optum Serve of United Health Group. Turman earned a Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems in 1996 from Excelsior University (then Regents College), and an Associate of Arts from Temple College. She has made many contributions to multiple Excelsior campaigns and is a member of the President’s Circle and the Purple and Gold Society. She has been a member of the Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP) since 2005 and is a life member as a Fellow, served on the International Board of Directors from 2013 to 2014, and served as promotions chair for the Florida Sunshine Chapter of APMP from 2015 to 2022. 

The council membership also includes Jason Copeland, Pat Geiger, Ermenita Kacani, Timothy G. Leaks, Douglas Perry, Oliver Queen Jr., Samuel T. Watkins Jr., and James Wright. Made up of Excelsior graduates representing a wide range of professions and backgrounds, the ALC reflects the diverse nature of Excelsior’s alumni population.   

Find more information on the ALC, including individual member biographies, here. 

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Media Contact Excelsior University:
Jason Bonafide, jbonafide@excelsior.edu, 518-608-8446

Excelsior University is an accredited, not-for-profit online institution focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. Excelsior contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity.  

Excelsior University recognized as one of Forbes Advisor’s Top Online Health Science Degree Programs of 2023

ALBANY, N.Y.— Excelsior University announced today that it has received Forbes Advisor’s designation as one of the Top Online Health Science Degree Programs of 2023 

Forbes Advisor highlighted Excelsior’s online Bachelor of Science in health sciences. The program affords students the opportunity to earn academic credit through eligible healthcare certifications and licenses, and includes three available areas of emphasis in management, health and wellness, and public health. Forbes Advisor cited the flexibility of these concentrations in its assessment, with notable courses in communication for health science professions and introduction to informatics also contributing to the ranking.  

“We are thrilled to be named one of Forbes Advisor’s Top Online Health Science Degree Programs. Excelsior is committed to providing the next generation of health care professionals with the education and experience they need to serve patients and community issues,” said Christopher Cassirer, Sc.D., M.P.H., provost and chief academic officer of Excelsior University. “As we continue to innovate alongside the evolving health care industry, this designation is a well-deserved honor for our outstanding faculty and students.” 

Excelsior University was among seven institutions nationwide to meet the criteria established by Forbes Advisor to recognize the strongest online bachelor’s degree programs in the health sciences field. The rankings were determined by a methodology utilizing 16 data points in the categories of credibility, affordability, student outcomes, student experience and application process. Data was collected through the National Center for Education Statistics’ Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System and private, third-party sources.  

The Forbes Advisor Education team strives to bring readers unbiased rankings and trustworthy, informative articles covering higher learning institutions, individual degree programs, bootcamps, professional credentials and various career paths. 

Find more information about Excelsior University’s health sciences degree, visit the program page at the Excelsior website here. 


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Media Contact Excelsior University:
Jason Bonafide, jbonafide@excelsior.edu, 518-608-8446

Excelsior University is an accredited, not-for-profit online institution focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. Excelsior contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity.  

Excelsior University recognized as one of Forbes Advisor’s Top Online Engineering Degree Programs of 2023

ALBANY, N.Y.— Excelsior University announced today that it has received Forbes Advisor’s designation as one of the Top Online Engineering Degree Programs of 2023 

Forbes Advisor highlighted Excelsior’s transfer-friendly online Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering technology, which prepares graduates to pursue professional roles in planning, crafting, and delivering equipment relating to electrical power, semiconductors, and nanotechnology. In their assessment, Forbes Advisor cited the high median earnings of alumni 10 years after graduation, as well as the overall socioeconomic diversity of students.  

“We are proud to be one of Forbes Advisor’s Top Online Engineering Degree Programs. Excelsior is committed to providing our students with a world-class electrical engineering education that will serve them throughout their lives and careers,” said Michael Johnson, department chair of engineering technology at Excelsior University. “As we continue to innovate and grow, this honor is just one indication of the bright future ahead for the University and our graduates.” 

Excelsior University was among nine institutions nationwide to meet the criteria established by Forbes Advisor to recognize the strongest online bachelor’s degree programs in the engineering field. The rankings were determined by an expert advisory board of experienced professionals and educators, using data sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 

The Forbes Advisor Education team strives to bring readers unbiased rankings and trustworthy, informative articles covering higher learning institutions, individual degree programs, bootcamps, professional credentials, and various career paths. 

For more information about Excelsior University’s electrical engineering technology degree, visit the program page at the Excelsior website here. 

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Media Contact Excelsior University:
Jason Bonafide, jbonafide@excelsior.edu, 518-608-8446

Excelsior University is an accredited, not-for-profit online institution focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. Excelsior contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity.