ACE/Credly Transcripts

Students who completed any non-Military coursework and/or training that has been evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE) for credits must request a copy of their transcript from Credly. For directions on how to request your ACE/Credly transcript, please visit this link: Students using Accredible will log into their credential wallet and click More>Transcript Letter which will appear at the bottom of their credential.

Transcripts should be sent to

Talk to an admissions counselor about your goals and transfer credits

Guillermo Rincon, BS in Liberal Arts – 2020
Started With 32 Credits
“Excelsior really helped me in that aspect—the credit banking [OneTranscript]—they took my college experience, my experience from the police academy and converted it to college credits. And then when you combine it, you know, I had enough to make lieutenant.”