Excelsior College Evaluates FEMA Training for College Credit to Lower Tuition Costs for Federal Employees

Excelsior is a member of the Federal Academic Alliance formed by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

ALBANY, N.Y. — Through a new agreement, Excelsior College, an accredited, not-for-profit online college, has worked with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)’s Emergency Management Institute to evaluate the Emergency Management Professional Program (EMPP) for college credit.

This expansion of the Federal Academic Alliance, an educational partnership between the federal government, colleges, and universities, will support the professional development of FEMA employees. FEMA employees who complete the EMPP can apply this valuable training as 4 upper-level credits toward an undergraduate degree program at Excelsior College. FEMA employees can also apply credits awarded through other FEMA training evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE).

“As an Excelsior College alumnus, it is very gratifying to have worked together to award college credit to the students who complete courses in the Emergency Management Professional Program. The three academies of the Emergency Management Professional Program have evolved into a school of continuing and professional studies for the education and professional development of emergency management professionals across the nation,” stated Kelly E. Garrett, EdD, director, EMPP Branch, Emergency Management Institute. He continued, “Our curriculum is designed along a continuum of learning which serves emergency managers throughout their careers, so we’re excited to partner with Excelsior College to help our students achieve their educational goals.”

The evaluation of FEMA training for credit represents thousands of dollars in savings for individual FEMA employees — and potentially a significant overall cost reduction in educational benefits provided by the federal government. That’s because employees will be able to transfer in credit for FEMA training, which translates to fewer courses to take at Excelsior to complete their degree. Coupled with the Federal Academic Alliance tuition discount, employees can earn a degree from Excelsior at a significantly lower cost.

“FEMA employees will now have an accelerated pathway toward completing their degree at Excelsior College. This will enhance their credentials and bolster their expertise in responding to emergency situations across the country,” said David Schejbal, PhD, Excelsior College’s president. “This benefit to FEMA employees provides validation of their experience and skills from trainings to help them earn a degree in less time while saving money.”

For nearly 50 years, Excelsior College has supported the adult learner through flexible learning options and by offering a generous transfer credit policy. Excelsior also translates government and corporate training into college credit through its extensive internal review process and assesses training that has been evaluated by the American Council of Education (ACE) or accredited college institutions for credit.

“Importantly, this new agreement with FEMA provides the opportunity for FEMA employees to continue propelling their career,” says Lisa Romano-Arnold, director of business development for Excelsior College. “In its work to strengthen workplace culture while supporting employee recruitment and retention, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management created the Federal Academic Alliance (FAA) to combat workforce shortages and offer tuition savings for federal government employees, spouses, and domestic partners. This extension of the alliance is an example of how the Federal Academic Alliance was intended.”

The EMPP has been reviewed and evaluated, and employees may apply the undergraduate credit toward Excelsior degree programs such as the Bachelor of Science in Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Bachelor of Science in National Security, and Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts. They can also transfer credits earned during previous college experience and receive credit for military training.

For more information, visit https://www.excelsior.edu/partner/feducation/.


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Media Contact:

Alicia Jacobs, ajacobs@excelsior.edu, 518-410-4624


Excelsior College (excelsior.edu) is an accredited, not-for-profit online college focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. The college contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity. Learn more at excelsior.edu.

A Reflection on Election Day

The 2020 elections are before us and ensuring that your voice is heard and your vote is counted is critical to the democratic process. Voting is both a right and a responsibility, and I strongly encourage you to exercise it fully.

As I am an immigrant from the Communist Block and a naturalized U.S. citizen, voting has a special significance that I do not take lightly. When my parents brought me to the U.S. in 1968, we left Czechoslovakia during a brief interlude in communist totalitarian rule. The period is known as the Prague Spring. Alexander Dubcek was the president of the country at the time, and he believed deeply in democratic government. He tried to create what he called “communism with a human face” that included freely elected political leaders. On August 20, 1968, the Soviet Union responded to Dubcek’s effort by invading the country with 600,000 Warsaw Pact troops. I remember my parents crying as we watched tanks roll through Prague on the nightly news. Dubcek was replaced, and for the next 20 years, political leadership in Czechoslovakia was determined by the Soviets. The collapse of the Communist Block finally brought that period to an end in 1989.

