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Online BS in Nuclear Engineering Technology
Responsive to industry needs and trends, the fully online Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering Technology prepares students for technical positions in the nuclear industry. Keep up-to-date on your skills with 100% online nuclear engineering courses and instructional faculty who have years of industry experience.
Accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, the online program maps easily to U.S. Navy experience and the experiences of those already working in the nuclear industry. The program provides knowledge in areas such as reactor operations, health physics, quality assurance, chemistry, and instrumentation and control related to nuclear engineering technology field. Students choose between two technical concentrations that prepare them for positions in high-demand job areas, or pursue the general option that gives them the opportunity to design a study plan that aligns with their career goals.
General Concentration, Nuclear Cybersecurity, and Nuclear Leadership
Fast Facts:
Nuclear worker salaries are 36% higher than the average local salary (Source: Nuclear Energy Institute)
The average median salary for a nuclear engineer is $105,810 (Source: BLS)
The benefits of a four-year college degree are equivalent to an investment that returns 15.2% per year (Source: Brookings Institute)
credit hours
Online BS in Nuclear Engineering Technology. Program Details
- Cornerstone Course
- Humanities
- Ethics
- Communications
- Written English Requirement
- Additional credits to complete this requirement
- Humanities Electives
- Social Sciences/History
- Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- Natural science
- Chemistry (with lab)
- Physics I and II (with labs)
- Atomic Physics
- Nuclear Physics
- Thermodynamics (with lab)
- Math
- Calculus I
- Calculus II
- Additional credits to complete this requirement
- Natural science
- Arts and Sciences Electives
Core Nuclear Engineering Science and Technology Courses
Introduction to Computers
Students gain fundamental knowledge of the computer system and its components, including computer hardware and architecture, application software, operating systems, networks, and the Internet. Advanced topics such as information privacy and security, database and data warehouse, data mining, and legal, ethical, and privacy issues in the information technology field are also introduced. Additionally, students will participate in learning activities to develop the needed skills to work with Microsoft Office suite.
Project Management
This course is designed to train students in the principles of project management and application of project management techniques. Students study the skills required of a project manager as well as learn the methodologies, tools and processes used to succeed in this field. Project management techniques learned in this course are applied in project-based learning activities in the nuclear engineering technology courses, including the capstone.
Health Physics and Radiation Protection
This course provides a fundamental grounding in the theory and principles of radiation protection relevant to nuclear power plant operations and design considerations in radiation protection equipment.
Radiation Measurement Lab
This course provides a fundamental rounding in practical aspects of detection and measurement of radiation and radioactive contamination relevant to nuclear power plant operations.
Introduction to Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics
This course provides a grounding in the fundamental principles of heat, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics, as they apply to power plant operation. While designed to meet the requirements of the Nuclear Uniform Curriculum Program, specifically Section 1.1.5 Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow of ACAD 08-006 for Non-Licensed Nuclear Operators, this course has broad applicability for anyone interested in power plant technology, regardless the heat source used.
Electrical Theory
This is a basic course covering the theory of electrical circuits and electronic control components used in the nuclear power plant: AC and DC current, voltage, capacitance, inductance, energy, power, Kirchhoff’s laws, loop and nodal analysis, linear voltage-current characteristics, digital logic gates; voltage regulation and amplification using diodes, transistors, and operational amplifiers; transformers, and DC and AC motor operations.
Power Plant Components
This course covers the theory, construction and application of mechanical components such as (but not limited to): air compressors, heat exchangers and condensers, pumps, filtration systems, valves, and turbines. It also covers the theory, construction, and application of the following as used in the industry: diesel engines, air conditioning, refrigeration, heating and ventilation systems, generators, electrical equipment, valve actuators and electronics and other systems and processes that are plant specific.
Fundamentals of Reactor Safety
This course provides an overview of nuclear reactor plant safety design topics, including basic concepts relating to regulatory requirements, reactor plant safety analysis, reactor protection systems, plant procedural structure, and emergency planning. Additionally, the course explores significant industry events, including those at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima, as well as the impact of the 9/11 terrorism event. Course subject matter will reference the Pressurized Water Reactor nuclear plant design.
Material Science
Students learn how materials are used in nuclear engineering applications. Topics include basic nuclear plant operation overview, atomic bonding, crystalline and noncrystalline structures, diffusion, mechanical and thermal behavior, failure analysis and prevention, structural materials, ceramics, corrosion, radiation effects on materials, material commonly used in reactor core and nuclear plant design, and material problems associated with reactor core operation.
Reactor Core Fundamentals
The basics of neutron chain reaction systems are explored in this course. Topics include neutron cross sections, flux, reaction rates, fission processes, neutron production, neutron multiplication, six-factor formula, reactivity, subcritical multiplication, prompt and delayed neutron fractions, reactor period, reactivity coefficients, control rod worth, and fission product poisons.
Plant Systems Overview
This course provides an overview of the design, layout, and function of all major systems associated with the two nuclear power plant designs typically used for U.S. power production: pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR). The approach to the course is to build a power plant system by system. Content covers major system components, controls, and their design features, and emphasizes the systems’ interconnection and functions. Systems are grouped/classified regarding their use and characteristics, e.g. production vs. safety, primary (nuclear interface) vs. balance of plant, active vs. passive. PWR and BWR simulation learning tools are utilized to apply and reinforce course material through dynamic learning activities.
Integrated Technology Assessment (Capstone)
This capstone course integrates all fields of nuclear engineering technology. Students draw on their knowledge of nuclear engineering technology and competencies to analyze reactor plant scenarios. The purpose of the course is to integrate the learning achieved in individual nuclear engineering technology courses taken, evaluated industry training, and naval nuclear power training to earn a nuclear engineering technology degree. The knowledge and competencies acquired in natural sciences, health physics and radiation protection, thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid flows, reactor core fundamentals, and plant systems overview are utilized to study the principles in nuclear engineering technology. A comprehensive examination tests the student’s mastery of these background subjects. Students participate in a reactor plant simulation experience that requires considering multiple theoretical concepts and applying those concepts to plant applications. An individual capstone project and a watch team capstone project are developed, presented, and defended in an online seminar.
Nuclear Engineering Technology Electives
Apply electives from nuclear and related subject areas to complete the technology component requirement.
Laboratory Requirement
Students must complete five labs in the following areas:
- Physics I
- Physics II
- Chemistry
- Radiation Measurement
- Thermodynamics
General Concentration
Students selecting the general concentration can customize their experience by choosing free electives in any field of college study, including in professional or technical subjects and arts and sciences. A minimum of 16 credits must be completed, to include information literacy.
Nuclear Cybersecurity
This concentration emphasizes the concepts associated with governance, legal, and compliance of cybersecurity in the nuclear industry. Students gain foundational knowledge of cybersecurity and the impacts of cyber attacks on nuclear facilities, and are prepared to accept cybersecurity positions within the nuclear industry. A minimum of 16 credits must be completed in this area, to include these requirements:
- Overview of Computer Security
- Governance, Legal, and Compliance
- Cybersecurity Defense in Depth for the Nuclear Industry
- Business Continuity
- Cybersecurity Investigation and Case Studies for the Nuclear Industry
- Information Literacy
Nuclear Leadership
This concentration emphasizes topics such as business leadership, organizational behavior, change management, leadership communications, and leadership courage/risk management, this concentration prepares graduates to take on leadership roles within the nuclear industry. A minimum of 16 credits must be completed in this area, to include these requirements:
- Organizational Behavior
- Business Leadership
- Leading Change in the Nuclear Industry
- Leadership Communications in the Nuclear Industry
- Leadership Courage/Risk Management
- INL 102 Information Literacy
- Apply general and discipline-specific concepts and methodologies to identify, analyze, and solve technical problems in the nuclear discipline, including understanding and addressing the societal and institutional issues related to nuclear technology.
- Demonstrate an individual desire and commitment to remain technically current with, and adaptive to, changing technologies through continuous learning and self-improvement.
- Demonstrate independent thinking, function effectively in team-oriented settings, and maintain a high level of performance in a professional/industrial environment.
- Communicate effectively in a professional/industrial environment, including communicating effectively to stakeholders external to the nuclear industry.
- Perform ethically and professionally in business, industry, and society.
- Demonstrate and utilize leadership principles in the field of nuclear engineering technology.
Learn more about this program’s student outcomes, enrollment, and graduation data.
2023 Academic Year
New Enrollments: 331
Graduations: 185
View our catalog for additional information.
Common Careers with an
Online BS in Nuclear Engineering Technology.

- Power Systems Operator
- Operations Manager
- Engineering Project Manager
- Reliability Engineer
- Nuclear Technician
- Critical Facilities Control Technician
Explore Common Careers

Garrison Morgan
BS in Nuclear Engineering Technology (BSNET), 2022
Recognitions & Accreditations
ABET Accreditation
Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering Technology accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org, under the commission’s General Criteria and Program Criteria for Nuclear Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs.
Institutional Accreditation
Excelsior University is an accredited institution and a member of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE or the Commission) www.msche.org. Excelsior University’s accreditation status is accreditation reaffirmed. The Commission’s most recent action on the institution’s accreditation status on June 23, 2022 was to reaffirm accreditation. MSCHE is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education to conduct accreditation and pre-accreditation (candidate status) activities for institutions of higher education including distance, correspondence education, and direct assessment programs offered at those institutions. The Commission’s geographic area of accrediting activities is throughout the United States.
All of Excelsior University’s academic programs are registered (i.e., approved) by the New York State Education Department.