Excelsior College Places First in National Cyber League Competition

Albany, N.Y. — Team Excelsior earned first place in the competitive Cyber Power Rankings of the National Cyber League (NCL) spring competition.

Held biannually, the NCL is an inclusive, performance-based, learning-centered collegiate cybersecurity competition. Students who participate in the NCL gain advantages such as cybersecurity experience, preparation for the workplace, and increasing their competition skill level.

Under the guidance of Team Captain, Trainer, and National Cybersecurity Institute Fellow Weylin Leavitt, Excelsior College had 28 students and alumni who participated in the individual, preseason, and the team games.  For the team games, Excelsior created four teams led by Team Captains:  Weylin Leavitt (a master’s in cybersecurity graduate), Todd Kresbach (a master’s in cybersecurity graduate), Stephanie Barnes (a master’s in cybersecurity student), and Steven Meredith (a Bachelor of Professional Studies in Technology Management student).  Each team collaborated, trained, and spent countless hours competing on the challenges, which resulted in Excelsior College placing No. 1 in the Top 100 schools in the NCL and Excelsior placing No. 2 in the NCL Team games.

Amelia Estwick, director of the National Cybersecurity Institute at Excelsior College and faculty advisor for the NCL, stated, “I’ve been advising Excelsior’s NCL teams for over 4 years and this is our top placement! I’m so proud of our students for accomplishing this goal. The students demonstrated strong determination and incredible skill throughout the competition. Thank you to our team captains who stepped up to lead and share their expertise with their teammates. Congratulations, Team Excelsior!”

Excelsior’s bachelor’s and master’s programs in cybersecurity prepare students to prevent, detect, counter, and recover from cyber incidents. The National Security Agency (NSA) and Department of Homeland Security have designated Excelsior College as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education.

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Media Contact Excelsior College:

Erin Coufal, ecoufal@excelsior.edu, 518-608-8498


Excelsior College (excelsior.edu) is an accredited, not-for-profit online college focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. The college contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity. Learn more at excelsior.edu.

Accelerate Your Career with a Master of Public Administration

People often pursue a Master of Public Administration because they want a career dedicated to helping people. Earning an MPA from Excelsior College gives them many different career paths to achieve that goal.

MPA program graduates have the skills to manage staff, resources, and projects at the local, state, and federal government levels and at nonprofit agencies. The program prepares them for public sector leadership.

Craig Breverman earned a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts in 2006 and later wanted to work in a leadership role in the public sector. He returned to school and earned a Master of Public Administration in 2019 through Excelsior College’s online MPA program.

Breverman said the program’s coursework prepared him for transitioning into a leadership role. “Core courses like Ethics and Public Administration and Theory have made me a better manager; others, like Public Management in a Political Environment and Statistical Analysis for Decision Making, have prepared me to participate in senior management teams,” he said.

Master of Public Administration Career Paths

An MPA program emphasizes ethics, leadership, policy implementation, and program management. These skills transfer to many administrative positions in government, nonprofits, health care, and urban planning. But in every case, an MPA job focuses on bettering the lives of people.

Examples of potential jobs graduates from an MPA program qualify for include the following:

Political scientists study how political systems impact citizens and may work in jobs making recommendations on public policy. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)reported a median annual wage for political scientists of $122,220 in May 2019 and projects 6 percent job growth by 2029.

Urban planners work on land use and public programs that help to develop better communities. The BLS reported an average annual salary for urban and regional planners of $77,750 in May 2019. Projected job growth stands at 11 percent job growth by 2029.

Social and community services managers oversee government and nonprofit agencies that focus on improving life for individuals and communities in disadvantaged areas. The BLS reported an average annual salary for social and community services managers of $72,900 in May 2019 and projected 17 percent job growth by 2029.

Nonprofit administrators focus on successfully managing a nonprofit organization, including fundraising. The BLS reported an average annual salary for nonprofit fundraising managers and public relations specialists of $132,630 in May 2019. Projected growth is 9 percent through 2029.

No matter which job a master’s degree graduate chooses, it usually provides a good return on investment. A study from the Georgetown Center for Education and the Workplace found that those with a master’s degree typically earn about $400,000 more than bachelor’s degree holders over the course of a lifetime.

Benefits of an Online Program

Excelsior College designed its 100 percent online Master of Public Administration program to give graduates the skills they need to manage public agencies and nonprofit programs. Graduates leave the program ready to take on leadership roles with local, state, and federal government agencies and local and global community service organizations.

The online program gives working professionals the opportunity to earn their master’s degree while retaining their current job. They can schedule homework, tests, and viewing lectures around their busy personal and professional schedules.

No GMAT is required to enter the program. Students earn 30 credit hours and may transfer up to 27 credits from other programs.

What Students Learn in an MPA Program

The Excelsior College MPA program features core courses that prepare graduates in all aspects of public administration and management. This includes integrating the fundamentals of leadership and management theory and practice within public administration and making social change that benefits the public.

Students also learn how to evaluate financial data and budgets in a public sector context, enabling them to make better decisions. They learn the effectiveness of data analysis in formulating decisions beyond finance and how to assess the use of technology to solve complex challenges.

An important component of the program is teaching students best practices for giving effective presentations that promote positive social change. Students in the MPA program learn to tailor presentations to multiple audiences.

Retired U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Dorothy Jimenez, who earned an MPA from Excelsior in 2018, said the program provided the foundation for her life’s ambition of helping others.

“Serving others is my passion,” she said

That spirit sums up why people enter an MPA program and why managing public service organizations is vital for ensuring public well-being.




Academic Trailblazer

Victor Almodovar excels as a first-generation college graduate

Like most people, Victor Almodovar wanted to accomplish the goal of earning his college degree. He was a Puerto Rican American with very little knowledge of the English language and needed to advance his education not only to improve his standing within the U.S. Navy, but also to benefit his future. In 2015, he earned a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts from Excelsior College, becoming the first person in his family to earn a college degree. He followed up that degree with a Master of Science in Management, which he earned in 2020.

As a child, Almodovar, now of Chesapeake, Virginia, grew up playing baseball in Puerto Rico and did not think higher education was in his future. As the second oldest of five brothers, he had other responsibilities and his mother couldn’t afford the expense. In 1989, at 17 years old, he decided to join the Navy as a way to improve his career prospects. He started as an ABE, an Aviation Boatswain’s Mate, preparing catapult and arresting gear systems for planes before take-off and after landing, and only intended to stay for four years. Instead, he took the Aviation Ordnance Advancement Test, a test required for sailors to be promoted in rank, and he has been doing that for 29 of his 31 years of active-duty service.

Joining the Navy allowed Almodovar to learn English because he became fully immersed in the language. “During the 10 weeks at NRTC Orlando (boot camp), it took me a few moments of high stress and being afraid of failing to push myself harder to listen and speak, allowing me to understand the information given more clearly,” he says. Over time, Almodovar began to pick up English more easily and that led him to decide to pursue a degree.

In 1998, Almodovar went back to school to complete some English, math, and social studies requirements in preparation to his further education. Around 2008, he decided to continue working on his education, but it wasn’t until 2013 when he met his now-wife that he began seriously pursuing his education, with her encouragement. He started taking courses with Central Texas College, a partner college of Excelsior, to complete written English requirements, and finally, in 2013, he discovered that the Navy also partnered with Excelsior and the College had the programs he wanted to pursue for his bachelor’s and master’s degrees. “They said Excelsior was the best for management degrees and that I would like that,” he recalls, adding that his academic advisor helped him choose the courses that would best align with his military responsibilities.

Multiple deployments and time away from home and family, without easy means of communication like cell phones and computers, made pursuing his education hard at first. Throughout it all, as he completed first his bachelor’s and then his master’s degree, Almodovar’s wife and mother encouraged and supported him. “With [my wife’s] influence and my mother’s always loving recommendations, I pushed through one class at a time, completing not just a degree but a master’s with honors,” he says, adding that he is also a member of Sigma Beta Delta International Honor Society for business, management, and administration. Now, Almodovar has used much of what he has learned from his degrees in his position as master chief, in charge of training management and support.

At the Training Support Center Hampton Roads Student Management facility in Norfolk, Virginia, Almodovar oversees a staff that takes care of the administrative aspects of military students’ records. The facility welcomes national and international students from places such as Africa, Italy, South America, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. “We deal with close to 5,000 students a quarter,” he says. He notes that during the coronavirus pandemic, it has been difficult to manage things because when students arrive, they need to be quarantined for 14 days before their classes start. Through his master’s degree, he has gained knowledge that is necessary for him to do his job properly; he says he has especially benefited from Excelsior’s global business and the management capstone courses.

Almodovar says it’s a great feeling to know he is the first in his family to become a college graduate. Sadly, his father passed away just five days after he earned his master’s degree, but Almodovar says it means a lot to know he was proud of his accomplishments. He says the reason he can say he is a graduate is because of his family. “My mother’s teachings as me and my siblings grew up and her drive to ensure we always gave our best at whatever we did, and my wife’s encouragement, are the primary reasons I became a first-generation college graduate,” he says.

After Almodovar retires from the Navy in 2021, he plans to take some time off to spend with his family, and then he might use his management background to open his own business. Just as he has learned to persevere thanks to his mother’s teachings and encouragement, he hopes to instill the same lessons in his children. “Because they have witnessed how hard their mom and I had to work to get to where we are today… [it] gives them the drive to aim for further education for a better future,” he says, and adds, “There’s only one person that can stop you, and that is yourself.” Learn more about the Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society for business.

Caring for the Abused

Kaylin Dawson supports and cares for victims of violence

Kaylin Dawson, of Cohoes, New York, always knew she wanted to be an ER nurse, but it wasn’t until she learned about sexual assault nursing that she realized what she was meant to do. Dawson graduated from Hudson Valley Community College in 2006 with her nursing degree and immediately began working in the Emergency Department at Albany Medical Center. It was there she learned that nurses conducted sexual assault exams on victims of violence. Not many people were doing that kind of nursing, but Dawson decided to try it. Now, as the sexual assault nurse coordinator, she oversees a staff of 13 nurses to care for and examine victims of sexual assault and domestic violence.

The early days in the ER exposed her to things not covered in nursing school. “It took me into a different avenue of nursing that I didn’t know existed while going through nursing school. And it’s made me proud to know I’ve had an impact on patients who come in for those sorts of things,” she says.

Dawson’s career at Albany Medical Center has progressed as she earned additional nursing degrees. Dawson earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Excelsior College in 2012, and in 2013, she became the sexual assault nurse coordinator. In this role, she worked with the hospital management to implement protocols so examiners could start examining children who have experienced abuse. In 2020, Dawson earned her Master of Science in Nursing Education from Excelsior, and early in 2021, she again partnered with hospital leadership to implement a program so that nurse examiners can see victims of domestic violence, not just sexual abuse. With the patients’ consent, examiners are able to document and photograph the injuries and care for the patients who come in for treatment. Contrary to popular belief, explains Dawson, the examiners do not work for law enforcement and they do not divulge any information to police officers unless patients give their consent. “We don’t call law enforcement; we really respect their [the patient] decision and support them in whatever decisions they want to make,” says Dawson.

Another part of Dawson’s job includes sharing her knowledge with others. She lectures in the community and at national conferences to teach Child Protective Service workers, law enforcement, Title IX coordinators, and other health workers about sexual assault, child abuse, and human trafficking. She also sits on multiple community task forces to build relationships and work for victims of sexual assault, human trafficking, and child abuse.

Dawson says as nurses and, furthermore, as a community, it’s important to work together to care for patients who experience sexual assault violence and be supportive of their decisions. Sometimes this is hard to do. For instance, learning the patient’s background and acknowledging the role trauma has played in their life (also known as trauma-informed care) can affect examiners mentally and emotionally. Dawson has taken steps to make sure her examiners aren’t overwhelmed by hard cases. She limits their shifts to 12 hours, makes sure to speak with them at an annual decompression meeting, and encourages self-care. Dawson points out that with the impact of COVID-19, many nurses are experiencing particularly high levels of burnout. In addition,  in Dawson’s line of work, it’s important to recognize that vicarious trauma can take its toll. “Being able to recognize that you are experiencing it can be difficult, but knowing available resources like EAP, pastoral care, and healthy mechanisms for outlets is important,” says Dawson, noting that she has personally taken advantage of pastoral care.

With the possibility that working with trauma patients having such a negative effect on the examiners’ well-being, it might seem like a difficult choice to be a sexual assault nurse. Dawson agrees that it is. She says this avenue of nursing is certainly not for everybody, but it can be personally rewarding. Sometimes the nurse can help solve crimes by collecting evidence and finding justice for victims of sexual and domestic abuse when they otherwise might not be able to speak up for themselves. “It seems like definitely you’re in a position where a lot of responsibility falls on your shoulders, and it’s up to you to say the things that sometimes the patient and the victim can’t say or are too afraid to say. You could be the only person a victim discloses abuse to,” she says. Learn about how you can also help survivors recover psychologically with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology.

More from Kaylin Dawson


What is the best source for people to find information about sexual assault?

I would definitely tell people to look up their local crisis advocacy centers. We work closely here in Albany with Albany County Rape Crisis, so they are always a good source of information. Everyone should have one locally, no matter what state you’re in. The state’s Department of Health website has all of this information.

What do you think is necessary and important for somebody to succeed as a sexual assault nurse?

They have to understand that these patients can bring on vicarious trauma. I think people recognize that early on. I lecture about child abuse, sexual assault, and human trafficking. And none of those are warm and fuzzy topics…But in the end, you could really make a difference, whether that is bringing justice for a patient, or if it’s just being an ear for that day for a patient. If it’s a removal from a family because the child has been abused….There’s always a reason to believe that there’s good in the world, no matter what outcome you may have.

What would you say to someone who wanted to start a sexual assault program at their hospital?

So, I would say that majority of nurses may not even know to look into the hospital that they’re working with and see if they have programs. And if not, work on establishing one with your hospital leadership group. The importance of a sexual assault program and examiners is not only to address a patient’s emotional needs, and collect forensic evidence, but also to empower victims from the moment they come into a hospital. It is the essence of nursing, to take care of others.


Jill of Many Trades

Denette Buenrostro used her nursing degree as a springboard to a successful business career

Denette Buenrostro of San Antonio, Texas, is an RN and entrepreneur dedicated to improving the lives of others. She owns two medical-related businesses, Epicc Vascular and Blue Horizons Healthcare, and is in the process of growing the Buenrostro Cosmetics company and the online magazine, Epicc Magazine. She says none of her success would be possible, however, if it wasn’t for earning her Associate in Applied Science in Nursing from Excelsior College in 2007.

To start a business, one needs a strong will and determination, and for Buenrostro, these traits trace back to her time in the military. After high school, she began pursuing nursing, but at 19, she joined the Army Reserves, then enlisted in active duty and served in the Armed Forces Medical Corps, 3rd Infantry Division in Germany. After leaving the Army in 1991, she decided to follow in her sister’s footsteps and continue her nursing education. Buenrostro became an LPN and realized to increase her skills and income, she needed to move to the next level. That’s when she discovered Excelsior, then Regents College.

As a single mother of four children, Buenrostro needed to find a way to pursue her education, take care of her children, and work without sacrificing any of these. She applied and sent in her transcripts, and was accepted. “And so, once I got started, it was like non-stop. I didn’t look back. I set my schedule, made my own calendar, prepaid for my [CPNE] test so that I knew that I had to take it, and that’s what I did,” she says. Buenrostro adds that while attending Regents, she realized distance learning is not for everyone and self-discipline was a must for success. She says, “Excelsior prepared me a lot in that sense. I’m able to think independently, to work independently; and I run my businesses just like that, based on what I learned from going through the Excelsior program.”

Epicc Vascular is a vascular access company that provides nurses to travel to place PICC lines—special catheters called peripherally inserted central catheters meant to stay in place for an extended period of time to deliver antibiotics and chemotherapy—in patients outside of the hospital. Nurses go to nursing and personal homes as well as to hospitals so that patients don’t have to travel for the procedure. Buenrostro and her husband, who has an extensive background in business and marketing, have franchised the model, and to date there are 60 Epicc Vascular locations throughout the United States.

Blue Horizons Healthcare operates in much the same way as Epicc Vascular, allowing nurses to hire their own hospice agents and visit patients in their homes. She says this model reduces patient stress because they don’t have to travel to and from the hospital. Blue Horizons is also using cutting-edge technology to allow providers and patients’ families to use Facetime to communicate with patients, making them feel more engaged. This is something no other hospice franchise is doing, says Buenrostro. So far, there are about 12 hospice franchises operating under the Blue Horizons name, and more are in the works.

For both businesses, Buenrostro is pleased to provide a positive atmosphere where her employees like to work. She is also able to pass on her knowledge and experiences and says that some employees have even gone on to nursing school. “I feel that I played a big part in that because they can see all that we’ve been able to do, all that I’ve been able to do, in the business being a nurse,” she says.

Buenrostro Cosmetics began a couple years ago when Buenrostro realized that even though the colors of her cosmetics were beautiful, the names left a lot to be desired. Instead of names like “cocoa latte” and “coral,” Buenrostro wanted to come up with a line of cosmetics with names that are inspirational and positive. She named her lipsticks and eyeshadow palettes things like “empowered,” “like a boss,” and “massive success.” It’s since proven to be a big hit. She has also received positive feedback from her customers: “A lot of women have told me, gosh, this really helped me today. I really, really needed this.”

Buenrostro hopes to empower more people with Epicc Magazine, which features inspirational stories of people who own businesses, overcame adversity, or have a teachable moment to share. She hopes with these stories—and her own—she will motivate other people to get out and make a change. She says, “Maybe reading the story of my magazine will inspire them to go and do something great and wonderful.”

Buenrostro is an inspiration to many people, especially her children, who happen to be following in her path. Both her son and daughter are nurses, and Buenrostro couldn’t be happier. She says it’s been amazing to see what they’ve both been able to accomplish and is excited to see where they go from here.

Two businesses, one on the rise, and a soon-to-be magazine aren’t enough for Buenrostro. There are still so many things she wants to do; she already has an idea for a line of inspiring clothing for women. She says, “I just want to do as much as I can, because we only get one chance; we have one lifetime and we have to fit it all in there.”

More from Denette Buenrostro

The best business advice Buenrostro has ever received:

  • Never forget where you came from and why you started your business.
  • Don’t be afraid to fail; be afraid to not try again.
  • Ignore the naysayers.
  • Give back to the community.

Buenrostro’s keys to being successful:

  • Evolve constantly.
  • Help others shine.
  • Surround yourself with great and amazing people.
  • Have a real best friend. Buenrostro’s is Shalay Peterson, owner of Ohana Pediatrics. She understands the challenges women face, and the two are always there to build each other up and sometimes carry one another across the finish line.
  • Marry an incredible partner that loves you unconditionally and is there for you in the good, bad, and everything in between.

Favorite Study Tip

Going to college online can be hard. You may find that you have difficulty staying organized or disciplined enough to get your work done in the time you have to complete it. We asked students and alumni for their favorite study tip to help you stay focused and motivated.

“Write as many notes as you can then read and understand your subject every day, and create mnemonics you will remember. Make them really crazy so you will remember them!” —Ann Scorza

“Find what works for you—flashcards, reading, even coloring.” —Heather Butterfield

“Don’t procrastinate!” —Gina Cronrath

“I do 3–5 minutes of core pump workouts through my study sessions—helps me stay alert and healthy.” —Samuel Colby

“Find your quiet place away from others. You will find it hard to concentrate and absorb the knowledge with the dog barking, phones ringing, children running around, television blaring, etc.” —Billy Whitley

“Start early! Read all instructions. Don’t procrastinate—something else will happen. (Murphy’s Law will apply, as will the first corollary—Murphy was an optimist!)” —Bill Hefley

“Unless you’re using your phone to do coursework, keep it out of reach and out of sight.” —Colleen O’Reilly



Excelsior College Celebrates 6th Annual Excelsior Cares Volunteer Week with Collect, Create, and Contribute Campaign

Albany, N.Y.Since 2016, Excelsior College has celebrated Excelsior Cares Volunteer Week in April to coincide with National Volunteer Week and shine a light on the people and causes that inspire us to serve. Volunteerism by College staff has continued for the past two years despite COVID-19, with drives and volunteering conducted from a distance. Last year, Excelsior College employees donated $2,800 to
14 nonprofit organizations to impact the community.

“Giving back is part of our Excelsior CARES culture by illustrating compassion with leadership from the heart and creating an environment of collaboration, teamwork, and empowerment,” stated Mark Howe, vice president of human resources. “Our employees look forward to our annual Excelsior Cares Volunteer Week as a culmination of their efforts throughout the year in service to the communities in which we live, work, and serve students. Employees work together to provide services, inspiration, and needed items and resources to impact the community in a positive way.”