Czechoslovakia was formed as a country in 1918 and codified in the Treaty of Versailles. From then until the invasion by the Nazis in 1939, Czechoslovakia was a democratic country. In 1945, as World War II was ending, Russian troops and American troops were driving Nazi occupation forces from Europe. American troops arrived in Czechoslovakia before Russian troops but eventually ceded the country to Russian oversight.

My father was in his late teens and early 20s during World War II. He was forced to work in a Nazi labor camp during the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia and then was significantly limited in his professional work during Communist rule. He is 98 years old now and frail, but his mind is as sharp as ever. He frets about politics a lot, and he has been closely following immigration policy, deportation cases, and racism.

Unless your heritage is Native American/American Indian, you too are an immigrant or a descendant of immigrants. My parents brought me to this country for a better, freer life. If you, your parents, or their ancestors came to this country voluntarily and not as slaves, I imagine that the same is true for you. John Locke, upon whose writings the Declaration of Independence is largely based, wrote that we are free most directly when we vote. Voting is the expression of liberty in its most direct and natural form.

I hope that you value the right to vote as much as I do. The majority of people on this planet do not enjoy the same privilege. It is now time to express our hard-fought right to liberty in the most direct way. It is time to vote.

As you prepare to go to the polls or perhaps reflect on the ballot that you already cast, it is worth reflecting on Langston Hughes’ poem “Let America Be America Again.”


Defending Against Hackers

Dustin Van Dame uses his degrees to protect his company’s IT infrastructure

Like many millennials, Dustin Van Dame, of Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, grew up with the MS-DOS computer operating system, which is where his love of computers developed. He spent 10 years in the Navy, but it was his interest in technology that led him into cybersecurity. He completed Excelsior College’s dual degree Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering Technology to Master of Business Administration program in November 2019 and his degrees have already opened up new opportunities for him in his career at a nuclear powerplant.

Van Dame had been finishing up his associate degree when he decided his academics weren’t stimulating enough and he wanted more challenges. That’s when a friend suggested he enlist in the Navy’s nuclear power program. Van Dame joined in 2004 as a nuclear engineer for chemistry and radiological controls where he maintained and operated the equipment in the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program. After 10 years, Van Dame began hearing about companies that hired trained professionals to try to hack their computer defenses and the job appealed to him. He was beginning to think about his post-Navy career and that kind of job fit with his interests, stemming back to his love of tinkering with computers when he was younger. “It’s a lot of troubleshooting and thinking outside the box,” he says.

When he heard about Excelsior’s combined bachelor’s in nuclear engineering technology /MBA program, he thought it could be a potential opportunity to bring his love and knowledge of computers to the nuclear industry. The MBA part of the program has a concentration in cybersecurity. So, he was happy to learn his military training translated into degree credit. Van Dame later used a portion of his GI Bill® to pay for his master’s degree.

Van Dame completed his enlistment and transitioned from the Navy in 2014 and began working full-time at the Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Plant of Energy Harbor Corporation in Akron, Ohio. He was promoted to the radiation protection superintendent and monitored the workload and manpower of the department but earning his MBA with a focus in cybersecurity allowed him to move into cybersecurity. Now he is a cybersecurity specialist, working on the plant’s cybersecurity infrastructure. He tests the plant’s new computer systems, essentially trying to break through the firewalls before hackers can.

The education and degrees Van Dame earned from Excelsior and the experience he gained in the Navy all play into his role at the nuclear plant. Van Dame often uses the leadership and interpersonal skills he learned in the Navy in his job, as well as many things he learned in the various Excelsior business courses, like IT Risk Analysis and Management. He also participated in the spring season of the National Cyber League, the cybersecurity competition that uses defensive and offensive puzzle-based and capture-the-flag style challenges. Van Dame’s team, Excelsior_FTW, achieved 84.11% accuracy and Van Dame says the competition was a unique experience he would recommend to anyone. It also helped him decide that he was making the right decision for his career. “It kind of solidified that’s what I wanted to do and that I wanted to finish my degree,” he says.

