The Importance of Education

Angie Zalinsky of Dublin, Georgia, is the only person in her immediate family to graduate high school and to earn a bachelor’s degree. Education has always been important to her, and earning a college degree was a goal she was determined to meet. Zalinsky earned a bachelor’s degree from Excelsior College, now teaches middle school students, and is on her way to earning a master’s degree.

While the rest of her family members did not finish their high school careers, Zalinsky was resolute in her intention to follow a different path. Even though she was close to dropping out after having and losing a child at 17 years old, she was committed to graduating from high school. After graduation, she joined the U.S. Army to explore what the world outside her small town had to offer. She ended up making a career of it and retired in May 2021.

Several years prior to retiring from the Army, Zalinsky looked into colleges that were military friendly and came across Excelsior. She needed something online so that she could balance studies with being a single mom of three teenagers and often being away for military reasons. “Doing my bachelor’s degree was a dream for me because I wanted to show my kids it doesn’t matter what age you are—where you’re at in life—you need your education.” Zalinsky also encouraged her parents and sister to earn their GEDs. Her sister ended up becoming a cosmetologist and her mother became a substitute teacher.

Zalinsky earned a bachelor’s degree in natural sciences in December 2020 and says because of her education from Excelsior, she was able to move into a master’s program with Virginia Tech. She is especially interested in showing her children that with determination, they can meet their educational goals. “I don’t think that I’m better than anybody,” says Zalinsky. “I have fought very hard for everything that I have and everything that I’m doing… It’s because I want them to see that hard work and dedication and direction will get you where you want to go.”

Since retiring from the Army and earning her degree, Zalinsky has become a teacher of agriculture to inner-city children in her community. Growing up in the country and being wildlife certified makes this a great fit for Zalinsky. Teaching inner-city kids can be difficult though; many children have never seen wildlife up close or even touched some of the animals they are learning about. Zalinsky has been able to use some of what she’s learned in her master’s program in teaching urban agriculture. “We’re going to do a vertical wall, an herb wall, and then we’re doing hydroponics, and so I’m trying to teach them how they can literally grow food in their home in a small corner of their house for virtually nothing and have food year-round,” Zalinsky says, and adds that teaching makes her feel like she has a bigger purpose for being here.

Zalinsky wants to become superintendent so she can have more of an effect on the education of children in her community. She believes in the power of learning and the importance of education and wants to encourage every child to pursue their educational goals. She thinks by helping others, she can help improve the world. “If we were all a little bit better, and we all worry just a little bit about our neighbor, or somebody other than ourselves, our world would be a different place,” she says.

More from Angie Zalinsky:

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

Honestly, I think the best advice actually would have come from one of my undergrad teachers…She called me on the phone, and she told me never underestimate the ability that you have within. It’s only when we start underestimating ourselves and doubting ourselves that we fail…it’s when you don’t get back up, that’s when you fail. As long as you get back up, you’re going to continue to succeed.”

What is your inspiration for teaching?

“Nobody taught me how to get into college. Nobody showed me the way. Nobody told me there are scholarships that you can apply for. Nobody told me the steps to take. Nobody told me my GPA counted. The way I’ve seen it is that the [high school guidance] counselors were really only focused on the kids who were making good grades. They didn’t care about the kids who were potentially failing or almost failing. Those kids need a career too. I need to do something more. I was like ‘maybe this is what I’m supposed to do after my military career.’”

Excelsior College Doubles 50th Anniversary Campaign Goal

Albany, New York — Excelsior College is proud to announce that the original 50th anniversary campaign goal of $750,000 was surpassed. To build on the Elevate campaign’s rapid success and pursue emerging student financial needs, Excelsior has increased the campaign goal to $1.5 million. Due to donor generosity, $55,000 is needed to reach the new goal.

Excelsior’s commitment to student scholarships remains steadfast. All donations to the campaign will continue to go directly to student scholarships. Donations received now through June 30, 2022, will be earmarked for students who are within 12 credits of completing their degree to help students close to degree completion fulfill their academic goal.

“We are humbled by the outpouring of support shown by the Excelsior community, whose giving has far surpassed our expectations,” said Jamie Hicks-Furgang, executive director of development and alumni engagement. “The diversification of giving among our community, including generous planned gifts, has been exciting. These donations will be transformational for the College and will allow us to begin to lay a foundation for future initiatives.”

