Master of Science in Human Resource Management with an Emphasis in Diversity and Technology

Master of Science in Human Resource Management with an Emphasis in Diversity and Technology

Master of Science in Human Resource Management with an Emphasis in Diversity and Technology

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Lead Strategically with an MS in Human Resource Management with an Emphasis in Diversity and Technology

100% Online Learning

Excelsior University’s online Master of Science in Human Resource Management with an Emphasis in Diversity and Technology program gives you specialized knowledge to lead organizations through complex challenges associated with all functions of human resources, including recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisals, health and safety, labor relations, and communications, especially with a distributed workforce.

This program is especially developed for professionals who want to contribute to the success of organizations by improving the performance, motivation, satisfaction, health, and well-being of distributed staff. You’ll gain practical knowledge you can use right away as you develop professional experience through a curriculum based on legal, management, and social science research.

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Online MS in Human Resource Management with an Emphasis in Diversity and Technology

  • Major Core30 Credits

Master of Science in Human Resource Management with an Emphasis in Diversity and Technology

  • Year 1 - Term 1
    • The interdisciplinary course will develop highly effective transformational leaders in their respective professions who formulate sustainable, ethically sound solutions to practical management problems encountered in a complex global environment. Students will learn how to set direction and work with multiple constituencies with divergent needs through an ethical lens that includes social responsibility and the intersections of diversity, culture, and environment, and how these differences affect best practices in management in their disciplines.
      Credit Hours
      Zero Textbook Cost
      Major Requirement
    • The interdisciplinary Leadership and Talent Management course will enable students to acquire the skills necessary to strategically lead decisively across all functions in organizations, including recruitment and selection of employees, training and development, performance apprais- als, health and safety, labor relations, and change management. Students will be introduced to lead- ership and talent management within and across disciplines and apply strategies to the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. This course will integrate legal, management, and social science research with an action learning-based approach to executive-level leadership education. Students will have the opportunity to apply these skills through their own disciplinary lenses and will gain an in-depth understanding of how these skills are applied in other disciplines.
      Credit Hours
      Zero Textbook Cost
      Major Requirement
  • Year 1 - Term 2
    • This course is an interdisciplinary approach to research methods and is designed to provide students with an introduction to statistical theory and practice. Students will learn how to research a current issue and interpret statistics for the fields of criminal justice, business, health sciences and public administration, assuming leadership roles in their discipline.
      Credit Hours
      Zero Textbook Cost
      Major Requirement
    • During the last two years​, ​the world has seen unprecedented growth in distributed employees as a consequence of COVID-19. Distributed workforces use a variety of telecommunication networks and tools to establish connectivity as well as provide organizational policies and procedures, email​, and interactive meetings. Distributed teams encompass organizations that (1) offer flexible work arrangements and whose employees work out of home offices rather than on-site​; and (2) have employees who are geographically distant. Employers have acknowledged that managing distributed employees is different than managing employees on-site, noting ​that it is difficult to keep employees engaged and connected. Thus, distributed workplaces have created challenges to organizational behavior. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that the need for managers who know how to manage distributed employees is growing at a faster-than-average rate. Research has suggested that when strategically planned and implemented, distributed work programs increase productivity, increase job satisfaction, increase loyalty, ease work-life integration​, and reduce employee stress and burnout. This course will offer management and leadership strategies that will contribute to the success of organizations, including distributed organizations. You will discover how individual differences impact organizations, learn how to apply management and leadership skills to specific situations, apply proper business ethics, and examine how culture plays a role in today s global business world.
      Credit Hours
      Major Requirement
  • Year 1 - Term 3
    • Improve your ability to communicate effectively by learning how to write for different audiences, how to create different types of documents, and how to produce verbal and visual presentations. Instruction covers computer-mediated communication, annual reports, management and business reports, methods of inquiry, nonverbal communication, intercultural communication, listening techniques, conflict management, negotiation, meeting management, formal presentations, networking, and interviewing skills.
      Credit Hours
      Major Requirement
    • Each year, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reports the number of complaints of harassment and discrimination they receive due to protected categories, including: national origin, race, color, sex, genetic information, sexual harassment, age, disability, pregnancy, and retaliation. These complaints were not successfully resolved by employers. This course explores the way legislation directs and regulates the relationship between an employer and employee. Students will examine how legal principles relate to the organizations in which employees function. In addition, this course will address legal issues in non-profits and entrepreneurial firms. Students will also learn how to investigate complaints properly, as well as engage in preventative measures for harassment and discrimination.
      Credit Hours
      Zero Textbook Cost
      Major Requirement
  • Year 1 - Term 4
    • This course will cover key principles and practices in staffing and employee development. The course curriculum focus is on interdependence of effective organizational performance with proper staffing including recruiting and selection function, and proper assessment of personnel and employment training involved in human resource management.