What Van Dame likes most about his job is “being able to apply what I’ve learned at Excelsior and my external training to strengthen our cybersecurity.” Sometimes it’s hard to keep track of the different computer systems and to keep up with the new vulnerabilities to systems, but testing the security is a big responsibility that he doesn’t mind.

Van Dame has also begun training to earn several certifications necessary and required for his job. He’s taking the penetration testing course offered by the International Council of E-commerce Consultants and is working on the certified ethical hacker certification. With these certifications under his belt, he will be able to move up in his career as well as better defend his company’s infrastructure.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at benefits.va.gov/gibill/.

Excelsior College To Co-Lead in Initiative to Establish Cybersecurity Pipeline

Albany, N.Y. —Amelia Estwick, PhD, director of the National Cybersecurity Institute at Excelsior College, was recently named co-lead of the national Cybersecurity Education Diversity Initiative (CEDI) Coalition along with Thaier Hayajneh of the Fordham Center for Cybersecurity at Fordham University. CEDI is a national workforce development initiative that aims to close the gap in cybersecurity talent through a partnership with the National Security Agency (NSA), Maryland Innovation & Security Institute (MISI), and the Department of Defense Office of Small Business Programs (DoD/OSBP). This partnership provides an academic path and pipeline for cybersecurity students to enter the field of cybersecurity equipped with the knowledge, skills, and training necessary to fill critical cybersecurity jobs.

Amelia Estwick

“On behalf of Excelsior College, I am excited to co-lead this initiative with academic and industry peers to help address the nation’s critical cybersecurity talent gap and provide equitable access to cybersecurity education, training, and jobs,” stated Estwick. Estwick is also an educator and cybersecurity professional with more than 20 years of experience working in research and federal cyber operations.

Excelsior College is a Center for Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CDE), a designation received from the National Security Agency (NSA) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Schools meet rigorous requirements in order to receive CAE designation, and their degree programs are required to map to the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NIST/NICE). Excelsior’s fully online Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity program maps to the NICE standards and prepares students with the technical knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the cybersecurity industry. Excelsior also offers a master’s degree in cybersecurity to prepare students for mid-career and senior-level leadership positions in the growing field.

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Media Contact:

Alicia Jacobs, ajacobs@excelsior.edu, 518-410-4624


Excelsior College (excelsior.edu) is an accredited, not-for-profit online college focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. The college contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity. Learn more at excelsior.edu.

Navigating the Landscape of Assessment Tools and Resources Panel at the IUPUI Assessment Institute Virtual Conference 2020


There is a wealth of available resources across the higher education landscape to assist institutions with their assessment processes and practices. However, it can be overwhelming to find these resources, know where to look, or how to filter through the information to find those that are helpful. This session brings together representatives from various organizations deeply engaged with assessment who offer free resources to both student and academic affairs that can inform your work. Join us to learn about the useful tools available from Student Affairs Assessment Leaders (SAAL), the Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE), the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS), and the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA). In addition, this session will cover free educational materials that can be used for professional development such as the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Applying & Leading Assessment in Student Affairs” and the Assessment Modules from the Learning Assessment Research Consortium (LARC).

Excelsior College Hosts October 21 Webinar on Election Cybersecurity

Albany, N.Y. — Excelsior College will host a webinar on Election Cybersecurity in New York State on Wednesday, October 21 at 2 p.m. ET. Many election commissions and agencies are working on ways to be better prepared to prevent and handle election security threats. States across the country are implementing efforts to combat cyber risks and ensure this November’s local, state, and federal elections are conducted safely. In current news, the cybersecurity community is facing malware from Trickbot, which threatens to disrupt the upcoming elections.