In addition to donations from alumni, staff, faculty, and members of the board of trustees, Excelsior is thankful for gifts from the Carl E. Touhey Foundation, the Massry Charitable Foundation, the Wright Family Foundation, Business for Good Foundation, SEFCU, KeyBank, and Empire Blue Cross that make an immediate and lasting difference.

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Media Contact Excelsior College:

Erin Coufal,, 518-608-8498



Excelsior College is an accredited, not-for-profit online college focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. The college contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity.




Excelsior Announces New Graduate Certificates


Albany, New York—Excelsior College is proud to announce six new graduate certificates. The School of Graduate Studies is offering certificates in Advanced Project Management, Cybersecurity Operations, Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Leadership, Nutrition, and Public Health Equity.


The certificate programs range from three to five courses each and offer focused courses in the discipline so students can immediately implement what they’ve learned in the workplace. Students can complete most of the certificates in as little as 6 months. Courses from the certificates can be applied to a graduate degree program at Excelsior.


“Our working adults are often motivated to pursue education for two key reasons—to advance their career through promotion or to change careers to an emerging growth sector. Certificates offer students short and affordable pathways to credentials that unlock students’ career potential,” said Scott Dolan, dean of the School of Graduate Studies at Excelsior College. “Each of the certificates we have developed provide students with an opportunity to gain key competencies and skills required for the dynamic and evolving job market. These certificates are a chance for students to quickly upskill and reskill to meet the demands of the health, business, cybersecurity, and homeland security fields.”


These certificate programs add to the suite of graduate certificates offered by Excelsior College, including Cannabis Control, Data Analytics, and Distributed Workforce Management.

Excelsior College is the largest, fully online higher education institute in New York state and serves primarily adult students.


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Media Contact Excelsior College:

Erin Coufal,, 518-608-8498


Excelsior College is an accredited, not-for-profit online college focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. The college contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity.




Excelsior College Is a Best Online College for Busy Moms

Busy moms who want to earn their college degrees require a college that understands their needs. The best online colleges for working moms offer features and benefits that strongly support them in their quest to achieve their academic goals.

Finding such a school is a priority for working moms, stay-at-home moms, and moms who want to go back to school to complete their degrees. Finding the right college is now easier with the emergence of online degree programs.

Excelsior College specializes in providing high-quality online degree programs. The school’s programs support adult learners, many of them busy moms. Popular programs such as an Associate in Science in Health Sciences and a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences allow students an opportunity to be both an involved mom and a successful college student.

Reasons for Busy Moms to Earn a Degree

Earning a college degree can boost a working mom’s career to the next level, improve their quality of life, and make them more attractive job candidates. College remains one of the best investments both working moms and stay-at-home moms can make in themselves.

According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the average college graduate with a bachelor’s degree earns about $78,000, compared to $45,000 for the average worker with a high school diploma. This is known as the “college wage premium” and it has increased from about $20,000 in 1980.

The bank noted that “the benefits still outweigh the costs” when it comes to college degrees. And the college wage premium may increase. The most recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, updated in June 2021, shows that those with a bachelor’s degree earned a weekly average of $1,305, almost double the $781 earned by those with a high school diploma.

How Online Courses Benefit Working Moms

Online degree programs provide busy moms with the flexibility to schedule time for school around their parenting and work responsibilities. Online programs also allow moms to skip the burden of driving to campus to attend class. All that is required to attend class is access to an internet connection.

Flexibility is especially important for military students, such as active-duty servicemembers and their spouses. Because they tend to move regularly, online programs are often the only way to earn a degree. Excelsior College offers specialized support for military students.

Success Tips for Moms Who Enroll in Online Programs

Successful online students tend to follow most of the following tips as they organize their lives to pursue a degree. For busy moms, they can provide helpful guideposts.

Get family support. Tell the partner, kids, friends, and family the plan to earn a degree and enlist their support. This gives them a chance to support their family member who is a student and alerts them to give the student the space needed to do coursework consistently.

Enroll with a friend. Some moms find they do better in school if they enter the program with a partner to offer mutual support.

Create a dedicated space. Before starting classes, create a space at home meant only for doing schoolwork. That provides a signal to the family— and the mom— that time spent there should be dedicated to schoolwork only.

Practice time management. Most busy moms already have strong time management skills. These skills prove useful when balancing school, work, and parenting.

Don’t take on too much. While earning a degree is an important goal, moms should not attempt doing it as fast as possible. That can lead to the burden of an impossible workload. It’s better to create a plan to earn a degree that calls for a reasonable workload, allowing moms to keep their lives manageable.

How Excelsior College Works with Busy Moms

Excelsior College offers programs and benefits that help busy moms enroll, find the right courses, and get the resources they need for success in school.

For example, in many areas of study, Excelsior College offers students the opportunity to earn an associate degree first and then earn a bachelor’s degree. This includes the health sciences and liberal arts degrees.

For those who have earned some college credit or have military training, Excelsior College offers a generous transfer policy that gives adult learners the credit they deserve for past achievements. The college also has many resources, including an online library, writing and reading labs, and a Career Readiness Center.

The best online colleges for busy moms offer these services so that working women and stay-at-home moms can improve their lives by earning a degree. It will provide them with better job opportunities, more career fulfillment, and set a great example for their children.

All for Family

For 17 years, Aaron Starkey of Melbourne, Florida, worked as a firefighter paramedic, among other things, and has been working to become a nurse off and on for many years. Briefly losing his job in 2020 put a strain on Starkey’s financial situation, but the President’s Scholarship from Excelsior College, where he enrolled in September 2020, helped put him back on track. Now he’s on his way to earning an Associate in Science in Nursing.

Starkey had previously taken nursing courses at Florida Medical Training Institute, where he earned a degree in EMS, and had earned an associate degree at Eastern Florida State. He put earning a nursing degree on the back burner to financially provide for his family and didn’t think about returning to school until co-workers at the fire department told him about Excelsior’s online program. For Starkey, Excelsior is the first step toward becoming a bachelor’s-prepared nurse and then pursuing a master’s degree.

The scholarship came at a good time. The COVID-19 pandemic took its toll on Starkey’s employment outlook. At one point he had a job as a per-diem paramedic as well as being the owner of a small business working trade shows. In 2020, he lost the paramedic job and closed the business, and after trying to start a construction job, ran into mandatory quarantines that put that business on hold. To save money and better take care of his family, he made the difficult decision to take a semester off from school. Then, in spring 2021, he received a much-welcomed email from Excelsior informing him of the scholarship.

“The scholarship has been a really great bonus…I’ve added four additional courses, which you know, is adding a cost to the schooling. So, it’s a huge impact. I mean, any little bit helps,” says Starkey, adding that he plans to use the scholarship toward course materials. He indicated that the money from the Excelsior President’s Scholarship would be helpful for buying the books he needs for his upcoming fall courses.

Earning a scholarship has helped keep Starkey’s spirits up, and he says it’s his family that keeps him determined and headstrong about accomplishing his goals. “[My kids] are going to have the opportunities everyone else has. And so I’ve got to provide more, to allow them to succeed in life… That’s my major driver.”

The drive to help his family grow and prosper leads Starkey to think broadly about his career opportunities, including becoming a nurse anesthetist or nurse practitioner. He’s also making backup plans to make sure his family is taken care of properly. He also wants to show his kids that “if you had hard work and have dedication, you can keep moving forward. So you can’t dwell on your problems. You can only work on fixing them…If you’ve got a goal in mind, come up with a plan and have a backup. Just keep moving forward.”

Excelsior Students Win Third Place at 2021 IACBE Competition


Albany, New York—A team of four Excelsior College students placed third out of 24 in the 2021 IACBE (International Accreditation Council for Business Education) Live Business Case Competition. A total of 126 students from around the world submitted 24 entries to the competition.

The case competition was a unique opportunity to get students in front of real-world executives as they competed to come up with the best insights based on real company challenges. Each competing team was tasked with developing a USA Go-to-Market Strategy for GENUINO, an Italian start-up that connects non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to real-world objects. The specific focus for this project was how GENUINO could leverage its blockchain certification technology and community engagement platform across multiple sectors, including sports, music, art, and fashion, to build and grow revenue streams for all points of engagement in the life of the collectible (NFT + Physical).

Teams looked at how all points of contact (athletes, teams, artists, musicians, fashion designers, collectors, and fans) can monetize opportunities within the United States as they look to gain value and enrich their experience with athletes and teams through the use of NFTs, proprietary to the GENUINO marketplace, which uniquely incorporates physical asset blockchain certification protocol. Team member LeRoy Greene II said that it was a “very unique project that had involvement with Excelsior centered around new and innovative technology platforms. It’s how educational experience should happen!”

Teams had two weeks to research the case and submit a final deliverable that included a “go-to-market” proposal and a video presentation. “This competition epitomized what teamwork truly means,” said Mario Ramdial, another team member and Master of Business Administration student.