      Credit Hours
      Zero Textbook Cost
      Major Requirement
    • Henry Ford is credited with saying: "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." Teamwork plays a critical role in organizational success. Teamwork is important in organizations because it offers employees opportunities to collaborate with each other and thus improve their communication, social support, respect, trust and working relations. In addition, teamwork brings together diverse employees; consequently, stereotypes about diverse groups are replaced with realities. Collaborating on various projects enables employees to share responsibilities; every employee has a role that suits their expertise. Since 2020 the world has seen an unprecedented growth in distributed employees as a consequence of COVID-19. Distributed workforces use a variety of telecommunication networks and tools to establish connectivity as well as provide organizational policies and procedures, email and interactive meetings. Distributed teams encompass organizations that (1) offer flexible work arrangements and whose employees work out of home offices rather than on site and (2) have employees who are geographically distant. Employers have acknowledged that managing distributed employees is different than managing employees on site, noting it is difficult to keep employees engaged and connected. This course will provide an overview of managing virtual teams, including managing global teams. We will address conflict management, performance issues, knowledge sharing and data analytics for virtual teams.
      Credit Hours
      Zero Textbook Cost
      Major Requirement
  • Year 1 - Term 5
    • Research has indicated that employee training is important in an organization because it allows employees to improve their skills and improve the quality of work they are providing to the organization. Furthermore, training is an essential part of every employer s safety and health program. Training protects employees from work-related injuries, but also improves productivity, performance, and morale. In addition, training in equal employment opportunity, including sexual harassment and race discrimination, is also required by law. In 2020 the world has seen an unprecedented growth in distributed employees as a consequence of COVID-19. Distributed workforces use a variety of telecommunication networks and tools to establish connectivity as well as provide organizational policies and procedures, email and interactive meetings. Distributed teams encompass organizations that (1) offer flexible work arrangements and whose employees work out of home offices rather than on site and (2) have employees who are geographically distant. This course will provide an overview of facilitating training programs in a virtual environment. We will address adult learning principles involved in the design of virtual training, strategies for engaging employees during training, the use of training methods for synchronous and asynchronous learning, and ways to assess the effectiveness of the training program.
      Credit Hours
      Zero Textbook Cost
      Major Requirement
  • Year 1 - Term 6
    • This Capstone course for the MS in Human Resource Management with a Distributed Workforce Emphasis is the culmination of the degree program. This graduate degree program, based on the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Competency Model, will train you to strategically lead decisively across all functions of human resources in organizations, including recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisals, health and safety, labor relations, and communications. In this course you will be able to apply the advanced theoretical and practical knowledge attained throughout the Masters Program in Human Resource Management. In addition, you will demonstrate your understanding of the legal and human resource dimensions of organizations, including distributed workplaces, through analysis as well as integrate communication and leadership skills for remote employees. This capstone course provides you with opportunities to define, analyze and apply human resource theories and models to resolve complex organizational problems. You will learn strategic objectives to enhance organizational performance.
      Capstone is the last course taken, and all major core courses must be completed prior to beginning the capstone. Students can only take an elective or concentration course with the capstone.
      Credit Hours
      Major Requirement

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Large group of graduates at commencement ceremony
When comparing online education paths, like Excelsior, to the large nationally known university I attended, my journey has been superior and exceeded my expectations by far.

Merideth Sweeney
Master’s Graduate, 2021

Middle States Commission on Higher Education logo

Institutional Accreditation

Excelsior University is an accredited institution and a member of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE or the Commission) Excelsior University’s accreditation status is accreditation reaffirmed. The Commission’s most recent action on the institution’s accreditation status on June 23, 2022 was to reaffirm accreditation. MSCHE is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education to conduct accreditation and pre-accreditation (candidate status) activities for institutions of higher education including distance, correspondence education, and direct assessment programs offered at those institutions. The Commission’s geographic area of accrediting activities is throughout the United States.

All of Excelsior University’s academic programs are registered (i.e., approved) by the New York State Education Department.


With this degree, you can pursue positions that leverage your expertise in diversity practices and HR technology, such as diversity and inclusion manager, talent acquisition specialist, HR technology consultant, employee experience manager, learning and development manager, and compensation analyst.

The MS in Human Resource Management with an Emphasis in Diversity and Technology equips you with a deep understanding of employment laws, recruitment strategies, training development, and organizational culture, allowing you to actively implement policies and practices that promote equality and inclusivity for all employees across different backgrounds and identities.

In addition to learning to interpret complex data to support strategic HR decision-making, you will gain the skills to use the latest technologies and best practices in developing strong interdepartmental teams and relationships.

In modern human resource management, technology allows HR professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives like talent development and employee engagement by helping to automate repetitive tasks, streamlining processes like recruitment and onboarding, providing data for informed decision-making, and enabling efficient workforce management.