Join Jeffrey Baez, chief information security officer for the New York State Board of Elections and director of the Secure Elections Center, to learn about how the State Board of Elections is addressing and remediating cyber risks to ensure we have secure and reliable elections. To register, visit https://excelsior.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ICzQwTxfSMq1kCWKT1AaBA

Jeffrey BaezBaez is a cybersecurity expert and certified information systems security professional. He participated on a panel at the 2nd Annual CISA Cyber Security Summit where he spoke with the secretaries of state from Michigan and Ohio and other elections officials and addressed senior leaders in both the private and public sector on emerging technologies, vulnerability management, incident response, risk mitigation, and other issues related to protecting elections systems.

Baez has spoken at many conferences in North America and Europe. He is a graduate of the University at Albany, where he earned a Master of Science in Information Science. Baez is an adjunct professor and PhD student at the University at Albany, teaching courses on cybersecurity, information technology, elections, and business resilience.

Excelsior College has been recognized as a Center for Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE IA-CD). Excelsior College’s fully online Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity program provides technical knowledge and skills in cybersecurity. The program also supports the belief of the NSA that cybersecurity should be integrated into all aspects of a person’s career.

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Media Contact Excelsior College:

Alicia Jacobs, ajacobs@excelsior.edu, 518-410-4624



Excelsior College (excelsior.edu) is an accredited, not-for-profit online college focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. The college contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity. Learn more at excelsior.edu.


Excelsior College Hosts “The Political Candidates on Cannabis” Webinar on October 20

Albany, N.Y. — Excelsior College will host a webinar focused on “The Political Candidates on Cannabis” next Tuesday, October 20 from 4–5 p.m. ET. The webinar will be moderated by Mona Zhang, a long-standing cannabis reporter who has been with Politico since 2019.

Attendees will hear from two industry experts, Kris Krane, president of 4frontventures.com, and Tahir Johnson, membership manager and diversity, equity, and inclusion manager at the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA). These experts understand both presidential candidates’ stances on legalization and what changes are predicted to happen to the cannabis industry under each administration. They also serve on Excelsior College’s Industrial Advisory Committee.

Many important issues are at stake with the upcoming presidential election. “There have been some significant legislative developments in the legal cannabis space over the last couple of months—with the introduction and ultimate delay of a vote on the MORE act. Much of what happens in the sector will be impacted by what happens in the upcoming elections, not only at the presidential level but also in House and Senate races. We are absolutely thrilled to be joined by industry leaders to learn more about the impact of the elections on policy and legislation at the federal level,” stated Scott V. Dolan, dean of the School of Graduate Studies at Excelsior College.

In September, Excelsior College launched the first course in the Graduate Certificate in Cannabis Control program. The program includes three 3-credit courses to support career success in a relatively new but rapidly expanding legal cannabis industry.

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Media Contact:

Alicia Jacobs, ajacobs@excelsior.edu, 518-410-4624



Excelsior College (excelsior.edu) is an accredited, not-for-profit online college focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. The college contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity. Learn more at excelsior.edu.

How Cannabis Can Help the Economy

The cannabis industry has grown exponentially over the past few years, bringing more jobs to local economies and creating tax revenue that often gets redistributed to programs that benefit local communities. There are many benefits to legalizing cannabis, and aside from the medical benefits, there are huge economic benefits.

Cannabis Tax Revenue

According to the Washington Post, if cannabis were federally legal, it’s estimated the industry would amass $131.8 billion in federal tax revenue between 2017 and 2025. This money could go toward programs that benefit communities, especially those disproportionately affected by the war on drugs.

For instance, the Denver Post reported that Colorado used $7.3 million from cannabis tax revenue on homeless services and housing. If the U.S. legalized and regulated cannabis and took the same approach as Colorado and other states, the tax revenue generated would generate significant impact on programs across the country that help the less fortunate.

Creation of Cannabis Jobs

The cannabis industry is arguably the fastest growing industry to date, doubling in size over the past four years and, according to Leafly, an online source for cannabis information, creating 121,000 full-time jobs. It’s expected that legal cannabis jobs will grow by 250 percent over the next 10 years, more than any other industry. In some states like Massachusetts, for instance, cannabis jobs already surpass other professions, such as hairstylists and cosmetologists.