Competing as Team Ever Upward, the students’ proposal fully explored and addressed adoption across three target consumer audiences: the web-savvy, veteran crypto user who understands the NFT concept; the sports fan with no prior experience or understanding of NFTs; and the collector who may or may not understand the NFT concept. “Our challenge was to truly create a way to harness the wild west of crypto-trading,” said team member Keila Peters, a Master of Science in Management student.

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Media Contact Excelsior College:

Erin Coufal,, 518-608-8498


Excelsior College is an accredited, not-for-profit online college focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. The college contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity.



Career Spotlight: Nursing Home Administrator

Nursing home administrators are responsible for all facets of running a nursing home facility including staff, finances, and more. One of their main responsibilities is to ensure all residents are provided with proper care and have the best quality of life while residing at the facility.

Some people consider nursing home administration to be one of the most important yet underrated professions in health care. While the duties may vary from facility to facility, or state to state, the underlying goal of nursing home administrators is to provide the best care that always affords residents their dignity.

Nursing Home Administrator Job Responsibilities

Nursing home administrators manage staff, admissions, finances, and facilities, as well as the care of residents in the nursing home. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the following are key job responsibilities:

• Develop departmental goals and improve efficiency and quality in delivering services.
• Ensure the facility is up to date and compliant with laws and regulations.
• Recruit, train, and supervise staff, as well as create work schedules, and communicate with staff and department heads about residential needs.
• Monitor budgets and manage the facility’s finances, such as patient fees and billing.

Nursing home administrators may also work with other facilities, doctor’s offices, or local hospitals to provide the right care for their patients.

Nursing Home Administrator Qualifications

Higher education is key to gaining the skills and knowledge needed to be a successful nursing home administrator. While a bachelor’s degree in nursing, health care, or a related field (combined with work experience) will increase your chances of securing a job, most states and facilities require a master’s degree in health care administration or a related field. Great candidates for these positions would also have work experience in either an administrative or clinical role in a hospital or other health care facility. In fact, many nursing home administrators were registered nurses before moving into this role and continuing their education.

According to the BLS, these are the most important qualities candidates should have:

• Analytical skills: It is imperative to understand and follow regulations and adapt to new laws.
• Interpersonal skills: Nursing home administrators discuss confidential information with other health care professionals and need to deal with any staffing or resident issues.
• Leadership skills: Administrators need to be flexible, creative, and adaptable to find solutions to administrative problems, as well as to train and lead staff.

All states require licensure for nursing home administrators; requirements vary from state to state. For more information on specific state-by-state licensure requirements, visit the National Association of Long Term care Administrator Board. In New York state, a nursing home cannot operate without a nursing home administrator who holds a valid nursing home administrators license and registration.

Why Become a Nursing Home Administrator

Nursing home administrators can make a positive impact on residents and their families, as well as on the staff of their facility. Employment is projected to grow by 32 percent by 2030, which is much faster than the average for all occupations. As the baby-boomer population ages and people remain active much later in life, there will be an increased demand for health care services, particularly nursing home administrators, and the staff who work in the facilities. The median annual salary for a nursing home administrator was $104,280 in May 2020. If you are looking for a significant role in the health care industry, a nursing home administrator job is for you. Learn more about your educational path to a rewarding career.

Call to Service

In 1968, Richard “Rick” Huffstetler, of Mooresville, North Carolina, was working three jobs and attending college when he decided he needed a break and took a semester off. That one semester turned into 32 years.

He decided more than 30 years was long enough to go without a degree, and after his wife, Wanda earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Excelsior College in 1997, he also looked into the online school. From the 1970s into the 2000s, Huffstetler had taken a few college courses at various universities but never completed a degree. Once he decided it was time to restart on that goal, he earned an Associate in Liberal Arts from Excelsior in 2000 and then went on to earn a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts in 2002. In the following years, Huffstetler pursued a higher calling to help others and today owns his own chaplain service and volunteers for the Billy Graham Association.

“I felt called to go into some type of ministry,” says Huffstetler, referring to 2009 when he felt encouraged by a higher power to follow a career serving God and his fellow man. Huffstetler had worked mainly in sales, for a time selling Chevy fleet vehicles for General Motors, but in 2010, he switched gears and joined the Billy Graham Association. Since then, he has answered the national prayer hotline, offering comfort and prayers to callers.