This year, Excelsior College celebrates the 6th Annual Excelsior Cares Volunteer Week with a Create, Collect, and Contribute-themed campaign. Employees have created a total of 200 cards of kindness for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Capital Region, Unity House of Troy, and Albany Med Pediatric Units. The cards will be distributed as follows:

  • 50 cards supplied to Ronald McDonald House with 50 bags of supplies for families when they arrive. Since 1982, the Albany Ronald McDonald House provides a home away from home — free of charge — for families with children facing serious medical issues.
  • 50 cards for Unity House to be distributed to the housing program, Domestic Violence Shelter, food pantry, and preschool program. Unity House assists those who are living in poverty, adults living with mental illness or HIV/AIDS, victims of domestic violence, and children with developmental delays. Unity House helps to achieve social justice in our community.
  • 100 cards to be delivered to Albany Med’s Pediatric Units in the Bernard & Millie Duker Children’s Hospital.

In addition to the homemade cards of kindness, employees are donating items requested by the Ronald McDonald House and Unity House. During National Volunteer Week from April 19–23, employees have opportunities to contribute time by volunteering in person or at a distance on community projects at American Cancer Society, American Red Cross Eastern New York, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Mohawk Hudson Humane Society, Northern Rivers, Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York, Rebuilding Together Saratoga County, Veterans & Community Housing Coalition, and the Veterans Miracle Center.

By helping those in need and serving the underserved, our Excelsior Cares Volunteer Week’s Create, Collect, and Contribute projects will make impact on the local community.

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Media Contact Excelsior College:

Alicia Jacobs, ajacobs@excelsior.edu, 518-410-4624


Excelsior College (excelsior.edu) is an accredited, not-for-profit online college focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. The college contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity. Learn more at excelsior.edu.

Ermenita’s Story

Ermenita, marketing coordinator
With Excelsior from 2013-2018
Returned to Excelsior in 2020


  • Bachelor of Science in Economics 2010 University of Florence, Italy
  • Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts 2015 Excelsior College
  • Master of Science in Management 2019 Excelsior College

Professional Background

Working with students has always been my passion. While living in Italy I worked with international students at the University of Florence; there is great reward in being a part of someone’s educational journey. When I first moved in the U.S. I worked as an Italian language instructor. An avid world traveler, I discovered that languages, new cultures and diversity in general were important pillars for any organization. Excelsior College gave me the opportunity to be part of an inclusive community where everyone was welcomed, and hard work never went unnoticed.

My Excelsior Journey

My journey with Excelsior College started in 2013 as a testing services associate. In this position, I was introduced to the credit by exam program and assisted students with exam registration, cancelation, and other issues.

My team was very supportive of my professional growth and when a position in the admissions office opened. I started a new role as a counselor. This role was such an eye opener for me. I learned so much about our students, their needs, their struggles and rejoiced with them when they were accepted into a degree program. I then moved into a partnership ambassador role and traveled to nearby community colleges assisting students with the transfer process. Meeting students and faculty and sharing my passion about the College as a member of the Excelsior community and as an alumna, was the highlight of my day.

After 5 years at Excelsior, I went on to another position as an associate director of transfer enrollment for a different institution. Although I enjoyed this role, I missed my Excelsior community and came back when a marketing coordinator position was available.

In my current role I have an opportunity to learn new skills, let my creative side bloom, and work with incredibly talented people. I felt so welcomed and encouraged to join the marketing team, even though I was nervous to start a new job during a pandemic.

One thing I have learned in these 7 years is that at Excelsior College, hard work never goes unnoticed and your professional growth is encouraged and supported.

What I Do

As a marketing coordinator I work closely with almost every member of our team. It is a great opportunity for me to learn from everyone and support the team in every way I can. Some responsibilities include monitoring our social media channels, working closely with the social media strategist on content and execution of our initiatives, supporting the marketing managers with e-mail campaigns and event promotions.

I also enjoy posting and promoting our blog posts because I can learn so much about our students and their stories.

How I Help Students

Working in social media gives me the chance to speak directly to our students. I try to pay close attention to their needs and put them in touch with the appropriate office. My background in admissions helps me answer their questions, empathize with their struggles and offer my point of view as an alumna of the college as well.

What I Like Best About Working At Excelsior

The best part about this community is the support and a door to opportunities. You are surrounded by incredibly talented professionals who try to lift you up, teach you, pass on their skills to you and encourage you to grow. In addition to that, the opportunity to get an education is encouraged, diversity is celebrated and the people of Excelsior matter.