The creation of new jobs as a result of the cannabis industry is no doubt exciting and a source of optimism for those looking for work, especially considering the range of job options available, from budtenders, farmers, and botanists to compliance managers, marketers, accountants, and more.

Redirect Prohibition Spending

The American Civil Liberties Union estimates that $7.7 billion is spent per year to enforce the war on drugs. A portion of this large budget could be repurposed for programs to help communities affected by the war on drugs, as well as for cannabis education and regulation. If taxed the same as tobacco and alcohol, cannabis could bring in as much as $6 billion per year.

The ineffectiveness of prohibition has negated the need for such a large budget, and this money can instead be redirected in the form of reparations to communities disproportionately affected by the program. Aside from this, the amount of money that federal legalization is capable of producing is enough to stimulate the economy, a plausible reason as to why cannabis should be federally legalized.

Interested in seeing how you can make a difference? Enroll in our Graduate Certificate in Cannabis Control program and gain all the tools necessary to break into the cannabis industry and start making a change!

Excelsior College Welcomes Our Cannabis Industrial Advisory Committee of Leading Industry Professionals

Albany, N.Y. — Excelsior College welcomes leading industry professionals to our inaugural Cannabis Industrial Advisory Committee (CBC-IAC) within the School of Graduate Studies. Thirteen members met recently, representing various states from the East Coast to the West Coast, and from as far away as Hawaii.

In September, Excelsior College launched the first course in the Graduate Certificate in Cannabis Control program. The program includes three 3-credit courses to support career success in a relatively new but rapidly expanding legal cannabis industry. The CBC-IAC members provide perspectives from business operators, regulators, and the industry along with market expertise related to the program curriculum. The Committee’s input is vital to creating thought leaders in the legal cannabis industry and its regulatory environment.

The members of 2020 Cannabis Industrial Advisory Committee (CBC-IAC) will serve a one-year term, with opportunity for renewals. Members include:


  • Tessa Adams (CA), Head of Marketing, MOXIE
  • Solonje Burnett (NY), Founder, Humble Bloom
  • Paul Coble (AZ), Founder & CEO, Thalo
  • Robert Hunt (CA), Founder & Managing Member, Linnaea Holdings
  • Tahir Johnson (MD) Membership Manager & DEI Manager, National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA)
  • Kris Krane (IL), President, 4Front Ventures
  • Marion McNabb (NC), President, Cannabis Center of Excellence
  • Amanda Ostrowitz (IL), Senior Vice President & Founder of CannaRegs
  • Ashley Picillo (CO), Founder, Point 7 Group
  • Amanda Reiman (CA), VP of Community Development, Flow Kana
  • Kathryn Reiter (CA), Compliance Manager, Natura Life + Science
  • Dylan Shropshire (HI), Founder & COO, Big Island Grown
  • Danniel Swatosh (NY) Founder, Humble Bloom


“We are extremely honored to be working with a prestigious group of well-respected leaders and experts who approach the sector from various perspectives,” stated Scott V. Dolan, dean of the School of Graduate Studies at Excelsior College. “The guidance and input from this committee is key to the goal of ensuring our program remains current and relevant to the needs of the market. Additionally, we are excited to work with this group to expand opportunities for our students to connect with industry beyond the classroom—through internships, course projects, networking events, webinars on topical issues in the regulatory space, and more.”

Some economic forecasts predict that legal cannabis will be a $73 billion industry by 2025, and recent analyses show employment opportunities expanding in concert with industry growth.  Leveraging a fully online delivery model, the Excelsior College Cannabis Control Program will provide high-quality, academically rigorous courses to support adult learners from diverse academic, geographic, and cultural backgrounds.

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Media Contact:

Alicia Jacobs, ajacobs@excelsior.edu, 518-410-4624



Excelsior College (excelsior.edu) is an accredited, not-for-profit online college focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. The college contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity. Learn more at excelsior.edu.



What Job Can I Get with a Health Sciences Degree?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) expects the health care industry to grow rapidly during the next decade so a health sciences degree may help students looking to enter this growing job market. The BLS projected the broadly defined health care occupations to grow 14 percent from 2018 to 2028, adding about 1.9 million new jobs. The branches of health sciences are vast, including such careers as physical therapist, medical technician, dental hygienist, paramedic, and more.

 Excelsior College’s Associate in Science in Health Sciences program is designed for people new to or already working in the health care industry who want to advance their careers. Graduates may work in a variety of settings, including community centers, long-term care facilities, private practices, and more. Students graduate from the program with an expanded medical vocabulary, improved communication skills, and a strong understanding of the U.S. health care system.

Skills and Knowledge Gained in an Associate Degree in Health Sciences Program

The health sciences associate degree program at Excelsior is designed to give graduates the skills and knowledge they will need to excel in a health care profession. Some of the key skills are listed below.

  • Effective oral communication
  • Effective written communication
  • An understanding of the structure and function of the health care delivery system in the United States
  • Working knowledge of the various roles and responsibilities of health professionals
  • Ability to discuss trends and opportunities in health care

Jobs for Health Sciences Associate Degree Graduates

Earning an associate degree opens the door to many different jobs in the growing health care industry. The following are some of the most popular health sciences jobs and the annual salary for each. Information comes from the online job search site Indeed.com, as well as from Glassdoor.com and Payscale.com.

  • Program coordinator – $50,358
  • Public Health Specialist 1 – $49,882
  • Senior Administrative Assistant – $48,890
  • Health Benefits Specialist – $48,632
  • Community Health Advocate – $37,762

An Associate in Science in Health Sciences is perfect for:

  • Veterans or servicemembers who have received military training but have not yet earned a degree;
  • Licensed practical nurses or vocational nurses looking for program options other than nursing to advance their careers in health care;
  • Persons working in medical billing, medical coding, and within health insurance organizations; and
  • Allied health professionals who need a degree to further their career.


Where Will a Health Sciences Associate Degree Take You?

Graduates from Excelsior’s associate degree in health science program are prepared from Day 1 to take on jobs in many areas. These include entry-level jobs in medical office administration, health insurance member services, community health services, medical billing management, and human resources.

As part of the curriculum, students learn about health care issues that impact private, nonprofit, and public health insurance and financing. They also gain knowledge in areas such as health provider education and licensing, federal health care legislation and regulation compliance, and health care delivery settings and electronic medical records.

The associate degree in health sciences program is designed for those who aspire to move into the health care field or those already in health care who want to improve their chances for better pay and promotion. View our Associate and Bachelor’s Degrees in Health Sciences.


Excelsior College Partners with ed2go to Provide Training to Meet Changing Workforce Landscape

Albany, N.Y.- Excelsior College has partnered with ed2go, a Cengage company and a leading provider of online adult continuing education and career training programs, to provide learners in 50 states and more than 16 countries with access to fully online, noncredit courses to gain additional marketable workforce skills.  This partnership helps individuals demonstrate specialized knowledge to advance their career and meets current and emerging workforce demands by providing training courses, both instructor-led and self-paced, for the most in-demand certifications.

Lisa R. Braverman, Excelsior College’s vice provost for academic and faculty affairs, shared, “We are excited to add new opportunities for adult learners to gain skills and alternative credentials, such as certificates, through more than 1,000 online continuing education Foundational and Career Training courses.  There are a variety of high-demand subjects that align with our current 40 degree programs across six areas of study– business, health sciences, liberal arts, nursing, public service, and technology- to help students work toward career advancement. During COVID-19, our partnership with ed2go is even more important because it is advancing individuals contribution to the workforce and providing relevant education to meet the changing job landscape.”

Nationwide data reports growth and interest in alternative or “microcredentials” programs, which is especially true during times of economic stress. Excelsior is responding to this market trend by offering prospective students a variety of relevant, convenient, and portable credentials through training courses to afford learners maximum flexibility, critical upskilling opportunities, and new credentialing options.