With his degrees from Excelsior in hand, Huffstetler earned a master’s in Christian leadership from Liberty University and took basic chaplain training in Houston, Texas, through the International Fellowship of Chaplains. He became a senior chaplain in 2013 and opened Workplace Chaplain Services in 2015. He is the owner and sole employee, although he can call on others for assistance if needed. As a chaplain, he offers support and encouragement to staff at local companies. “The chaplain is there to minister to those people in whatever way it seems fit. The role of a chaplain is we’re there to help you do your job,” says Huffstetler. “No matter what that job may be—it could be a soldier, it could be a police officer, or it could be somebody making widgets in a factory. But whatever your job is, I as a chaplain, my job is to help you do that job better.” Chaplains, Huffstetler says, help employees sift through the emotional and mental “gunk” they may bring to work with them and need to talk about.

In addition to running his own chaplain services and working with the Billy Graham Association, Huffstetler is a chaplain with the Motor Racing Outreach Association, which fosters and encourages fellowship and faith for the racing community and its fans. He says, “All the major NASCAR teams are probably within 10 miles of where I’m standing right now… Motor racing outreach administers to the racing community. And it’s not just NASCAR—motorcycles, boats, drag racing, whatever it may be.”

Huffstetler says sometimes it’s hard being a chaplain because he runs into rejection. “Not everybody wants what I have to offer for whatever reason. And sometimes when I’m rejected, it’s hard not to take it personally,” he says. But the good outweighs the bad. It makes him feel good to know that he has helped people. “If I have just made a small difference in somebody’s life, that’s good enough.” Learn more about Excelsior College’s Associate Degree in Liberal Arts.

More from Richard Huffstetler

What’s the best advice you’ve received?

“Jimmy Valvano said don’t ever give up. I saw him give his last speech, and they had to carry him off stage. And you know, he’s telling me, you know, not to give up, so how can I give up? So I don’t know, it just always stuck with me.”

What would you tell someone who wanted to go back to school?

“I tell people all the time, especially if you have any credits, you need to check out Excelsior because they’re one of the few schools that will really give you credit…you’re not starting at ground zero.”

What kind of legacy do you hope to leave?

“My legacy is my two grandchildren out in California. They call me ‘Poppa’…I feel like I live on through them.”

What do you do when you are not working as a chaplain?

“I started making these walking sticks because at the time I had my knee replaced, I thought, well, if I’ve got to have a walking stick model, I’ll do something cool, and I made this walking stick with a baseball on top. I made a bunch of them for friends… I love building model cars because that’s one thing I love about Motor Racing Outreach: it combines my two passions which is chaplaincy and automobile racing. I’ve built stuff around the house: I built a fire pit; I found out that I could build these cascading waterfall things… You know just anything like that.”

Excelsior College Named a Top 10 Online College by Newsweek

Albany, New York—Newsweek announced that Excelsior College placed No. 9 on its 2022 list of America’s Top Online Colleges. The America’s Top Online Colleges 2022 list ranks 150 colleges and universities that offer online degree programs, including hybrid programs.

“Excelsior is thrilled to be ranked a Top 10 Online College by Newsweek,” said David Schejbal, president of Excelsior College. “We take great pride in being the largest, fully online higher education institution in New York state and to be recognized nationally by Newsweek as an online leader reinforces Excelsior’s strong reputation.”

Newsweek Top Online College RankingsOn behalf of Newsweek, Statista surveyed more than 9,000 individuals who participated in online college degree programs and/or online learning courses in the United States. Respondents shared their experiences by rating the institutions on accessibility, support service, program cost, reputation, expected success, practical relevance of programs, and overall satisfaction with the institution. The rankings are based on the online survey results.

Founded in 1971, Excelsior began to offer courses online in 2004 and set the bar for academically rigorous and engaging education at a distance. Overall, Excelsior College’s success can be attributed to an unyielding resolve to meet students where they are, academically and geographically. With more than 187,000 alumni, Excelsior alumni can be found in all 50 states and more than 20 countries. Excelsior offers online associate, bachelor’s, and master’s programs as well as certificates.


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Media Contact Excelsior College:

Erin Coufal,, 518-608-8498


Excelsior College is an accredited, not-for-profit online college focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. The college contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity.




Excelsior Students Place Third in IACBE Case Competition

In fall 2021, four Excelsior College students participated in the 2021 IACBE Live Business Case Competition and placed 3rd out of 24 teams. “Working with peers and leaders to accomplish a goal was rewarding,” said Skyler Sharp, a Master of Science in Management student and one of the team members.

The team was mentored by faculty member Janice Tucker, with support from faculty program directors Michele Paludi and Leah Sciabarrasi. “This was a wonderful experience to work with students on a real problem for a real company,” said Tucker in appreciation of coaching the student team.

