Honor Societies at Excelsior

Excelsior is proud of our high-achieving students whose academic excellence inspires everyone to reach their goals. We host several chapters of national honor societies to recognize achievement both generally, and within specific programs. Eligible students are automatically invited to apply and are inducted annually.

Membership in Alpha Nu Sigma, an affiliate honor society of the American Nuclear Society recognizes the high scholarship, integrity, and potential achievement in the applied nuclear science and nuclear engineering of those students.

Who is eligible:

Members of Alpha Nu Sigma are selected from juniors and seniors in the top 25 and 33 percent, respectively, of their class in Excelsior University’s BS Nuclear Engineering Technology and BPT Nuclear Technology degree programs.

ANS National Honor Society Charter

Learn more about the American Nuclear Society

Alpha Nu Sigma

The Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society’s purpose is to recognize academically outstanding students in higher education. Alpha Sigma Lambda is recognized as the official honor society for adult learners by the Association of College Honor Societies. Every year, undergraduate students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are inducted into Excelsior’s Sigma Zeta chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda.

Who is eligible:

Members of Alpha Sigma Lambda are selected from the top 20 percent of students with a GPA greater than 3.5 who have earned a minimum number of credits at Excelsior, including credits in the arts and sciences.

Learn more about Alpha Sigma Lambda

Alpha Sigma Lambda logo

Excelsior University has been chartered as the Zeta Chi Chapter of Alpha Delta Nu. This honor society recognizes Excelsior associate degree nursing students who demonstrate academic excellence and professionalism. Eligible students are invited to join as provisional members and gain full membership upon graduation. The induction ceremony takes place around the time of Commencement.

Who is eligible:
At the completion of NUR 109:
  • Students must have earned a grade of B or better in each nursing course without a previous course failure.
  • Students must have demonstrated conduct within the online classroom and in the clinical areas that reflects integrity and professionalism.
  • Students must participate in and complete an educational or recruitment project prior to induction.
Organization for Associate Degree Nursing Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society

Sigma Beta Delta was established to honor students who have attained superior records in business programs in schools and colleges with regional accreditation. It has been an American collegiate tradition for over 200 years.

Who is eligible:

To be eligible for Sigma Beta Delta, a business student must rank in the upper 20 percent of the junior, senior, or master’s class and be invited to become a member by the faculty officers.

Learn more about Sigma Beta Delta

Sigma Beta Delta logo

Tau Kappa-At-Large, Excelsior University’s chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, honors baccalaureate and graduate nursing students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship and nurse leaders exhibiting exceptional achievements in their field. Invitations to join Tau Kappa-at-Large are sent in early Spring each year prior to graduation. The induction ceremony takes place around the time of commencement.

Who is eligible:

The complete student membership criteria is available on the Sigma website.

Learn more about Excelsior’s Tau Kappa-At-Large chapter

Sigma Theta Tau seal

The mission of UPE is to recognize academic excellence at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in the Computing and Information Disciplines and to encourage these students’ contribution to the enhancement of knowledge.

Who is eligible:

To be invited to apply, undergraduate and graduate students must rank in the upper 35% of the class. Candidates will have completed 45 (undergraduate) semester hours of college work or at least one half of the number of semester hours of graduate work.

Learn more about Upsilon Pi Epsilon

Upsilon Pi Epsilon logo