“There is growing need for continuing education options that support learners in reskilling and advancement throughout their lifelong career journey,” said Cory Eyler, vice president and general manager, ed2go. “We are proud to partner with Excelsior to help close this gap for today’s learners and empower them with the knowledge and capabilities they need to advance in their careers and ultimately improve their lives.”

Excelsior College’s target audience are those who already possess a degree or who wish to advance, change, or find new jobs through completion of relevant workforce-related courses over the short term.

These training courses require a small investment from the student when compared to traditional degree programs and can have long-term benefits such as greater income or career change opportunities.

With unemployment changing since the COVID-19 pandemic began, many people will be looking to get back to the workforce with applicable, real-world skill sets as represented by these programs.

To learn more, visit https://www.excelsior.edu/trainings/.

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Media Contact:

Alicia Jacobs, ajacobs@excelsior.edu, 518-410-4624


Excelsior College (excelsior.edu) is a not-for-profit online college focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. The college contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity. Learn more at excelsior.edu.

About Cengage and ed2go


Cengage is the education and technology company built for learners. The company serves the higher education, K–12, professional, library, and workforce training markets worldwide. ed2go, a Cengage company, is a leading provider of online instructor-facilitated courses and career training programs for the adult continuing education and training markets. With a catalog of over 600 offerings and a network of more than 2,100 top colleges and universities, ed2go offers partner institutions and organizations the opportunity to provide unprecedented access to affordable online education. www.ed2go.com

Excelsior College Hosts Virtual Graduate Research Symposium on October 2 with Keynote Speaker on “Loneliness in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic”

Albany, NY — Excelsior College will host a Virtual Graduate Student Research Symposium on Friday, October 2 from 1:00–5:30 p.m. ET. The keynote speaker, Sri Banerjee, PhD, has worked at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the area of infectious diseases and public health projects worldwide. He will address “Loneliness in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic” from 1:20–1:40 p.m. Banerjee will be joined by Nelson Tuazon, PhD, who has over 35-years of experience in nursing practice, academia, administration, and executive leadership. He will discuss ”Adopt, Adapt, Abandon: Building a Culture of Inquiry and Discovery” from 3:10–3:30 p.m.

 Scott Dolan, dean of School of Graduate Studies, stated, “We are thrilled to be holding our inaugural Graduate Research Symposium. This is a great example of collegewide collaboration and will bring students together from different disciplines to present their research and work. We see this as an extension of our strategic goals of building community with our faculty and students, promoting dialogue across disciplines, and giving students an opportunity to network with leaders in their respective fields. We invite you to join us for this important educational event.”

The Graduate Research Symposium is an opportunity for Excelsior College graduate students to present their own research that they completed in courses. The symposium will include presentations on health sciences, business, cybersecurity, nursing, criminal justice, and public service.

Michele Paludi, senior faculty program director and co-chair of graduate symposium, stated, “The Schools of Graduate Studies and Nursing wanted to host the online graduate research symposium as an opportunity for graduate students to present their research to a diverse audience across several disciplines. We are honored to have Dr. Banerjee and Dr. Nelson join us for this symposium. They are outstanding role models for students.”

Excelsior College’s goal is to provide graduate students an avenue to share their research, practice conference and presentation skills, network, and foster interprofessional collaborations. The research at this event will include case analysis, website analysis, original research, primary research, secondary research, and translating research into health care practice on nursing, mentoring, and other topics.

The Ever Upward prize will be awarded to the best presentation at the symposium to encourage a student to continue to pursue research throughout their career and to place value on research in general.

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Media Contact:

Alicia Jacobs, ajacobs@excelsior.edu, 518-464-8531

About Excelsior College

 Excelsior College (excelsior.edu) is an accredited, not-for-profit online college focused on helping adults complete their degrees and advance their careers. The college contributes to the development of a diverse, educated, and career-ready society by valuing lifelong learning with an emphasis on serving individuals historically underrepresented in higher education. Founded in 1971, Excelsior meets students where they are — academically and geographically — removing obstacles to the educational goals of adults pursuing continuing education and degree completion. Our pillars include innovation, flexibility, academic excellence, and integrity. Learn more at excelsior.edu.