The case competition was a unique opportunity to get students in front of real-world executives as they competed to come up with the best insights based on real company challenges. The competition was fully remote. Each competing team was tasked with developing a USA Go-to-Market Strategy for GENUINO, an Italian start-up that connects NFTs (non-fungible tokens that allow holders of art and collectibles to track ownership) to real-world objects. The specific focus for this project was how GENUINO could leverage its blockchain certification technology and community engagement platform across multiple sectors, including sports, music, art, and fashion, to build and grow revenue streams for all points of engagement in the life of the collectible (NFT + Physical).

Teams looked at how all points of contact (athletes, teams, artists, musicians, fashion designers, collectors, and fans) can monetize opportunities within the U.S. as they look to gain value and enrich their experience with athletes and teams through the use of NFTs proprietary to the GENUINO marketplace, which uniquely incorporates physical asset blockchain certification protocol. Team member and Master of Science in Management student LeRoy Greene II said that it was a “very unique project that had involvement with Excelsior centered around new and innovative technology platforms. It’s how educational experience should happen!”

A total of 126 students from around the world competed in the fall 2021 competition and 24 final deliverables were submitted. Teams had two weeks to research the case and submit a final deliverable that included a “go-to-market” proposal and a video presentation. “This competition epitomized what teamwork truly means,” said Mario Ramdial, another team member and Master of Business Administration student.

Competing as Team Ever Upward, the students’ proposal fully explored and addressed adoption across three target consumer audiences: the web-savvy, veteran crypto user who understands the NFT concept; the sports fan with no prior experience or understanding of NFTs; and the collector who may or may not understand the NFT concept. “Our challenge was to truly create a way to harness the wild west of crypto-trading” said team member Keila Peters, a Master of Science in Management student.

The competition was sponsored by IACBE, an outcomes-based professional accreditation agency for business and management degree programs, and Capsource.

Congratulations, Team Ever Upward!

Leah Sciabarrasi

Excelsior College Welcomes Chair, Alumni Representative to Board of Trustees

Albany, New York—Excelsior College named new board chair Don Dea, co-founder of Fusion Productions, to a two-year term beginning January 2021. Dea previously served as treasurer for the board of trustees. Dea is a recognized authority on the internet, association, and non-profit organizations, online education, mobile, and technology deployment.

“As the largest, fully online higher education institution in New York state, Excelsior is fortunate to benefit from Don Dea’s depth of technology knowledge,” said David Schejbal, president of Excelsior College. “We are proud to welcome Don Dea to the position of chair of the board of trustees.”

Dea has served as a trustee since 2012. “Being the son of an immigrant family, the value of education and hard work was part of my household vocabulary. My understandinand appreciation of Excelsior’s mission and students have been forged in my relationships with the Excelsior community,” said Don Dea, chair of Excelsior’s board of trustees. “From my previous years of experience as a trustee, it is clear that we must continue to advance Excelsior’s mission to help adults and those who are underserved attain their degree and sustain their career and life goals by leading with innovation and differentiation in academic quality and student success in serving our military, nursing, healthcare, and business ecosystem.”

Dea succeeds former chair Helen Benjamin, whose term ended December 31, 2021. She will continue to serve as a trustee.

Excelsior alumnus Mark Bowman, NASA Soyuz Spacecraft Systems and Crew Operations lead, is the new chair of the Alumni Leadership Council and ex-officio trustee to the board. Bowman received his bachelor’s degree from Excelsior and has been an active alumnus. In 2014, he received the Alumni Achievement Award.

“I chose Excelsior, then Regents College, for my degree because I had returned from an overseas assignment with over 125 hours of accumulated credits from three different schools and no clear path to complete my degree. I was discouraged and ready to give up until I found Excelsior with its generous credit aggregation,” said Mark Bowman, chair of Excelsior’s Alumni Leadership Council. “Excelsior provided the distance learning solution that I needed. I was happy and most important, my employer was happy that, at last, I had my college degree! This eventually led to my career with NASA.”

In his impressive career at NASA, Bowman has spent more than six hours weightless in nearly 20 flights aboard NASA’s zero-G research aircraft and has served as an attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Russia. He currently serves as the NASA Flight Operations lead for the Power and Propulsion Element (PPE) of Gateway, an outpost that will orbit the Moon to facilitate human exploration of the surface.


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Media Contact Excelsior College:

Erin Coufal,, 518-608-8498



Excelsior College is an accredited, not-for-profit online college focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. The college contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity.