NSF Grant Success

Simulation courses prepare students for a technology career

In 2017, the National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded Excelsior College $864,000 in grant funding to develop simulations to teach and assess key workplace skills among associate degree technology students. Excelsior partnered with Polk State College in Florida to develop simulations to teach and then assess key skills in power generation and advanced manufacturing to improve the pipeline of technicians into key economic sectors. This was the first NSF grant awarded to Excelsior.

According to Forbes, as of August 2019, there were 7.6 million unfilled skilled labor jobs in the United States. The demand for certain trades, including electrical work, continues to grow. “Educational simulations have the capacity to prepare students, regardless of their proximity to campus, for careers in skilled industry,” says Michael Johnson, who was the associate dean of technology at Excelsior College when the grant was awarded and became its principal investigator. “For the first time, students in online programs will have the opportunity to earn industry certification.”

The simulations were incorporated into three associate degree-level courses within the Nuclear/Power Plant, Electronic/Instrumentation, and Electromechanical concentrations: TECH 180 Personal Protection Equipment for Electrical Work, TECH 185 Blueprint Ready, and TECH 240 Job Tasks and Troubleshooting. Incorporating simulations into these courses closes current gaps in teaching and assessing safety, blueprint reading, and the use of tools and equipment – hands-on skills until now taught only in a laboratory setting.

“Educational simulations have the capacity to prepare students, regardless of their proximity to campus…” –Michael Johnson

In the Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) course, 3D simulation scenarios assist students in understanding PPE identification and selection for electrical and manufacturing work. Students apply hazardous awareness to assess the environmental conditions, and adopt safety procedures and tools to identify and select PPE for performing electrical and manufacturing work. “It [the course] prepares the student for most of the safety aspects that are involved in the industry,” says Randy Holt, the course’s instructor.

The Blueprint Reading course ensures students gain knowledge of blueprint components, facility floor plan diagrams, and blueprint reading; select the appropriate blueprint, and identify facility diagrams based on the failing component. Through simulation, the Blueprint Reading course also prepares students to read the blueprint for lockout/tagout, use lockout/tagout practices, and apply and verify lockout/tagout.

In Job Task and Troubleshooting simulations, students perform hazard analysis, read blueprints, inspect work areas, select LO/TO equipment, troubleshoot, and repair electrical equipment.

Students have responded positively to the simulations; many users have found the experiences motivating for learning content and would take another simulation course. Many users also reported that the simulations were more effective in learning the course content.

Successfully completing these courses allows students to move into the TECH 260 Energy Industry Fundamentals course. Students can then pursue final assessment on their own with the Center for Electrical Workforce Development (CEWD). Earning a credential with CEWD ensures potential workers gain an understanding of the energy industry as a prerequisite to occupation-specific training. It also ensures they gain an understanding of the careers available in the energy industry as well as of the education and training needed to enter and advance in those careers.

“This innovative use of simulation technology is expanding the possibilities for students preparing for new careers by taking fully online programs,” says Johnson.

National Cyber League Competition Offers Real-World Experience to Cybersecurity Students

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2019 Cookie Bandits Team Captain, Melissa Burger. Photo: Jeffrey’s Photographic

The National Cyber League is a cybersecurity competition with offensive and defensive puzzle-based and capture the flag games. Excelsior’s National Cybersecurity Student Association Chapter participates annually. The NCL is a virtual training that prepares high school and college students for potential real-world situations. Students participate in the preseason, individual, and team games at the level of their choosing, giving them opportunities to be successful and expand their skills. The number of Excelsior students participating in the NCL has steadily increased each season since 2017.

Students who participate in the NCL gain cybersecurity experience, prepare for the workplace, and increase their skill levels for more competitions down the road. The spring season is held from March until May; the fall season starts in October and ends in November. Students register three weeks prior to the start of the season and can practice in the virtual gym before the competition begins.

According to Cyber Skyline power rankings, “Every year, over 10,000 students from more than 300 colleges and universities across the US participate in the NCL competitions.” To put into perspective how well Excelsior College has been doing in the NCL, as of spring 2020, Excelsior College is nationally ranked at No. 34; in the fall 2018 season, Excelsior was nationally ranked No. 55. The College ranks No. 13 in the eastern United States. All schools are ranked based on their best team performance, their best individual student performance, and the combined individual student performance.

“Excelsior has consistently ranked on the Top 100 Leaderboard for the past three NCL seasons, which demonstrates how committed our students are in competing on the national level,” says Amelia Estwick, director of the National Cybersecurity Institute at Excelsior College and the NCL coach.

“I think the exposure and skills [gained] are the biggest takeaways. You learn things you would never learn in the classroom. This provides you a way to practice everything you learned, too.” – Melissa Burger

In the NCL 2020 spring season, Excelsior had three teams rank in the top 100. The Oops team placed No. 40, scoring 2,385 out of 3,000 points with a 74.1 percent accuracy rate. In the 2019 fall season, Excelsior had two teams listed as a top performer, placing No. 55 and No. 99 out of the top 100 teams. The Excelsior Gunters team scored 2,195 out of 3,000 points, with an accuracy rate of 89.23 percent, placing them on the leaderboard as No. 55. Excelsior’s Cookie Bandits team scored 1,850 out of 3,000 points with an accuracy rate of 66.23 percent, placing them on the leaderboard at No. 99.

Excelsior graduate Melissa Burger, who earned a Associate in Science in Liberal Arts in 2017, a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts in 2018, and is pursuing a Master of Science in Cybersecurity, has competed in the NCL with the NCSA chapter. This past fall, she was the captain of the Cookie Bandits team. “I think the exposure and skills [gained] are the biggest takeaways. You learn things you would never learn in the classroom. This provides you a way to practice everything you learned, too,” Burger says of the experience.


Excelsior College Responds to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The past few months unfolded in a way and at a pace that many institutions planned for but hoped would never happen. COVID-19 had an impact on communities in new ways almost daily. As colleges and universities across the world worked fervently to protect the health and safety of students, faculty, and staff, new challenges emerged.

Social-distancing procedures closed many campuses for the rest of the spring semester. Excelsior College is a distance-learning institution, and courses continued smoothly as students continued working from their own spaces. However, nearly 375 employees work on site in Albany, New York. In mid-March, Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued workforce reduction orders for nonessential businesses. First, he issued a 50 percent reduction, then 75 percent, followed quickly by a 100 percent work-remote order. The College converted to fully remote within days. Student services and course instruction remained consistent as staff transitioned to the new normal.

The new physical distance of employees turned thoughts to connecting with the larger college community. Institutions were moving traditional classrooms to digital, and some faculty and students struggled in the online space. Excelsior is proud of its history in distance learning and found a way to support other institutions through a COVID-19 Peer Resource webpage: a compilation of articles and resources to ease the transition to the landscape of digital classrooms.

Confident in Excelsior’s place as a leader in online education, the College shares freely with other institutions so that everyone is stronger in the end.

In an effort to help colleges and K–12 schools build their online courses quickly, Excelsior created a landing page with resources on best practices in online teaching and online learning. These landing pages saw web traffic climb, and President James N. Baldwin and Provost John Caron positioned the College to be a thought leader and a resource for distance education. For example, University Business and Evolllution published Baldwin and Caron’s articles on strategies for faculty and institutional leaders to elevate their online teaching and online learning. “The ramp up to online [teaching and learning] that many colleges and K–12 schools did in response to COVID-19 was impressive. But, as schools move out of emergency mode, they will have to look beyond the basic conversion of face-to-face content and think about how they can create a sustained presence, engagement, and interaction in an online environment,” says Caron.

In other outreach, faculty program directors were interviewed by EAB, a provider of technology, research, and services for educational institutions, for advice on building an online community. Excelsior also partnered with Ellucian, a technology company that provides software and services to the higher-education sector, to host a webinar on the benefits of online learning, evaluation of online teaching and learning, support for online students, and enrollment management.

As news of the crisis that health care workers face unfolded, the College shipped 20,000 exam gloves from its nursing program to New York City for the Javits Center, and, outside of work, some staff members made fabric masks for first responders. Excelsior’s partnership team coordinated meal deliveries to six local hospitals for health care workers. Pizza Hut partners exclusively with Excelsior for education and partnered again to bring their best pizzas to hospital staff. Photos and messages of appreciation poured in from hospitals. Excelsior employees honored Excelsior-educated nurses on the front lines, combatting the virus.

Physical distancing has changed Excelsior. Remote work is still the norm, and staff have a deepened appreciation for students learning and faculty teaching at a distance. The College also shined a light on the strong teaching model, robust courses, and the commitment of students. Confident in Excelsior’s place as a leader in online education, the College shares freely with other institutions so that everyone is stronger in the end. This community pulls together for support, growth, appreciation, and gratitude. This community is Excelsior proud.

Giving Back to Health Care Workers

In honor of National Nurses Month in May and National Nurses Week from May 6–12, Excelsior College and Pizza Hut teamed up to deliver lunch and dinner to six hospitals in New York’s Capital Region as a token of appreciation for all local health care workers. Excelsior and Pizza Hut hope health care workers can take time to rest, refuel, and know the community is thinking of them.

Health Care workers eating pizza
Pizza Hut delivery
Excelsior employee family with thank you signs
Health Care Worker


It Came from Ballroom A

Networking might feel uncomfortable but find comfort in being yourself and true connection will follow

This is not your typical networking article. This article won’t give you “Four Ways to Cultivate Synergy!” nor will it provide “Ten Success-Boosting Motivation Tips from Millionaire Entrepreneurs!” However, if that’s what you’re looking for, you’re in luck because those are real article titles.

This article is for the name-tag averse, the person wondering if they remembered to peel the size sticker off the blazer they just bought. This article is for the person caught off guard by an impending handshake, struggling to balance their sad little plate of cheese cubes on top of a sweating plastic cup swaddled in a soaked cocktail napkin. This article is for us: the people who dread networking. Let’s all take these next 36 sentences to find solace in our unity and wallow in the soul-crushing vacuity that is networking, then we can go back to pretending we’re so totally jazzed our boss has sent us to attend an event in Ballroom A of the Hilton Garden Inn at 6 p.m. on a Tuesday.

This article is for the name-tag averse, the person wondering if they remembered to peel the size sticker off the blazer they just bought.

We know that networking makes the world go ‘round. It’s not a myth that if you want to build connections and create a community around your business, it really is about relationships. Smart people tell you these things all the time! So why do we dislike networking so much? To start with the obvious, trying to start conversations with random business-casual-bedecked strangers is awkward no matter what. What I think makes it so painful is this: Everybody in the room wants something, but we’re all bound by social convention to act as if we’re only there to build those relationships everyone is talking about. It’s the cognitive dissonance of trying to have a normal, human conversation all the while knowing that your actual secret mission is to worm your way closer to getting the thing you want. It would be whole lot less awkward — and more transparent — if people at these events were to walk around with small signs hanging around their neck that list their name, company, and the things they want. That way Jimmy who wants employees, money, and a new office space can easily connect with Jackie who wants a new job, investment opportunities, and an office tenant. With the nuts and bolts of cold, hard commerce out there in the open, you can get things done and maybe even find your way into some naturally friendly chitchat.

It can be done. If you’re looking for networking tips from people who thrive on the experience, here are some pointers from Entrepreneur magazine and Monster:

  • Listen well and ask lots of questions. Networking is so much less stressful when you can get other people to do the talking, and most people relish the opportunity to talk about themselves. The more information you can gather now will make it easier to start conversations in the future.
  • Tell a story. When it’s time to share information about yourself, resist the temptation to rattle off your name, industry, and title. Tell people a story about who you are and what you do. Make it personal and engaging and people will be interested.
  • Be sincere, authentic, and positive. Even if you dislike networking, cultivating a positive attitude will help keep things in perspective. Don’t take things too seriously and you’ll feel yourself start to relax. Remember to bring your sincere and authentic self when interacting with others. It will help those all-important connections stick.
  • Always follow up. Networking doesn’t stop after you’ve exited Ballroom A. Following up after the fact is just as important. Whether it’s by phone, text, or email, make sure you send a quick message letting people know how much you enjoyed meeting them. Extra points if you can work in a fact or a personal detail from your conversation.

Still unsure and want to feel a little better about being an awkward networker? Here’s a true story from me to you: A client of mine was holding a grand opening of their high-end commercial interior design showroom. Sent to represent the company and “build affinity,” I ended up chatting with a furniture supplier. It was going well! Probably because she thought I was in the market for office furniture (see above: Everybody in the room wants something). As we paused in front of a brightly spotlighted display of office chairs, she told me her company was the sole licensed distributer of a certain designer in the Northeast. She then raised her hand up to her face looking for all the world like the universal invitation for a high five. Not wanting to leave her hanging, I enthusiastically slapped her hand. I’m also pretty sure I said, “good job!” One look at her confused face and I realized the spotlight from the display has been in her face and the chill “up top!” gesture was just an attempt to shade her eyes.

The motivational takeaway of this is that despite wanting very much to throw all my business cards up in the air as a diversion and scuttle under said designer chair, I finished out the event and lived to network another day. Plus, I came away with a story to add to my “amusingly humiliating anecdotes portfolio,” and I guarantee that erstwhile high-five recipient won’t forget me anytime soon either. Hey, maybe I’m a better networker than I thought.


Q&A with Tammy Spenziero

Director of Career Services
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Tammy Spenziero joined Excelsior College in 2019 as director of career services. She is familiar with what it takes to be an adult learner and balance a career, having earned a college degree nontraditionally while working and being a single parent. Since joining Excelsior, she has focused on ensuring that students regard their careers and what they can gain from career services as a critical part of their educational experiences. Photo: Mike Hemberger

What excites you about the career services field?
What excites me about the career services field is to help others achieve their goals and realize their full potential. The world is changing and now, more than ever, we have the ability to offer students and alumni educational opportunities and career and professional development that have a positive influence on their lives.

What challenges exist in providing career services in an online environment, and how do you overcome them?
Providing career services online is efficient and flexible for students. The benefits outweigh the few challenges that exist now. Challenges that could arise such as time zones, technology learning curves, and technical issues, are easily overcome.

You recently founded a group for online career services professionals within the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). What led you to do that, and what opportunities do you see for the group?
When I started leading career services at Excelsior College in mid-September 2019, I put out a question on the NACE Community Discussion Board to connect with others in similar online roles. I asked if there were any affinity groups available that I could join. None existed. The idea for a group gained attention and interest from NACE leadership as well as from my colleagues in the field. I worked with NACE to create this new national affinity group, and it now has more than 370 members in universities across the United States and in other countries. I am currently working with them on a series of webinars on the topic of online career services.

What does it mean for Excelsior to be part of the NACE group that you founded?
One great benefit of being a member of NACE is the ability to connect and engage with like-minded colleagues. We share ideas and challenges, and we work together to achieve goals toward the success of our students as well as of the career services field. I am excited because, although it was simply my intention to reach out and make connections with others in similar roles, I am now the founder and leader of a national group that positions Excelsior as a thought leader on the subject of remote and online career services to institutions across the United States.

What can students and alumni expect from career services at Excelsior?
Students and alumni will learn more about their career potential, which enriches their educational experience to provide a strong foundation for their future career decisions. They are offered coaching and tools for self-assessment, career exploration, job-search techniques, goal setting, decision making, and other needs. We strive to ensure that all students and alumni are offered the tools to establish their career goals in alignment with their educational pursuits, so they can hone career competencies to position them toward success in the workforce. The mission of career services is to empower students to proactively prepare for their unique careers and life goals, aligning them with meaning and purpose. Our vision for career services at the College is to inspire and encourage students to pursue professional goals that coincide with their life dreams.

What career guidance do you give most often?
Always follow your passion, and do what makes you fulfilled and happy. Know your talents, have confidence in all that you offer, continue learning and working on areas in need of improvement, and connect with others.

What was the best career advice you ever received?
The best career advice I have ever received is the same advice I give most often: Always follow your passion and do what makes you fulfilled and happy. In addition, be a good listener, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. “Mistakes” can be lessons, big and small, that set your path toward the future.

What’s most needed in the field of career services and why?
Making a shift to career preparation and planning is needed most, along with assistance in making connections. We need a greater focus on helping students to understand what it takes to be prepared, and to plan and make decisions toward a future that is a best fit for them, their talent, and passion. With technological advances, networking is better than ever and making connections is on a whole new level for students, alumni, faculty, and employers. These connections are most valuable when working toward career goals and going beyond an outdated career center model and into a more interactive, technology-driven practice of networking, which is key.

What do Excelsior students say the impact of career services is on their lives and careers?
What I hear most from students is that they have found the most success in reaching their career goals when engaged early on with career services. Those who take advantage of knowing what phase they are in along the career development path find it easiest to set goals when they enroll in college. Many students who wait to set career goals until right before they graduate and expect to reach career goals often fall short and are not able to achieve success in a competitive market.

What job search question do you get asked the most?
How can I stand out and get selected for an interview with “X” company? Oftentimes, students have their sights set on a specific job or company and want to land an interview. My advice is to do their homework and research the company’s strategic plan, mission, values, work environment, people, and day-to-day operations. See if the company aligns with their own personal values, strengths, talents, and passion. Making connections, finding a mentor in the field, and participating in company information sessions or even volunteer events and internships are good ways to get a feel for whether a company is the right fit.


Mind Over Matter

The familiar concept takes on new meaning with the practice of mindfulness

People have a lot on their minds these days — family, work, school, financial security, COVID-19. And although your mind may be full with all these competing thoughts, is it mindful?

Mindfulness is a practice that promotes intense concentration on the present rather than on becoming mired in daydreaming or competing thoughts. It’s a way to train our minds to notice what’s around us — to experience sights, sounds, sensations, and emotions in a nonjudgmental way. How many times have we driven to work, but when we arrive, we can’t recall the trip? That’s an example of mindless behavior, and that might come as no surprise, because our minds wander nearly half of the time. However, by being mindful of what’s around us, a new way of experiencing the world is ours to behold. Mindfulness doesn’t necessarily mean “overthinking;” it means “noticing new things,” according to Ellen Langer, professor of psychology at Harvard University and recognized as the “mother of mindfulness.”

V. Blue Lemay, faculty program director for the humanities at Excelsior College, explains how mindfulness can lead to better self-awareness. “I’d say that at least for me, it [mindfulness] is certainly being in the present moment, but it also allows me to be aware of myself in the present moment, much more than I would be if I were being distracted. Because of that self-awareness, I’m able to understand who I am at that moment,” Lemay states.

In addition, Lemay notes that mindfulness helps her examine her values with the end goal of becoming a better person.

Rather than analyzing things based on our past experiences, mindfulness promotes the here and now, allowing us to transcend ingrained thinking habits.

So where was the concept of mindfulness born? Its roots can be traced back to many religious, meditative traditions, but it is most often associated with Buddhism. Mindfulness as practiced today is credited to Jon Kabat-Zinn, who learned to meditate while working on his PhD in molecular biology at MIT. Initially, he applied the concepts of mindfulness to treat chronic pain and published his findings in 1982. Building on his initial success, he developed the eight-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program. He also established the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

By applying renewed focus and awareness, coupled with living in the moment, mindfulness offers far-reaching positive effects ranging across many aspects of our lives. These include health benefits such as lowering blood pressure, managing pain, and improving sleep. In addition, mindfulness has been proven to promote better mental health by reducing stress and anxiety and helping to address addictive behaviors.

To learn that the value of mindfulness has permeated many aspects of our lives, including health care, the military, the workplace, as well as education, is no surprise. At Excelsior, for example, mindfulness is included among the General Education Career Competencies as a related skill under the Cultural Diversity and Expression competency.

Although focusing on self through the practice of mindfulness might sound like fertile ground for sowing the seeds of self-absorption and narcissism, nothing could be further from the truth. “It doesn’t mean putting blinders up — it means being focused; it’s not self-absorbed,” explains Ellen LaDieu, lead faculty program director for Excelsior’s School of Nursing.

Lemay adds further clarification, “I’m being self-aware because I care about my reactions with others. And so the more I can understand myself, the better my interactions with others will be. It’s about understanding you in that moment. If you choose to change your patterns so that you’re more aware of your values, it can have a profound effect on the world outside you.”

Mindfulness is a distinctly economical practice; it doesn’t require that you purchase specialized equipment or buy into a gym membership to exercise your brain in a beneficial manner. The primary investment is in devoting time to routine contemplation, either through meditation, deep breathing, or visualization to name a few techniques. “Mindfulness doesn’t tend to be very prescriptive at all,” observes Lemay. “You have to find out for yourself. It’s about creation. It’s about being curious.”

Lemay points out that the key to mindfulness is practice. In a contemporary world that is finely focused on achievement and acquisitions, learning to settle your mind and be quiet with yourself takes repetition. She notes, “You can have all the knowledge you want, read all the books you want about mindfulness, but, unless you really practice it, it’s just another cool trend, another entertaining gimmick that you can sort of be interested in but never fully explore or understand the benefits.”

Thirty minutes of meditation three times a day works best for Lemay. But mindfulness is not a one-size-fits-all tool. Molly Costello, program coordinator for Excelsior’s School of Undergraduate Studies, is a relative newcomer to mindfulness. “During particularly stressful times in my life, I practiced basic meditation for about 20 minutes twice a day,” she says. “However, I have found it more enjoyable and helpful by meditating for shorter periods of time. For beginners, even just taking a few minutes in the morning or at night to ground yourself and clear your mind of interruptions and unhelpful thoughts is very liberating.”

Of course, there are many resources, some free, some paid, that can guide you. For example, LaDieu uses a paid mobile application called Headspace. “It helps people to begin to learn meditation, mindfulness, and to be aware,” she explains. Other popular apps include Insight Timer; Stop, Breathe & Think (now known as MyLife); and Smiling Mind.

National museums offer online visualization opportunities to guide meditation and mindfulness. For example, the Rubin Museum of Art in New York City, which specializes in Himalayan art, culture, and ideas, has the Rubin Daily Offering five days a week. Here, practitioners, artists, teachers, and experts offer insights and tools using the collection’s artwork as inspiration.

Numerous books are available to guide the practice as well. Noted authority Kabat-Zinn has penned many of them, including “Mindfulness for Beginners: Reclaiming the Present Moment–And Your Life.” Both Lemay and Costello cite “The Mindful Leader” by Michael Bunting as an insightful addition to the knowledge base.

The practice of mindfulness has permeated all levels of education. Teaching this skill has been shown to reduce everyday stressors, benefitting both teachers and students. Mindfulness has been linked to improved academic achievement as well as to enhanced social and emotional learning. By concentrating on the present, students also may achieve better focus.

The Bethlehem Central Middle School in Delmar, New York, for example, has several mindfulness initiatives. “The middle school has been clued into rising mental health concerns for a number of years, and we’ve long espoused a foundational mission and charge of building students’ character as well as their academics,” explains middle school principal Mike Klugman. To that end, the school hosts a Monday Morning Mindful Minute via an announcement broadcast and sponsors a Mindful Morning club. The weekly club continued meeting via Google Meet when the COVID-19 pandemic shuttered schools. School guidance counselor Chynna Marcucci noticed many benefits among club members, including the students becoming more connected and thoughtful toward one another. She notes, “Kids are amazing and have an unexpected ability to practice mindfulness. They try so hard to access the position of calm mind and body.”

Mindfulness also complements the concept of the “presence of the nurse,” explains LaDieu. She was introduced to mindfulness through her interest in holistic nursing. “I need to be really present for the patient, so that’s really being mindful,” she explains, noting that it can be an important healing tool in health care. Studies have shown that nurses who engage in mindfulness develop better active listening and empathy skills. Being mindful can benefit not only the patient but also the practitioner. One study showed the nurses who participated in Kabat-Zinn’s MBSR program experienced reduced burnout and emotional exhaustion, for example.

This simple yet powerful tool has far-reaching benefits into other areas not typically associated with contemplative approaches. The military has tapped into mindfulness to help servicemembers gain focus and reduce distraction. In one case, mindfulness techniques were used to help infantry soldiers focus on when to pull the trigger to sharpen their shooting skills. Another study showed training that included mindful breathing helped participants better grasp important information during chaotic situations, an attribute that could benefit combat conditions. But it’s also used in more-supportive modalities, helping veterans cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Here mindfulness can be beneficial in helping the veteran focus on the present while not dwelling on the traumatic experience. The National Center for PTSD, part of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, provides a free Mindfulness Coach mobile application that offers articles on mindfulness, an assessment, as well as practice aids.

Many companies have promoted mindfulness in the workplace primarily to increase productivity, but with the additional benefits of reducing employee stress and also sharpening focus. Among the major corporations that have sponsored mindfulness programs for employees are General Mills, Google, Bank of America, and Goldman Sachs to name a few. The positive outcomes can be impressive. For example, Duke University studied Aetna, a large managed health care company, where 10,000 employees took part in mindfulness or yoga classes. Participants reported improvement in their sleep quality and a reduction in pain levels. In addition and perhaps most important from a business standpoint, a weekly gain of an hour of productivity was also noted. Studies also show that mindfulness can promote better workplace relationships that can possibly support improved diversity and inclusion behaviors. Other research has shown that mindfulness leads to more ethical behavior, improved safety, and reduced employee turnover.

Not only is there a plethora of anecdotal reports on the benefits of mindfulness, but also there is supporting physiological evidence. For example, in one study, MRI results of participants in an MBSR course displayed increased grey-matter density in the area of the brain associated with learning and memory and decreased density in the areas attributed to anxiety and stress. Lemay cites the body’s fight-or-flight response in supporting mindfulness’s effect on the body. The amygdala in the brain is responsible for anger and fear and other emotional responses, but those who practice mindfulness have shown decreased activity in those areas. She explains, “Studies show that people who do mindfulness meditation have a lot more resiliency.” Other scientific explorations have uncovered that the practice of mindfulness has a positive effect on the treatment and prevention of heart disease.

No doubt mindfulness can be a useful practice throughout our lives, but perhaps even more so during highly stressful times such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Just as many parts of daily life were put on pause to slow the spread of the virus, so too can mindfulness decelerate stressful times while enhancing our overall well-being. Costello states, “One of the tactics that has proven most beneficial to me is simply taking a pause. When life gets hectic, it’s important to slow down and regroup.”

Albert Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Mindfulness is a great example that shows the validity of his observation. It teaches us to pay attention to the present while embracing the full experience of life without being ensnared in old patterns and becoming distracted and lost. Rather than analyzing things based on our past experiences, mindfulness promotes the here and now, allowing us to transcend ingrained thinking habits. “Mindfulness gives me more opportunity to not get tied up and go off on some tangent,” says LaDieu. “It lets me look at the circumstances and information, and consider what’s going on in a mindful manner, allowing me to weather the punches easier.”


Lyndon Porter Knows How to Adapt

From turning a patient’s hospital stay into a home away from home, to taking care of family in his own home, Lyndon Porter has had to become a master in making it work before bringing home his Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences from Excelsior College in 2019. We spoke to Lyndon about his academic journey, career, and secrets to his success during a visit to Albany, New York, for Excelsior’s Commencement celebration in July 2019.

Dream Job:
Working in Public Health
Words of Wisdom:
“If you really, really, really want it, you can find a way to go back [to school]. You just have to find something that fits you.”

A veteran from Summerville, South Carolina, Porter left school to join the service. At the time, he didn’t think he was ready for college and credits his time in the military with giving him the structure and discipline he used to succeed years later. After the military, Porter started work in a nursing home and discovered a passion for health care. Porter knew he would need a degree to advance in his health care career, but after a stint at a traditional college, he realized that time spent sitting in a classroom wasn’t going to make his other responsibilities any easier. “You’ve got family, you have to go home, you have to cut the grass, you have to go pay bills, then you have to go to work, and you have to change diapers, and you have to be everywhere,” he remembers.

Thanks to encouragement from family, Porter discovered Excelsior’s online programs and knew they were the perfect fit for his life, work schedule, and goals. “Once I got exposed to going to school online, I was like, OK, now I can do it. I can make my own time … I can go review my homework and go in my class and not worry about missing an assignment or falling asleep and having to be back at work in the morning. You just have to find your niche,” Porter said, adding “Everything was a lot easier just because [Excelsior College] made it a lot easier.”

“The thing I remember the most is basically how to talk to patients, how to make them feel like they’re the most important thing because they are.” –Lyndon Porter

As a supervisor in a health care facility, Porter works on improving the hospital stay of every patient in his care and appreciated his courses’ focus on the patient experience. “The thing I remember the most is basically how to talk to patients, how to make them feel like they’re the most important thing because they are,” Porter said. Building a relationship of trust and comfort with his patients comes naturally to Porter in his role at the hospital. “You want to make sure they know that they’re taken care of and to let them know: ‘hey, this is what’s going on. This is how it is going. This is what I’m doing.’ Hopefully that eases them and makes the whole experience altogether better,” he said.

Now that he has his degree, he’ll be able to move into different positions at the hospital where he works or even pursue an advanced degree. But, first he planned some time with his family who had been the driving force behind his success, especially his children; Mark Peters, Jared Peters, Jesse Peters, Mia Peters, and Devin Porter. “My family’s very supportive ­— keep plugging at it, encouraging like, ‘you can do it.’ Letting you know what you’re doing is making a difference and telling me they’re proud of what I’m doing.”


Donna Tytko Explores Various Perspectives as an Author

Donna Tytko always thought that she’d write a book, and, as a student in the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program at Excelsior College, she finally had the impetus.

For the capstone experience of the program, she chose to pursue a creative thesis. “How could you argue with writing a book as part of your education?” quips Tytko, an avid reader since childhood. The course requirements directed that she incorporate her graduate-level research into the creative thesis and show how her studies influenced the novel. Her research paper explored psychology, education, and leadership, so she brought these themes to her novel “Night Air,” a psychological thriller about a woman named Penny who is haunted by her past.

Favorite authors:
E.M. Forster, David Sedaris, Jeannette Walls, Edith Wharton
Current book:
“A Gentleman in Moscow” by Amor Towles
Prior degree:
BS in Communications Studies

The book captures situations from the perspectives of various characters. “I wanted the book to be from different people’s points of view. It’s like research [that way] … I wanted all these people’s points of view coming through in the story,” says Tytko.

The novel was essentially completed when she earned her master’s degree in May 2010, but Tytko wasn’t finished with the story. She ultimately rewrote the novel five times, starting from page 1 each time and working her way through it. “I wasn’t really satisfied with it,” she says. She’d consider whether a character was adding to the story and then decided to eliminate those that didn’t advance the story.

Through the rewrites, Tytko didn’t know how the book would end. Once she did have this elusive piece of the plot, the novel finally came together. In all, it took nine years to bring the novel to completion. After that, she moved on to writing another one. “I spend a lot of time enjoying the act of writing,” says Tytko with a laugh.

“My vacation for years was working on my novel.” –Donna Tytko

She was not going to be one of those people who throw away their first novel, however, since she had put countless hours into perfecting hers. “It was certainly difficult to stop writing it,” says Tytko, who explains that she would write from 8 p.m. to 3 a.m. and then wake at 6 a.m. for her day. “My vacation for years was working on my novel.”

For the second book, Tytko has learned to write outlines for each chapter so that she knows the ending early on and can avoid complete rewrites. This next book is a biography of Hattie Gray, the founder of the famed Hattie’s Chicken Shack in Saratoga Springs, New York, who was known as much for her restaurant as for her support of neighbors and the community. “I greatly admire her generous spirit,” says Tytko. “I learned about Hattie when I was doing research for my novel. I was looking for someone who lived in the Capital District and was known for their extraordinary kindness. In my book “Night Air,” Penny is given a “hand up” by Hattie.”

When she was learning how to write a novel, Tytko, the associate dean for liberal arts at Siena College in Loudonville, New York, was also learning about herself. “I learned to respect my own intuition and skills,” she says, adding that she put the book out for the public only when she thought it was ready.

“The education I received at Excelsior really did make this novel much richer,” says Tytko. As a graduate student, she incorporated liberal arts concepts into a research paper titled “You Do Better When You Know Better.” These concepts also appear in her novel. “There is so much available to us to make our decisions, so many viewpoints out there.”


Alison Noone Credits the Excelsior MBA for Her Career Advancement

Alison Noone, of Toms River, New Jersey, was already familiar with Excelsior College when she enrolled in the MBA program, having earned a Bachelor of Science in Business in 2010. She chose to pursue another degree at Excelsior because she loved the bachelor’s program and the online learning fit right in with her lifestyle.

Support System:
Excelsior’s academic advisors
When She’s Not Studying:
After-school activities with her children
Current Goal:
Earning a doctorate

Noone, the assistant director of student life at Ocean County Community College, enjoyed the experience of earning her bachelor’s degree with Excelsior, particularly because of the flexibility to do her coursework around her full-time job and life as a mother of three and the support available from Excelsior 24/7. “If I had a technological issue, I was able to contact someone and get it fixed even at midnight or two in the morning, so when I came to the final decision to get my MBA, there was really no question to come back to Excelsior,” she says.

Earning an MBA in 2018 has allowed Noone to move up in her career at Ocean Community College, located on the Jersey Shore. She has been with the college for almost two decades, starting as a student worker in the Student Life Office and taking on positions of increasing responsibility in the same office. The Student Life Office is an exciting department where no two days are alike, says Noone. Sometimes they coordinate events for the community and some days they coordinate events for other departments. That’s part of what makes it so much fun, too. “It helps keep me connected to the campus as a whole and feel like I am part of something bigger than my department alone,” she says.

“I feel like my education has helped me do my job better and provide the best information for my students.” –Alison Noone

As assistant director, Noone is responsible for keeping students engaged and encouraging them to progress forward with their studies. “I feel like my education has helped me do my job better and provide the best information for my students. I’ve also been able to create opportunities for myself that I may not have considered previously,” she says, and adds she regularly uses business, financial literacy, and accounting skills learned from Excelsior’s MBA program when doing such things as balancing club budgets and negotiating contracts.

One thing Noone shares with students is how she overcame hurdles she ran into as a student. Time management was the biggest challenge, and she gradually learned how to schedule her days so she could fit in schoolwork. “The master’s program is fast paced, it is challenging, it doesn’t hold back or care that you have other things going on, just like your job doesn’t care that you’re going back to school,” she says.

Although her title hasn’t changed, her responsibilities have changed greatly since earning an MBA, she says. She has been coordinating leadership training programs for students and staff and has also become a certified Gallup Strengths coach. “Probably most importantly, I was an integral part of establishing an on-campus food pantry,” says Noone. “I serve as the director of the resource, coordinating volunteers, inventory, donations, and more.”

Noone says she wishes she had not waited so long between earning a bachelor’s degree and returning for a master’s and encourages other adult learners not to wait. She has taken her own advice and is pursuing a Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership, Learning, and Innovation at Wilmington University.


Aaron Alexander Uses His MBA to Succeed in His Civilian Career

After spending 10 years in the nuclear Navy sector, Aaron Alexander, of Saratoga Springs, New York, decided to transition to the civilian sector. To do so, he knew he needed to pursue his higher education. His superior officers told him to “get it done” when it came to his education and to use his GI Bill® benefits to go back to school. With their encouragement, he decided to attend Excelsior College and earned his combined Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering Technology and Master of Business Administration in 2019.

Support System:
His wife
In His Free Time:
Studies Austrian economics
Secret Talent:
Making balloon animals

Alexander joined the Navy as an advanced engineman but after taking the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test and scoring high, his superiors recommended he go into the nuclear program. His background in nuclear technology allowed him to find a job in the civilian sector. He works for Global Foundries, a semiconductor manufacturing company, as a module section manager. In this position, he oversees a team of 22 technicians and engineers. He used to work 12–13-hour shifts, four days a week in the engineering department, but his job now is more manager-oriented. His main role is making sure everyone works together to get the job done. He says, “It’s bringing everything together to kind of accomplish one thing and keep production up.”

“I kind of want to see where else I can apply my skills and see what fits. I like figuring things out.” –Aaron Alexander

Pursuing an MBA with Excelsior helped Alexander as he transitioned into his new position. “I kind of picked up my skill set that I was learning in my MBA course and I became more appealing to the company as a manager,” he says, and adds he applies a lot of what he learned from Excelsior’s conflict management course to his supervisory role. BUS 311 Organizational Behavior also had an impact. “There were chapters in [the book] that weren’t even required reading. I read them anyway because they applied so heavily to what I was doing and leading people and understanding that aspect of the business.”

Alexander believes he is in a field that has a future full of possibilities. He believes nuclear power is misunderstood because people tend to think of disastrous events like Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. “We’ve come so far with our ability to control nuclear power safely, just in the past 10, 15, 20 years, that it’s got to be a part of our energy future,” he says.

Returning to school has allowed Alexander to thrive in his career and now he tells others, especially servicemembers, to go back to school, too. “Jump in and do it as soon as you can,” he says, adding that his only regret is that he waited longer than he should have to earn his degrees.

Alexander hopes to become a leader in the field one day and may add to his resume by pursuing Project Management Professional certification and taking the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam in the industrial and systems, mechanical, or other disciplines category. He isn’t ruling out going back to school or possibly becoming a teacher in the future either, because he likes to see what’s out there. “I kind of want to see where else I can apply my skills and see what fits. I like figuring things out,” he says.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at benefits.va.gov/gibill/.


Preparing for and Pursuing Careers in the Cannabis Industry

As states around the country open and expand their cannabis markets, the types of jobs that licensed businesses need to fill have diversified. Accordingly, these businesses have had to expand their search parameters to include the many qualified candidates who come to them from outside the cannabis industry. As a result, job seekers have had to change their typical job search strategies to look for and apply to these kinds of jobs.

According to Candice Miles, senior recruiting manager at coNectar Recruiting, a recruiting, staffing, and payroll agency focused on providing growth solutions to the cannabis and hemp industries, while the cannabis industry is still in its infancy, sales will be a huge area for jobs, from outside sales representatives all the way up to senior leadership.  Then, as companies start to grow, they will hire human resources, compliance, finance, and accounting staff. “Oftentimes, what I think might be at the forefront of what you should put into a company doesn’t come until after the sales start coming in,” says Miles. “The employee count starts growing and they realize, ‘Now we need HR, now we need our finance department.’”

The timing for adding these roles can also vary based on the size of the company. Regardless of timing and company size, Miles foresees compliance as another area where qualified candidates will be in high demand. As companies and markets mature, she says, there will still be a huge need for sales reps, similar to as in the alcohol industry. Since a big part of both industries is getting products on shelves, a strong sales team will always be important. Beyond that, a company will need to hire for the other types of “classic” roles in a corporate office. According to Miles, “there’s a big need in marketing, on the social media side and in branding and content creation, which is tricky for cannabis because there are so many regulations as to how it can be advertised, where, and what can be said.”

One area many cannabis job seekers may not have considered, and one in which Miles foresees growth over the next five years, is laboratories. “You see different products on the shelves— those came from research and development in the lab. But also, they are just exploring what can be done with cannabis on the medicinal side and beyond, and the more legalization changes, the more opportunities there are to explore what cannabis can do. Cannabis labs are huge, and they’re hiring, too.” Testing labs, in-house product development and quality assurance labs, and research facilities need support at all levels, from entry-level lab techs to lab analysts, chemists, scientists, and lab directors.

So how can professionals prepare for and pursue these careers? Miles encourages anyone interested in the cannabis industry to do as much research as possible. A career-switcher looking to enter the industry should identify their background and then look for bridges to the industry from there. This can be done by learning as much about cannabis as possible while leveraging relatable experiences. Career-switcher candidates should target companies that are open to applicants with diverse backgrounds, as well as positions that benefit from having an outsider. For example, many cannabis companies look outside the industry for finance and accounting professionals for both their experience and their accountability.

As a cannabis recruiter, Miles has reviewed countless resumes for job-seekers, and even provides samples for candidates who are struggling to land a position. She says that while it is always dependent on the job you’re looking for, there are a few things candidates can do to improve their resumes. “If you’re applying for a job within cannabis and you have cannabis experience, you definitely want to make that very easy to see on your resume.”. If an applicant is new to the industry, they should make sure their resume matches the job by looking for applicable key words that could be included in their resume. For example, if an open job description includes “cannabis product inventory” and the candidate has done “inventory” in an unrelated field, they should make sure this experience is clearly presented on their resume so it stands out for those reviewing resumes.

Finally, Miles reminds job seekers that networking is a crucial tool for professionals trying to enter the cannabis industry. “Networking, when you’re looking for any employment, is huge, and even in working with a recruiter, we can help be that warm introduction.” Ultimately, Miles says that if you have the passion for working in the cannabis industry, you should pursue it.

Are you passionate or curious about a career in the cannabis industry? Excelsior College is preparing professional-level students for these roles by offering a 9-credit graduate certificate in cannabis control. Learn more on our website.